#coronavirus #covid19
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Seriously you people amaze me . They tell trump your not doing your job by not giving us guidelines yet then they say you cant tell us what to do. Lol which is it ? Make up your mind! Maybe you should just go on vacation with Nancy Pelosi . Because she only cares about you right? Excuse me she on vacation to bad your family has no food or job an yes there is unemployment if you can wait for a month to get someone on phone or even a response to a filed claim But she is on vacation give me a break. Why am I the only person who thinks your attempts to make this all trumps fault ridiculous. No he is not perfect but then are you? Get off your high horse an look back four years. Why was there not a plan already in place for a pandemic ? Um well thats not important lol stop pointing fingers an making fun of your government and take responsibility for yourselves an do what you can to help the small businesses that are going bankrupt. If you everyone would spend as much time that they do pointing fingers helping in some way we would actually not look like selfish spoiled Americans.
Regarding Singapore, are 11 deaths in a nation of 5.6 million people considered devastating? When did the news become so completely devoid of factual information?
Oh so now its "Trumps" fault??? Seriously?!???? Wow. I would think that he did a very GOOD JOB THINKING FAST ON HOW TO "PROTECT" US AS A NATION!! THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT!!!
Hey dumb dumb. Who’s the one that close the country down? That person is the one that open the country.
Only an idiot would think this way. Get this guy out of the White House – a damn ignorant, conceited dictator.
Let trump visit a New York hospital and maybe get COVID. We will all be better off. Let him go to one of those republic rallies without a mask. Some of the protestors wearing masks. Why if there is no problem. How did this man get to be president. It is a joke and the joke is on the. American people. He is acting like a spoiled child. No one sees this. Let republicans go back to work. Less people to vote for him in November. Best way to go. I may be sick but I don’t know where to get a test. I think I got it going to a lab for blood work. I stood in line with coughing people. Before that at home three weeks. My doctor wanted my regular tests. There are people getting it over again worse in China. Does anyone have a brain besides trumps great brain.
WHO is a joke. Do your homework. But we do need to know immediately when outbreaks occurs.
Has anyone pointed out the irony to this dude that a whistle blower is what helped us truly be aware of the risks we were facing?? ðŸ¤â€ÂÂðŸ¤â€ÂÂðŸ˜â€ÂÂ
😆She's dumb as a BOX OF ROCKS!!!
I can’t stand your biased reporting any longer! You are losing viewers in droves just report the news! Quit being devisive
Wow TAX Money going to illegals WAKE UP Californians 👀
Hope South Dakota governor get the virus. All states around her should block them from leaving. The worlds stupid leaders.
They're about to take Normalcy away from those WHO refuse to be chipped or vaccinated. They're trying HARD to get the Presidential Green Light. Then the OPPRESSIVE Raids began in chosen Communities. It's about more than looking for a VIRUS in nursing homes and schools. You don't need Presidential approval for that. You can tell they're up to something Totally Different and trying to Manipulate our Commander and Chief for his signature. They'll stop at NOTHING to get around the CONSTITUTION
If you ate today, thank a farm worker. <3
WTAF? Why don't doctors and nurses have this garb?!!!
Free Money to illegals I don’t think so 🖕
So he calls the shots,, but didn't call the shots to help the states an get on top of the issue now he calls the shots, he is beyond arrogance,,
One word ,, describe trump , idiot,,
One might take look at this video. While the WHO was warning us, Trump was playing down the virus and saying that it is no worse than the common flu.
On March 9, 2020, Trump said in a tweet that, "last year 37,000 Americans died of the flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year." Since the first 2 deaths in the United States on March 3rd, till yesterday, April 14th, there have been 31,689 fatalities from the COVID-19 virus. That's 31,698 deaths in 43 days.
On the same day, March 9th, the WHO said that the threat of the virus becoming a pandemic has become "very real".
quite entertaining
#GoGobernors you can do it!!! You guys have been doing the job this whole time anyway. #FireTrump
he can't read
Ronald Clain was the Only One who made sense and Spoke Truth! ðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸÂ½
Doesnt ANYONE find it strange that soo many nursing homes are getting infected with this virus and killing off so many of the elderly?
As an Oklahoman, I appreciate that you brought the farmworkers into the light… but please do something similar for truck drivers. Rest Stops should be deemed ESSENTIAL and should be left open. Truckers are only allowed to drive for a certain number of hours… they NEED some place to park and rest. Open up all these empty parking lots, open the rest stops, we need to support one of the last remaining jobs that is ESSENTIAL.