After Russias attack, is diplomacy still possible?

After Russias attack, is diplomacy still possible?

Russian officials say Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy agreed to discuss neutrality for his country. ABC News’ MaryAlice Parks, James Longman and Aaron Katersky discuss the latest developments.

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30 thoughts on “After Russias attack, is diplomacy still possible?

  1. Remind us how all of this is Trump's fault losers! (Altogether Bull Crap network). Russian Operative. LMAO. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. We Love it. LOSERS! You are too afraid to tell real news like lying Hillary traitor and her criminal activity. You would get a lot more viewers if you told the truth. Goodby losers!

  2. The Lefty Left Marxist America Has Never Been Great Democrats/Rino's the Fake News Media and the Biden/Harris administration have betrayed America. Biden's energy policy has fueled Putin the Madman.This would never happened if Trump was still POTUS….Let's Go Brandon!…FJB👀

  3. Russia 💪💪💪💪

  4. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you"
              -Psalm  50 :15

  5. Protest about Oil prices NOT mandates and masks..

    Protest outside Oil company and Supermarket executive homes rather than US Vote officials and Fauci.

    "America stands up for freedom" J.Biden. Ask First Nations, Blacks, Latinos, Asians & Pacific Islanders if that is true.

    Clean up your own house before pointing fingers at others..

  6. Putin has taken 2 USSR states and is willing to go to war for 3..

    England took 54 countries in 1840. Will England return all the wealth they plundered ?

    America took 7 states of Mexico in 1848 California, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico & Western Colorado.

    American Republicans and MAGATs are removing Native, Black & Hispanic history from school libraries..

  7. Imagine killing dozens of people then saying “okay I’ll chill out and talk” think of how insulted the family of the killed would be

  8. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you"
              -Psalm  50 :15

  9. Democratic Nations (NATO, EU, UN) needs to grow a set of balls and send in troops to defend Ukraine. NATO can defend anyone or any country that requests help to save human lives. Do the right thing and start saving lives!!!

  10. At 4:38, Aaron Katersky actually gives some pertinent information concerning this war. The Russians have only committed a fraction of the troops they have assembled at the border. Which means this is a surgical military operation designed to neutralize opposition forces and achieve all Russian objectives with minimal civilian casualties and property damage. Ukraine is nothing to NATO. The real fear for NATO is what if Putin looks north and takes military action against Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – NATO members. This is why NATO is trying to appear unified. If the Baltic states are attacked, will all NATO member nations go to war with Russia as the agreement requires? America has been at war in the middle east for 20 years, and finally started to put an end to these wars. Are we ready to go back to war, this time with Russia, because a clause in the NATO contract says Americans have to die for Latvia? And could such a war be contained to the Baltics and not expand into a broader world war?

  11. Obama said: Never under estimate Joe's ability to F… Things Up!…None of this would be going on if Trump was still POTUS…Let's Go Brandon!…FJB💀

  12. western not helping Zelensky, “ you’re all we’ve got”. taiwan you should watch this!

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