Aerialist Nik Wallenda details preparations for dangerous volcano tightrope walk

Aerialist Nik Wallenda details preparations for dangerous volcano tightrope walk

Nik Wallenda will walk across a tightrope over the active Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua, which will be his longest walk attempt yet. READ MORE:

#GMA #Wallenda #Volcano #Live #Nicaragua


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36 thoughts on “Aerialist Nik Wallenda details preparations for dangerous volcano tightrope walk

  1. Une honte… L'égoïsme à l'état pur.. Fermer un volcan pendant 3 semaines en privant tout le monde de visite… Tout ça pour un kiff d'UNE seule personne… On ne peut pas se payer un voyage au Nicaragua tous les jours.. (contrairement à lui visiblement)

  2. This was the biggest Hoax since Evil Knieval jumped over the Canyon with a parachute. Shame on you Nik. Take off the safety harness next time. Then we will see how Brave you are or don’t do it at all.

  3. #OrgulloNicaragüense🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮

  4. His great grandfather died in my country,🇵🇷doing a wire walk..The winds were too strong..Hope Nik survive this.🙏

  5. The sulphuric gas is strong I’m visit the side when going to 🇳🇮

  6. Bella mí Nicaragua 🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮

  7. As my 12 year old said: " So stupid! He just wants attention!"
    And myself along with many others couldn't visit this landmark for they have closed it off to tourist over the last 2WEEKS just for this guy ! I can't believe the Nicaraguan government would allow it. Many are upset.

  8. Buddy playing with el volcano masaya from my country Nicaragua. That place was used for sacrifice for thousands of years. And in the 1960's to throw in political prisoners. Its hungry for someone

  9. Lol what if your half way and the volcano erupts… what is your dumbass trying to prove to people? Rocketman try proving something now hes 6 ft under if you dont make it youll be thousands of feet under boiled

  10. Wow, why? This literally accomplishes nothing other than a bump in his own personal ego and what, an adrenaline rush? I understand the family history, but stunts like this are just plain stupidity and need to stop being publicized.

  11. IDIOT, he's only gonna use that breather? That won't be enough. The heat? no clue…..he'll be dangling from his safety teather and no one's gonna go rescue him.

  12. Wow like wow, what a guy, never mind helping feed the hungry, or giving an unwanted child a home, walking over a volcano… what a guy! 🤘🤘🤘

  13. His INSANE!!!!😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

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