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By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Alabama abortion ban, Trump to unveil immigration plan, NYC Mayor de Blasio running for president”
  1. These hypocrites have a culture of being more sympathetic towards a dog's life than they care about the quality of life for minorities. Now they want to enact laws against abortion, talking about all life is precious in the eyes of their $God$. But let's see if they keep their humanity when it comes down to helping those baby mamas take care of her prenatal needs and her toddler until the kid's big enough to fend for itself. And since the children are so innocent, let the government pay child support and healthcare and any other subsidies until that child is legally an adult. And I hope all of the future pregnant women go on a labor strike and refuse to work while they are with child and they don't entrust these daycare institutions with their babies.

  2. Totally stupid. There are going to be many more abandoned babies, babies dumped in the system because they were not wanted, women taking desperate measures to cause a miscarriage, etc. Were going backwards a hundred years

  3. Alabama governor looks like Madalyn O'Hair, activist who got prayer taken out of the schools. Abortion rights signed into law.🤔…I'm not condoning abortion 'just because', but for a woman's health…rape…incest!!
    God where are you?

  4. Bamers 😂 lol. They fight hard to stay in the rear. Roll Tide! On top of your cousin lol.

  5. “Mark my word, when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me.
    Politics and governing demand compromise. But these evangelicals believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise.”
    The GOP went wrong when they became the party of God. (Thus becoming the American Hezbollah.) No compromise. Stand on principle. Claim to have God's blessings. Attack your opponents as doing evil.
    It started when the evangelicals took over and it's only gotten worse. Add in a 24-hour-a-day outrages conspiracy machine like FOX Entertainment Network, Rush Limbaugh and you have the recipe for the rise of Trump. FOX News was created to keep the base angry – and they're good at that. Angry conned people get out to vote."

  6. So tired of this country worrying about immigrants and other countries we have our own problems right here. We can't just go over to there country and do what we want to do.

  7. The large number of presidential candidates is going to ruin any chance the democrats had of retaking the presidency in 2020. The primary often leaves voters bitter and unwilling to vote for the 'other candidate'. With so many choices this effect will be magnified. Add on top of this that the DNC has refused to hold debates on FOX. That means that they are limiting their audience to people who would probably vote (D) anyhow.. Huge mistake in my opinion.

  8. 1st inmate: why you in here!?!
    2nd inmate: i was texting while crossing the street
    2nd inmate: why r you in here!?!
    1st inmate: well cause Im a serial killer
    2nd inmate: Guard!! Guard!!

  9. The Conservatives say that we should get the government off our our backs, that should apply to getting them off the women's bodies as well. 😡

  10. The government, clergy, should have no right to dictate policy on women's health. Women should have the right to determine their own choice what is best for them. 😐

  11. So when is the government going to start telling men what to do with their bodies!?! Women dont get pregnant by themselves so where are the laws or healthcare or medicine that stops men from getting women pregnant!?! Where's all the laws for mandatory vasectomies, laws forcing men to wear condoms or the laws for mandatory birth control pills for men!?! Ill wait…………… answer yeah thats what i thought so stop telling women what they should n shouldnt what they can n cant do with their bodies! Mind yall own business n worry bout your own business n stop meddling in other people's lives!

  12. Lol at the abortion fight to 'save the unborn,' while the gods work diligently to kill the living in the south in the current year.

  13. Why are we now coming to realization that abortion is murder period!!! Its a womans responsibility to take care of the future of the ppl and they need guidance indeed I believe this is the right steps. If you don't wanna be a female you got options!! When it comes to existence of our human race its bigger than you and what you think you should have control of.. You don't!!!! Love this bill!!!!

  14. Is it really life? Technically sperm is a living organism too. Is it healthy for a woman to be forced to raise a child? Is flooding adoption agencies better either? Why fight over things we don't know?

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