ABC News Prime: Uvalde police response outrage; Depp-Heard closing arguments; Holiday weekend travel – Car Mod Pros Portal

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45 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Uvalde police response outrage; Depp-Heard closing arguments; Holiday weekend travel”
  1. Un agradecimiento especial al Dr. Ehizojie quien curó mi HSV 2 con sus hierbas tradicionales africanas naturales, obtuvo un remedio permanente para el HSV y muchas otras enfermedades ………….

  2. Momento muito triste 😥 que Deus abençoe a todos! Aqui do Brasil Desejamos força para os familiares .

  3. You should never stop a willing parent from trying to protect their children. It's our jobs! Just bc the police were afraid to do it. Doesn't mean we are all willing to sit by and not try to do something. I used to pray when I dropped my kids off to school when they were younger. Today is a whole different world. My deepest sympathies to the family and friends of victims. May their loss create change.

  4. It's like the police were allied with the gunman.

    It sounds wrong to say, but actions speak louder than words.

    They stood around outside, giving the murderer plenty of alone time with the little children he wanted to kill.

    I suppose police have their procedures and their chain of command, but this is just unfathomable.

    Time for mass firings.

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  6. To the people who don't believe this country has a gun problem, you're delusional. "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." But guns enable people to kill and give them the ability to do so with deadly force.
    Just look at statistics. The US has 57 times more school shootings than every other country in the world combined not including acts of gun violence committed outside of schools.
    The big issue is the accessibility of guns, and the lack of background checks to make sure guns go into the hands of trustworthy people. While a lack of attention to mental health in the US is very likely a factor in our school shootings, guns are the much bigger issue.
    Children shouldn't have to go to school fearing that they might be attacked or killed at any minute. Parents shouldn't have to send their child to school worrying that they could never see them again.
    Those of you crying about your guns are being ignorant to what's going on around you. If your reason for supporting gun ownership is for self defense, buy a home security system, buy pepper spray, a taser, a knife, a handheld alarm that goes off if you press the button, take self defense classes, or just go through the trouble of a background check and evaluation that would come with stricter gun laws. It's to ensure the safety of others and there are more ways than gun ownership to protect yourself.
    Too often guns find themselves in the hands of people who will use them to take lives and destroy families and communities, and we cannot continue to risk it. We need stricter gun laws to prevent more precious lives from being lost.


  8. How in the hell does taking People's Guns Help. It's So Stupid. The only thing that would help is more Security or Armed Guards in Every School.

    The Majority of Americans Do Not Want Gun Control.

    I don't doubt false flags are happening to have a better angle at taking guns to more easily stand on Law Abiding Americans Necks.

    Notice how the Guns were removed from The Ukrainian People. Ask them if it was a good idea to remove their guns? Do Ukrainian People Feel Safer without all those Guns Around in their Fellow Countrymen's hands.

    I used to be a Democrat but their stu-pidity pushed me right into the Middle. Now I'm an Independent and I'm embarrassed I ever called myself a Democrat.

  9. One thing that has been learned is that white police kill black males so quickly is because of FEAR. The very fact that they dreaded going into that school fearing that they will be shot say it all.

  10. Good that’s why don’t vote red vote blue get Abbott out of office and don’t vote for trump both are garbage

  11. 枪可是好玩具,我想玩还买不到呢

  12. The government is to blame for the killing
    Firstly they give full permissions for guns to be manufactured
    They give full permission for the licence of Guns
    If they want this to stop the killings
    close down the gun factory and be rid of Guns
    What do people need guns for ?
    To kill your fellow people
    Life is short we were given one life and one chance so what do we need guns for 😉🙂

  13. Alien/"Rasputin" The Ugliest Aliens that has ever existed/The planet/Auditory harrassment

    Psyops brought aliens and "Rasputin" to our planet and turned the earth against their own families and love, using their tools of planetary destruction

    Ugly green w/ mushroom head that unfurls like a mushroon, and honks or makes some alien sounds against the human body, type alien species preying on the human race, sent from an insect looking creature that refuses to leave.

    "Emergency evacuation's" = Alien Abductions.
    At least we have been given a chance against alien abductions. Whereas, the illicit cult group wanted to make the abductions easier and random on/against families.

    Yousef, pseudo black muslim man in Portland Maine that laces women for the earth and aliens sophisticated white and fat threat actors that does not conceive babies for warfare purposes

    Aliens does NOT speak our language. They only follow what's on paper, gathered from countless murders even from other planets and universes.

