COVID hospitalizations are at the highest point since January, especially in Southern states including Alabama, which has run out of ICU beds.
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COVID hospitalizations are at the highest point since January, especially in Southern states including Alabama, which has run out of ICU beds.
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#ABCNews #COVID19 #Alabama #DeltaVariant
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I love the South but this hill is not really one to die on. Southerners are wonderful people but rejecting vaccines simply because Biden is a turd is not a good idea.
In a State where intestinal parasites are common is it any surprise that they have their heads so squarely up their arses?
The whole it's our choice if we die we die excuse is getting old quick !!
Even if your vaccinated that selfish ignorant asshat can kill you not just by spreading COVID! Get it a bad crash ? Have a heart attack? .. good luck hope there is a Ambulance and ICU bed free for you ! No ventilators left? Antivaxxers took them all ? Sorry grandma! Wife slowly dying of a survivable brain bleed because the ER wait is so long and the scanners need deep cleaning after that COVID patient ! Oops your disabled brother fell and broke his hip because there aren't enough staff to safely watch patients due to all the COVID patients ! Ah sorry you missed the birth of your baby nobody other than mom is allowed in because of the COVID patients …hopefully your baby doesn't need NICU care all the anti vaccine families innocent kids are fighting for life ! Food gob you god that top shelf insurance for your asthmatic son but he's going to have to sit in the cold parking garage alone with a O2 bottle for 7 hrs hopefully he doesn't die out there ! Ah it's a good job we caught your lump early we can trea…..Oh we have no theatre slots for two months ! I hope it doesn't Metastasise in the mean time of you are dead !
Children and vulnerably ill people don't have a choice in getting the vaccine they rely on the belief civilianisation cares about them but guess not! What about the mental and physical health of the nurses saving your ungrateful asses day in day out their life long career is over and they are left broken ..we don't look after the mentally scared veterans we already have! Healthcare professionals will be chucked on the scrap heap too! I hope you love huge tax increases to pay for this mess !
So perfectly healthy people can CHOOSE to risk death not just for them but children and the vulnerable but cancer patients dying slowly in agony can't choose to die ?? If this is "freedom" in the "greatest country" in the world ..take me to Kazakhstan and lock me up!
Hope you don't have a car accident, or have a heart attack in Alabama right now because some conspiracy theorist has taken your bed.
And this is why anti vaxxers should not be given priority treatment when
they go to the ER – they're willfully ignorant, selfish, and don't care
that they are overloading the healthcare system making it difficult for
people who have emergency issues other than covid to get treatment.
Wow mask is important guys. Regrets later 😂
ignorance WOW
Lots of sociopaths in the comments. Why do so many of the vaxxed have violent ideation? Showing joy at the idea of others suffering and dying? Mental illness…
Didn't the US get all the vaccines first than everyone else ??? WTF ???
CERTAINLY not traveling to the US now.
This is a direct cause of sending our children back to school and you’re not protecting them properly this virus is being spread through the schools then to the greater community
Spread the word
Don’t really feel bad for them
My wife is an ER nurse. The reason the ICU beds are 'full' in our region is a large number of nurses have resigned due to vaccine mandates. The beds are there. Just no nurses to tend them. Thats is the fact in Minnesota, North and South Dakota
So nice to see so many people who are now pro choice
GO AWAY‼ Total fake news BS lies and propaganda.🤬
Screw Pfizer and the criminal revolving door FDA‼
More vaccinated people, more hospitalized people? How doest that makes sense?
Libspergs actually believe this propaganda ðŸ˜â€ÂÂ
Get Vaxxed!! President Trump Did!!
The thumbnail, WTF!
I really dont understand why people are getting mad about having to take measures to keep from dying. Roll out those fabricated morgue trailers! Roll 'em on out! You've got every right not to get vaccinated but God help us, you might also die with your rights too.
If only our borders and the influx of cases were top news…
Those ICU beds, What percentage of them are Covid patients?
Not surprising! Mostly Alabamans are anti-vaccine, now they'll suffer for their stupidity. Thanks to their former idiot president, president Trump. I can't believe this people existed who defy science and rather die than save their family.
Wheres all the "fakeshift" field hospitals they put up last year??
Ya sure
Just amazing watching all these people suffer with covid infection when all they had to do was get the DAM SHOT ! Go ahead don't wear the dam mask or get the vaccine….but don't cry when you or your children are laying in the hospital or worst yet , can't even get a hospital bed due to out of them !
Lies, complete false hoods. Media pushes fear porn for ratimgs
It's the SOUTH,"….not much thinking there !
What’s wrong with all the other 200-500 non ICU beds in the hospital? Covid is very serious, but most of the time, needs can be met in Non ICU beds.
Triage. Triage. Triage. Unvaccinated with covid are moved to the back (except for the little ones) and those who are vaccinated and need medical care come first.
Mission accomplished.
Alabama aint your sky daddy coming to the rescue… stupid dumbos your sky daddy aint coming to the rescue… so get your goddamn vaccine..😂😂😂
When the grim reaper comes knocking on the door, all the unvaccinated rush to the hospital. Lol
If the hospital is able to save their life, the resulting hospital bill will definitely kill them.
Fake news!!
The Karma Reaper has Spoken Ladies and Gentlemen and George Carlin Knew one day we would face a modern day Hitler like Trump and his Nazi Republican Party AKa The Big Club trying to turn are Country into Nazi Germany and use a pandemic to wipe us off the face of the map since memorial day weekend of 2020 when Trump decided it was a good idea to open the country up in the middle of the worst pandemic in Modern History that's killed over 640,000 Men Woman and Child of America and infected over 37 million of us for the biggest Lie in American history to protect the Big Nazi Wallstreet Swamp Tyrant Club and let them get rich off the pandemic and the sick and the suffering for over 800 billion dollars now Trump and his Nazi GOP Party and other new American War Criminals like Florida governor Death Santis and Abbot governor of texas and Conspiracy nut jobs like Ms Space Lazer Greene and Sex Trafficker Gatez rather protect the stock market and kill America it's people and way of life than admit when they were wrong and botched the worst Health Economic Housing Homeless and World Crisis in Modern History from the start and continues to use Toxic Media stations like Fox news with racist and hateful and lieing parasites like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hanity to keep spreading poison in are children's brains to believe the Big Lie made to do one thing destroy democracy and America from the inside out and turn the American People against each other until a civil war breaks out and Trump and his Wallstreet swamp Nazi Minions can throw are Constitutional law out like Hitler did in germany and take over and turn are once wonderful and free country into the New Nazi Germany of the 21st Century where there's only Rich Wallstreet Swamp Big Club and no rules and no law and order just pure hell on Earth 🌎 where no one is safe anymore and dieing off from a new super virus that started out as covid-19 years ago but people like Trump and his Nazi GOP Party got what they want so now we're screwed and there's no more hope for the human race
Fucking dumbasses, save those ICU beds for people that get into situations outside of their control.
Sounds like more of the never ending FAKE News to me.
Did these quack doctors run out of Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin?
Start treating people and stop worrying about the FAKE vaccine.
This is what hate looks like 😳
You said they ran out of ICU beds and separately mention COVID 19 ss though to make them related. ICU often run low on ICU beds on any given day due to medical cardiac emergencies combined with life threatening accidents and pneumonia. Rhe hospital wouldn't ethically tell you some specifics because of HIPAA regulations, privacy laws.
Greetings from Malaysia.Mask up & get vaccinated.Covid 19 will find you,so don't be dumb.God Bless!