ABC News Prime: Unrest in Louisville, KY; Health officials on Capitol Hill; Honoring RBG – Car Mod Pros Portal

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31 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Unrest in Louisville, KY; Health officials on Capitol Hill; Honoring RBG”
  1. Don’t worry! Hell is waiting for all of um!! Eternal Hell 💯💯💨💨! Believe that!! And that’s a case they won’t be able to beat !! And it won’t be long!!

  2. I don’t care if the police knocked or not. Why? Because Breaonna and her boy friends are the ones putting innocent peoples lives in danger by having illegal drugs sent to the apartment. Let’s clean the trash out of the neighborhoods.

  3. Here’s an idea. Stop having drugs sent to your house and you won’t have No knock Warrants served at your place.

  4. The lawyer said the bf said they knocked on the door. She follows up with there’s a narrative that they didn’t knock????

  5. Police reform will never happen. In this time of cell phone video and body cams the police are still killing us with no consequences. We need to stop dodging jury duty…grand jury and trial jury. Why should we expect justice, be it in the form of indictments or convictions when we don't want to serve on jury duty? People who have no interest in the safety and well-being of black people are the ones making the decisions that affect our lives and any justice that we will receive.

  6. Wait the officer said he entered and saw Breonna and Kenneth who was holding a gun who fired a shot at him, he fired back and kills Breonna? That doesn't even make sense that he returned fire at her, sounds like shots were just fired without target in sight and why no body cam showing exactly what happened? Oh wait its because they didn't knock and announce themselves. Where is that one witness?

  7. You can protest all you want, what you CANNOT do is riot and loot, that part is dead wrong. You CANNOT bring back the past, and seek retribution and get even. What happened to your parents, grandparents to your ancestors, happened. Get up, grow up and get over it and get on with your life.

  8. All the Bull that Pense is spinning will comeback to Vomit all over them Both and every Republican ass this Year. Bull again and again. Denial that Trump clear as day stated " It will Go Away". Didn't He State That" Yes or No?? Actually He intentionally misled the people, which should be a Crime in Itself. Is nothing less He Is guilty of Association in the death of Thousands. A Special place in Hell awaits them Both.

  9. Interviewer's question: Do you think it's appropriate for the President to be talking in terms of red states and blue states, when he's the president of the United States?
    Pence ducks the question by changing the subject to ventilators and PPE.

  10. What law-abiding, legally registered, trained, responsible gun owner, asleep and cuddled in the sanctity, the security of their home with their loved one, would knowingly, purposely fire upon police officers that actually and successfully announced their presence? Conversely, who would have acted differently under the same conditions. All accounts of circumstances indicate Breonna's boyfriend, awakened by presumed intruders in the commission of a home invasion, and operating under extreme stress, still managed to maintain control of his weapon, exercising a recognized tactic of firing only when the target is identified, then ceased firing when the immediate threat had been neutralized. That was not the case with the underqualified, inadequately trained, reckless gun-toting public servants masquerading as plainclothes police officers. Dangerous job? yes. But less so if so much negligence and thoughtlessness were not involved. Obviously, there seem to have been numerous opportunities where any reasonable effort, due diligence, or adherence to procedures/protocols had been applied, this tragedy would have been completely avoided. The boyfriend, who suffered no injury despite firing first, in defense of Breonna, himself, and their abode…shares no valid responsibility in Breonna's death. Even if this entire situation were simply a cacophony of random and unrelated mistakes…which it was not…the onus was on the policemen, the department, and related judicial entities to get it right beforehand, thus avoiding this tragedy. They, therefore, are responsible for anything/everything that subsequently transpires, including Breonna's death.

  11. This is SO wrong! Murder charges should have been filed in this case!…against her boyfriend. If he had not fired on the police, there's a good chance she would be alive right now. Locked up…but at least she'd be alive. That's the way it's handled in my state.

  12. This drug leader boyfriend should be arrested for firing at cops first, this POS is hiding behind her death…. drug dealer thug.

  13. 23:21 Trump gets to elect his nominee. I agree. But McConnell, Graham, and others should stick by their word. And their own should be honest, or they are liars. Life is that simple. If they believe trump will be elected again, they wouldn't help trump destroy the country or support him destroying the trust of our elections.
    We believed you, Graham when you gave your word (that heartfelt speech, "hold my words against me") After that speech you could have run for president, and Democrats, as well as pubs, would have supported you. Now you've sacrificed your political career for Trump. This is insane. You work across the isle your entire career and you end like this. America knows it's for money or scandal. Like evangelicals, you will be nothing to America when the dust settles, just like trump businesses.
    You all think you will be able to come back, but you are now banned. No excuses, because the people of America (Especially young people do not believe in media, your boy has ruined even that outlet for you). And as you run with the rich it will not be for long. These kids will not 15-22 with their schools shot up and their friends and siblings lost, will never vote for you. Trump had a short con, but he loses the long one (these kids are not ruled by media, but social media and we know know that your career is over. And like every sex offender from 20-30 years ago they will track your finances to keep you poor. Like they will remember Ben Sasse and all the others who refused to vote for another corona bill in the midst of a pandemic. We will not forget how you all voted against healthcare when you personally have the best in the world. We will never forget how you took your allotted breaks while we were starving. We will never forget how many died as you cosigned the guy who downplayed it and left us to fend for ourselves. We will never forget motherfuckers! History will show you for who you are! We will never forget! We are not Qanon! We are the Americans the majority…the Americans that you have failed!

  14. ha ha ha! I live in Oregon, and I know a person who went to high school in Roseburg Oregon. She said back in the early 90's 2 boys wore their fathers KKK outfit/bed sheets to school! She said, "They didn't even make them change their clothes! I couldn't believe it"! I replied, "I do"! Oregon is ran by KKK! and is one of the most bigot states in the Union! America is a racist cess pool!

  15. Who ordered this? The person who ordered this needs to be held accountable. Who goes to someone’s home in the middle of the night? Burglars and Rapist, that’s who. This could happen to anyone.

  16. I don’t watch tv-only live stream. I watched this News broadcast & cant believe the LIES they spew. They leave out truths & stir up the HATE. Thankfully we have internet because all the lies they’ve been telling us all out lives is disgusting! That’s the Demon-rats problems now. They can’t control minds of Americans any more!! Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

  17. Research who Breonna Taylor really is! And fyi… When you open fire on an armed Policeman they will shoot you! 🇺🇸

  18. YE without SIN cast the first stone. Drug dealers deserve to die? People stealing deserve to die? People do you hear what you are saying? We are all sinners. Yes the wages of sin is death. But JESUS CHRIST came into the WORLD not to condemn the WORLD but to save it. Killing people is not the answer. No knock warrant means they do have to knock. This is wrong and should never have been allowed. Breonna Taylor was in her home and killed in her home. What if this were you, or your sister, or your daughter?

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