    An unknown and otherwise disturbing, disgusting sound coming from a UFO. Fears and traumas are growing in their meanings as the aliens inside UFOS could possibly be in heat. Which should signal that some specific UFOs needs to be shot down.

    They also make stories and roleplay over your day to day life to plan out how to abduct whoever person's are

    There is a laser from unknown aircraft or spacecraft, aimed at humans vocal cords. Unidentified person's are speaking on the back of persons throat where wind is exhaled to project their own unknown voices in adversity to the person's own voice. What also sounds like a touchscreen, buttons can be heard when mouth opens to speak as if someone is actively timing the person's voice.

    Aliens supposed purpose for this type of interference and invasion, would be to validate alien abductions and to trick life forms on their planets into extincting themselves and their entire families.

    They keep breeching and picking people from our planet.

    Aliens are planning to abduct another person and call it "emergency evacuation" I'm not going with them in their UFOs. Thought I'd mention that. 

    Cartoons and TV broadcasts are learned and used against human beings by aliens in UFOs and slaves

    Alien's are staging alien abductions as "playful"

    Threats are used to speed their way.

    Told alien's to go away. True ugly as I feared existed, sent more true ugly alien whores to make derogatory and otherwise, disturbing sounds that were caused by rogue terrorist human group that hides behind voices and electronics somewhere here on earth.

    Planet earth has an alien imposter that pretends to be the voice of the earth. Similar hoax to "voice of god".

    Aliens and slaves from earth are talking through people's bodies and throats using intercoms, megaphones, and whatever electronics/technologies that allows creatures to roleplay and hide their hideous bodies, in our own.

    Birds in the head. It's all a very cruel and bloody joke that was not funny even from the AD period. Whatever is pretending to be the wind and "voice of earth", are coming from electronics and wifi. Trust in meds, not in extinction.

    HAARP, HAPS, Hacked Satellites, lasers and other weather and earth controlling devices are used and the earth is voiced by slaves from earth and in space. The wind is also under a rogue's remote or weather changing devices.

    Talking animals of human tongue could be laboratory releases like humans from inhumane and illicit bio laboratories. Some animals may be released from illicit biolaboratories, to spy on the United states and citizens.

    Aliens are using an unknown, electronic intercom that transmits audible talking and sounds to restrict airflow and replace words and sounds with their own alien voices. They have also made it an occupation in their alien UFO, to talk through people's windpipe on their bodies to trick/scare the person into getting themselves abducted or kidnapped

    Oh, somebody taught the talking planet how to kidnap people skillfully using general and random areas of people's lives. Now the planet always wants to sacrifice people for fun and "sex favors(?)" For some white there are clones considering how last minute, suicidal, disorganized, homicidal and ugly aliens exists

  14. Alien/"Rasputin" The Ugliest Aliens that has ever existed/The planet/Auditory harrassment

    Aliens are always making up problems over our planet to make alien abductions, human trafficking and kidnappings legal

    Psyops brought aliens and "Rasputin" to our planet and turned the earth against their own families and love, using their tools of planetary destruction

    Ugly green w/ mushroom head that unfurls like a mushroon, and honks or makes some alien sounds against the human body, type alien species preying on the human race, sent from an insect looking creature that refuses to leave.

    "Emergency evacuation's" = Alien Abductions.
    At least we have been given a chance against alien abductions. Whereas, the illicit cult group wanted to make the abductions easier and random on/against families.

    Yousef, pseudo black muslim man in Portland Maine that laces women for the earth and aliens sophisticated white and fat threat actors that does not conceive babies for warfare purposes

    Aliens does NOT speak our language. They only follow what's on paper, gathered from countless murders even from other planets and universes.

    An unknown and otherwise disturbing, disgusting sound coming from a UFO. Fears and traumas are growing in their meanings as the aliens inside UFOS could possibly be in heat. Which should signal that some specific UFOs needs to be shot down.

    They also make stories and roleplay over your day to day life to plan out how to abduct whoever person's are

    There is a laser from unknown aircraft or spacecraft, aimed at humans vocal cords. Unidentified person's are speaking on the back of persons throat where wind is exhaled to project their own unknown voices in adversity to the person's own voice. What also sounds like a touchscreen, buttons can be heard when mouth opens to speak as if someone is actively timing the person's voice.

    Aliens supposed purpose for this type of interference and invasion, would be to validate alien abductions and to trick life forms on their planets into extincting themselves and their entire families.

    They keep breeching and picking people from our planet.

    Aliens are planning to abduct another person and call it "emergency evacuation" I'm not going with them in their UFOs. Thought I'd mention that. 

