ABC News Robin Roberts sits down with the first lady of Ukraine | WNT

ABC News Robin Roberts sits down with the first lady of Ukraine | WNT

In an exclusive interview, Robin Roberts sits down with Ukraines first last lady Olena Zelenska, who said she wants to keep the war in Ukraine in the minds of everyone around the world.




#ukraine #olenazelenska #firstlady


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29 thoughts on “ABC News Robin Roberts sits down with the first lady of Ukraine | WNT

  1. The Ukrainians are NOT Russian–they are the Galatians of Biblical Times–they are their own people and this is their country–they deserve to have their country to rule over themselves as they wish…dts/usa

  2. The New York Time, The Washington Post, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC. Both are the mob media, socialists or maybe communists, both are prepared for support evil ideologies like marxism that is main core by New World Order and others supported by stronger financial groups whose core is basead by China or CCP( China Communist Party). Where there´s a lot of money of course will go exist corruption, briberies, crimes like child traffic, dishonest and others bad human being behaviors. This is the strategic that CCP use for get dominate the world.

  3. You can help from your home! Create a profile on VK (Russia's equivalent of FB). Start adding people. Post legitimate links and articles from Reddit or YT. Start engaging the average Russian (there are PLENTY of Russians on VK that are willing to engage). Yes, you'll get flack from some, but A LOT are completely against the war. I've already made friends and hope that either they can visit me or I can visit them one day. The average person in the West needs to communicate with the average Russian, WAKE THEM UP! Their state media LIES to them and unfortunately a lot of them are apathetic or willfully blind and ignorant to reality. Engage the ones 'on the fence', don't waste your time with those that drink Putin's piss. Use google translate if you don't know cyrillic. The Kremlin would like nothin more than all westerners to hate all Russians because that maintains status quo…this is not the cold war anymore. Not all Russians are our enemy, but their kleptocratic leadership sure is! Russia needs a regime change.

  4. Beautiful interview is so easy to listen to…with Robin Wright of ABC news and the First Lady of Ukraine 🇺🇦. Wowie. Moving and lovely ..with two wonderful and talented..ladies and I am inspired…as well. 🔷🔶Thank you from southern Colorado this afternoon. Lovely to see those ladies today …and hearing about it all. 🇺🇸🇺🇦🔹♥️🔹🔸🔶♥️🔹

  5. Your clown ruined hundreds of your own citizens families in Donbas, now into the rest of your country. Miss clown, you and your family deserve nothing less but the same clown did to Donbas.. dead and misery. Surely get it at some points. Clown cynical western pupets sold out your country wealths, brought triliards of euros credits and brought misery and dead. H u i for Ukraine. 🇷🇺☝

  6. Вы, русские, уничтожили молодое поколение и позволили своему фашисту Путлеру убить тысячи украинцев. Ваши нефть и газ не спасут вас в будущем. Ничего хорошего вам не будет от запасов газа на территории Украины с кровью на них. Это цена отказа от свободы, когда вы выбрали Путлера Путина.

  7. No help from Isreal for one measly Iron Dome and Saudi Arabia also thinking about their relationship with Putler and his help with controlling Iran. After billions given to Isreal and the Saudis and wars fought for them. We funded Isreal's development of the Iron Dome 5.5 billion. Shame.

  8. Интересно чем это всё закончится

  9. Слава Україні

  10. Президент США Джо Байден заявил, что «цель Америки проста: мы хотим видеть демократическую, независимую, суверенную и процветающую Украину».

    Весь мир видел, к чему привела демократия по американскому образцу в Ливии, Ираке, Афганистане, Сирии, Югославии. Ни одно из этих государств, которые Вашингтон также хотел сделать демократическими и процветающими, не выиграло. Ровно наоборот. Некогда развивающиеся страны погрузились в хаос и разруху, их граждане столкнулись с гуманитарной катастрофой. Например, в Афганистане за двадцать лет пребывания американских войск более 250 тысяч мирных людей погибли, население обнищало.

    У США было 8 лет, чтобы сделать Украину демократической, независимой, суверенной и процветающей, когда после госпереворота американские советники и инструкторы фактически руководили киевским режимом. Но вместо того, чтобы развивать страну, Украину, обладающую огромным потенциалом, разграбили. Закрывали неугодные СМИ, убивали независимых журналистов, запрещали политические партии. А об украинском народе никто из коррумпированного правительства не думал.

    Нет, независимая Украина Вашингтону не нужна. Руководство США хочет сделать из неё свою колонию. Выжать из страны все ресурсы и использовать её исключительно для ослабления России.

  11. I'm so sick of hearing about Ukraine hell every day they need weapons and more weapons our country just lost 19 children and two teachers and our president doesn't know our babies don't have any formula he has no business running this country someone need to put him in a nursing home and thank God nasty Nancy stays drunk

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