ABC News’ Phil Lipof speaks with Roya Mahboob and Kim Motley on their efforts to evacuate the Afghan Girls Robotics team following the Taliban take over with 10 of the girls making it safely to Qatar.

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#ABCNLPrime #AfghanWomenAdvocates #AfghanGirlsRoboticsTeam #TalibanTakeOver


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Afghan women advocates: ‘Afghan women … are an economic powerhouse’”
  1. Hilarious self important feminist have no power over afghans. All afghans support taliban. That's why it fell over a weekend. They didn't want corrupt installed government… just like Americans 👍

  2. Yeah everyone who goes woke gets broke. 10 safe few I wonder how other Afghanistan woman feel. To be fair the majority of afghans support taliban. They don't want woke Americans government

  3. I’d like to know what consequences she’s actually running her mouth about. Like a 20 year war didnt just solve. It’s a failed state. The world just needs to move on without Afghanistan and keep an eye on their terrorist factions and continue to bomb their a***

  4. When the Afghan women come together the problems will be solved…
    They will never go backwards… only forward
    What do the men in Afghanistan fear from educated Afghanistan women?

  5. "Afghan women are an economic powerhouse" – yes, even under Sharia law. Slaves are profitable. As are cattle. According to the Koran, the two are equivalent.

    "The U.S. has airlifted over 13,000 people from Afghanistan so far. And we only dropped two. That's a pretty good record in my book."
    illegitimate President Joe "you ain't butterfingers" Biden

  6. O'my, even Trump wasn't this incompetent on foreign policy…..
    Is there going to be a next time with Biden? Not really, his leading role is over…..

  7. Is talieban will allow to use condoms when sec? 🙄
    Or every country dumbs president should seat on mission to do that. Tailban also should sell condom,bikini on market. 😄😄😄

  8. 1. Gavin Newsom’s Employment Development Department has sent over $30 billion in fraudulent checks to
    prison inmates and other criminals, while forcing hundreds of thousands of out-of-work Californians to wait for
    months for money they are owed.
    2. After ordering Californians to stay home and avoid social gatherings, Gavin Newsom arrogantly ignored his
    own edicts by dining with lobbyists at the French Laundry restaurant while not wearing a mask or social
    3. As Governor, Gavin Newsom has given millions of dollars in no-bid contracts to businesses that pay his wife a
    six-figure salary, a practice that government watchdogs called a clear conflict of interest.
    4. Even now after the CDC has lifted all COVID-19 restrictions, Gavin Newsom has refused to give up the
    emergency executive powers he invoked during the pandemic, allowing him to continue awarding no-bid
    multi-million dollar contracts to his biggest campaign donors.
    5. Crime is spiking in California, yet Gavin Newsom ordered the early release of 20 thousand prison inmates and
    is giving another 76 thousand the chance to leave prison before serving their full terms.
    6. Gavin Newsom cut 150 million dollars from the state’s fire protection budget and misled the public about his
    fire protection record, exaggerating by over 690% the number of acres protected under his own program and
    leaving over 78,000 acres vulnerable to devastating fires.
    7. While millions of water customers are facing severe restrictions on their personal water usage, Gavin
    Newsom’s biggest campaign donor continues to use 120 billion gallons a year – enough to supply all of the
    residents of Los Angeles and San Francisco for an entire year.
    8. Gavin Newsom allowed teachers unions, not science, to dictate when schools could reopen and whether
    students will be forced to get vaccinated or wear masks in the classroom this fall.
    9. While Gavin Newsom continues to claim that homelessness is his top priority, the problem has gotten much
    worse since he has been in office and he now wants to spend another $12 billion on new programs and says it
    will take five more years to make a dent in homelessness.
    10. Due to high taxes and fees, Californians pay over $1.20 more than the national average for a gallon of gas,
    but Gavin Newsom refused to stop or delay another gas tax increase on July 1.
    11. Gavin Newsom agreed to a secretive nearly one-billion-dollar state contract to produce face masks with a
    politically connected Chinese company. A head of the company had donated tens of thousands of dollars to
    Newsom’s campaign. Without the legislature knowing, the company was wired half a million dollars.
    12. Governor Newsom ordered ten-percent pay cuts for state workers because of the pandemic. Newsom
    promised to reduce his own pay, but broke his promise and continued to collect his full monthly salary.
    13. Companies where Governor Newsom has an ownership interest received millions of dollars from the Paycheck
    Protection Program. One of the companies is a winery that received nearly one million dollars to protect only
    14 jobs. This is more than SEVEN times the average small business loan to other California companies with a
    similar number of workers.