    Cartoons and TV broadcasts are learned and used against human beings by aliens in UFOs and slaves

    Alien's are staging alien abductions as "playful"

    Threats are used to speed their way.

    Told alien's to go away. True ugly as I feared existed, sent more true ugly alien whores to make derogatory and otherwise, disturbing sounds that were caused by rogue terrorist human group that hides behind voices and electronics somewhere here on earth.

    Planet earth has an alien imposter that pretends to be the voice of the earth. Similar hoax to "voice of god".

    Aliens and slaves from earth are talking through people's bodies and throats using intercoms, megaphones, and whatever electronics/technologies that allows creatures to roleplay and hide their hideous bodies, in our own.

    Birds in the head. It's all a very cruel and bloody joke that was not funny even from the AD period. Whatever is pretending to be the wind and "voice of earth", are coming from electronics and wifi. Trust in meds, not in extinction.

    HAARP, HAPS, Hacked Satellites, lasers and other weather and earth controlling devices are used and the earth is voiced by slaves from earth and in space. The wind is also under a rogue's remote or weather changing devices.

    Talking animals of human tongue could be laboratory releases like humans from inhumane and illicit bio laboratories. Some animals may be released from illicit biolaboratories, to spy on the United states and citizens.

    Aliens are using an unknown, electronic intercom that transmits audible talking and sounds to restrict airflow and replace words and sounds with their own alien voices. They have also made it an occupation in their alien UFO, to talk through people's windpipe on their bodies to trick/scare the person into getting themselves abducted or kidnapped

    Oh, somebody taught the talking planet how to kidnap people skillfully using general and random areas of people's lives. Now the planet always wants to sacrifice people for fun and "sex favors(?)" For some white there are clones considering how last minute, suicidal, disorganized, homicidal and ugly aliens exists

  15. From now on those who choose to live in the U.S must do so at their own volition. If there is a necessity to bear arms it is clearly not habitable.

  16. Guns guns guns everywhere in Texas and a security officer and police and still the kids are butchered yet again. Then the NRA holds its convention in the same state. The US is a failed nation. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sickening

  17. People who don’t support change on gun control law will change their mind once their family member becomes a victim of gun violence. hopefully happens soon to them.

  18. School shootings are a kindergarten joke compared to evil policing atrocities that war Satanically against its-own peaceful citizens every minute of every day for profit!
    POLICE having Qualified Immunity was Satan's greatest 👹gift in creating dirty self-seeking police 💩👮and, factually the police have destroyed more innocent lives than all school shootings and possibly wars combined!
    POLICE need to be LICENSED (Not certified) and carry their own "LIABILITY INSURANCE" saving taxpayers 23 billion dollars each year from valid lawsuits against the police, which thus far, cities and towns have been forced to pay on behalf of non-caring and non-accountable bad police officers who care nothing about school children, society or others!
    – Michael B. Saari for Michigan State Senate 2022

  19. now I know why he the top cop thought 🤔 he was not a treat,, they thought he did not have the rifle anymore because they found one by the car ?? just a thought .. maybe they where chasing him which is how he crashed .., then u ran jump the fence and ran into the school ?? allegedly of coarse just my theory ?? which is why all those lies where told to begin with !!!! it's negligence they prob where responding to him shooting his grandmother then it spilled over as a result to the school

  20. Lord Jesus we cover those children and their families Lord Jesus Christ we brake every barriers of the guns from those boys who are killing children. Lord Jesus Christ put a hand. Amen

  21. The NRA nor its members didn’t kill those kids and teacher, the the gun that was used didn’t pull its own trigger, the mentality disturbed 18 year old pulled the trigger and killed those kids. Be mad, be mad as hell, but me mad at the right person, not an institution it’s members or thing.

  22. 1. Firearm Education – At least 6 mos, for 6 hrs to learn the laws of the land and how to operate it safely. 2. Testing – Just like driver licensing – Firearm Licensing includes a written and operational component. 3. Insurance – Before a person can buy a car, it must have a license and insurance. The same should be true for firearms. A FIREARM LICENSE should be valid in all states just like a driver's license. A person needs to be 21. Although that age should be changed to 25, since that's when the frontal cortex is complete. Insurance companies have always lowered the rates at 25 or when married.

  23. 👉This for Their own use🖕 Yup‼ G-G 😠😤😡🤬 🪶

  24. Time was of utmost importance from start. No reason for literally stopping willing fathers from entering unlocked door. Willing fathers to storm are more effective than unwilling or hesitant officers to storm.
    Volatility, timeline investigation, cover, training, outside perimeter, b.s. excuses. Time was of utmost importance from start.

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