Abducted jogger mystery – Car Mod Pros Portal

Police in Memphis have found a body but are not yet confirming whether it could be Eliza Fletcher, the teacher abducted while jogging last week. Her alleged abductor heads to court today.

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Abducted jogger mystery”
  1. Just a reminder that a small MINORITY of the population manages to commit the vast MAJORITY of all vi0Lent crime. 🐒🍌🛖

  2. Just a reminder that a small MINORITY of the population manages to commit the vast MAJORITY of all vi0Lent crime. 🐒🍌🛖

  3. This is just a case of natural selection, for some reason she thought she could be a gazelle taking a run through a hundred prides of lions. Or perhaps a case of a mouse with toxoplasmosis being attracted to cats. It is not safe to run through black neithborhoods, I realize she wanted to be anti racist, but this was the result.

  4. On behalf of all Noble black Americans, I would like to apologize to the family of Eliza and all the white folks of Memphis, and across America. The shameful and embarrassing epidemic of black on black violence, is bad enough. But now an innocent white woman has become prey to these animals living amongst us. Jail needs to become a place where even vicious animals fear, instead of a country club, where they eat better than people living in 3rd world nations.

  5. This would have never happen under Trump Biden and the democrats and BLM want bad people out of prison to roam the streets Crime is hitting records hits

  6. He was a repeat offender, I wasn’t surprised when I saw his photo because they are committing crimes at a alarming rate and in broad daylight in Memphis

  7. So you mean she was jogging and wasn’t wearing heavy boots that nobody would ever jog in? And she wasn’t going through construction sites scoping things to steal?

  8. This is type of behavior is completely normal in a certain culture. Along with shootings, assaults, theft, robberies, car jacking, pimping, hate crimes and not being able to read or do simple math. What a wonderful culture America is an more diverse and progressive place because of them.

  9. Why is THIS case getting super intense 24/7 nationwide coverage? Oh that's right, it was an attractive skinny white woman. 🙄

  10. Outrageous! This man was in jail for a previous kidnapping! Liberal judges let him out! I’ll never vote Democrat again

  11. My gut is telling me her not profiling this dude is what got her killed. "Oh, he's just a black man. Following close to me. I'll carry on running. Nothing to see here. I donated to blm"

  12. THAT thug never should have ever been outside of custodial care, free to harm others. And… someone so clearly potentially vulnerable to the attack of the likes of the suspect should NOT be out ALONE at 4 AM. At minimum have a protective dog (the kind that WILL bite a stranger who approaches and a GUN, which she knows well how to use!

  13. Women/ men. Take out the air buds or headphones while running . Carry a pistol, knife, mace whatever. It's not safe out there. And try not to go running at 4am.

  14. Too many monsters out there. But they said she was 30 she looked way older than that.And this time I hope they get it right and put that dam killer in the ground. Why let him keep killing.

  15. Young mom with 2 little kids tragically and brutally murdered… a good thing she wasn't Black and the suspect White, or else there would be riots in the streets and Biden would be delivering a message "to heal the country". An inconvenient truth we all know…but few admit. Condolences to her family…

  16. Sorry for her and family. But if it was a black, Hispanic or some other race it wouldn't make the news. 🤷‍♂️

  17. He should have gotten life or death the first time now the family should sue the state start it at 10 Billion and lets get these laws changed to death penalties.

  18. BLM probably gonna back up the suspect, saying this was for equality. But first, they gotta defend themselves from all the fraudulent activity.

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