  9. There we go again, MSM pushing the “women and girls” narrative. If the US really cared, it would have granted asylum to all the females.

  10. Proverbs 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
    And those who love it will eat its fruit.

    James 3:5- So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things.
    See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!

    James 3:6- And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.

  11. I’m so happy to hear this!🙏🏼 I’ve been thinking about them for a few days now. I’m glad they’re safe! Thank you Kim Motley!

  12. "Hey Man… Is That Freedom Rock? WELL TURN IT UP, MAN!"

    "What would rock and roll be without ambition, craziness, danger, and fun?"

    "Rock and roll is not just music, it's a way of life, it has its own Spirit… The Spirit of FREEDOM!!!"

    – TURN IT UP (Freedom Rock)

    Psalms 66:16
    “Come and hear, all you that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul!!!"

    Psalms 40
    "I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God: yea, your LAW  is within my heart!"

    "I have PREACHED RIGHTEOUSNESS in the GREAT congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, you knowest."

    "I have not hid your righteousness within my heart; I have DECLARED your faithfulness and your salvation: I have not concealed your LOVING KINDNESS and your TRUTH from the GREAT congregation."

    "Withhold not your tender mercies from me, O LORD: let your loving kindness and your truth continually preserve me!"

    "For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me." (Not me…😎)

    "Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me: O LORD, MAKE HASTE to help me!"

    "Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil!"

    "Let them be HORRIFIED by their shame, for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!”

    "Let ALL those that seek you REJOICE and BE GLAD in you: let such as love your SALVATION say continually, The LORD be MAGNIFIED!"

    Psalms 107
    "Give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his MERCY  endureth for ever!"

    "Let the REDEEMED (Me 😎) of the LORD say so, whom he hath REDEEMED from the hand of the enemy!"

    "And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south!"

    "They wandered in the wilderness in a SOLITARY WAY; they found no city to dwell in!"

    "Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them."

    "Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he DELIVERED them out of their distresses!"

    "Oh that men would PRAISE the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"

    "For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."

    "Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron."

    "Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High!"

    "Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help!"

    "THEN they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he SAVED THEM out of their distresses!"

    "He brought them OUT of darkness and the shadow of death and BROKE away their chains!!!"

  13. 300 million a day over 20yrs. But I can't get reparations. Yet you want me to be concerned about Afghanistan women's rights? 🖕🖕🖕

  14. It was just complete hubris for the U.S. to think they could turn Afghanistan into a Democratic government by throwing enough money and weaponry at them. To think they could change a people's culture that is thousands of years older than America is insane.

  15. Why the feminist don’t serve in the military? What about the boys that are going to get kill? So selfish.

  16. US people should take more concerned about American Women Problems within their own country. In 2020, the cyber tipline recieved more than 21,7 million reports, up from 16,9 million reports in 2019, most of which : – Apparent child sexual abuse material. – Online enticement, including sextortion. – Child sex trafficking. – Child sex molestation. (Should we blame the criminals and connecting it with 'religous issue of American leaders (christian protestant – evangelical or catholic faith)" similar to Taliban in Afghanistan which always connecting with islamic shariah law in unapropriate interpretation.

  17. Machine Guns and weapons of war?

    Between 2013 and 2016, the US gave Afghan forces more than 600,000 light weapons, such as M16 and M4 rifles and nearly 80,000 vehicles, as well as night vision goggles, radios and more, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report. Even more recently, the US Defense Department supplied the Afghan military with 7,000 machine guns, 4,700 Humvees and more than 20,000 grenades between 2017 and 2019, a report from the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction found.

    In the last two years alone, the US has also given the Afghan military more than 18 million rounds of 7.62mm and .50-caliber ammunition.

    Biden just gave it to the Taliban to sell or trade around the world. When will it be smuggled into the US to kill Americans?

  18. USA soldiers r inhumane..
    They're shooting civilians!!
    Killed 12 Afghan.. Who helped them 20 years. Why??
    Where is USA, THERE is chaos..
    Why they don’t open the airport gate?? I don’t know.. Why they're killing civilian??

  19. ISLAM means PEACE.

    The Taliban are on the extreme side of the Muslim faith but they are Muslim.


    Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen…


    Where was the sympathy when the US were bombing Afghanistan for 20 years?

    Now you blame Joe who put a STOP to it?

  21. Isn’t the men that fought against the Taliban that are more in danger? All the women need to do is put on that Burqa and shut up!

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