ABC News Prime: Rayshard Brooks’ family speaks on charges; Bolton speaks out; GOP police reform bill – Car Mod Pros Portal

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46 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Rayshard Brooks’ family speaks on charges; Bolton speaks out; GOP police reform bill”
  1. Many of the comments talk about how the guy did wrong, and I totally agree, but what you PUNKS don't get in your thick head is why this has to happen in the first place??? do you expect someone to place a pipe up your ass while you still comply?? It's the police actions, stubborn and lack of training that lead him to do what he did.

  2. They’re making textbook examples of “taking things out of context” ain’t they? Agenda driven narrative all the way

  3. So sad, he chose to drink and drive. He was doing right before this. He could have done right, that night, but chose to do wrong and drink and drive.

  4. So no coverage of Police officers being murdered by BLM protesters who were literally doing their job? But a guy who resists arrest, drives while drunk, attacks a cop, grabs a cop’s weapon, fires at that cop gets all the news about him?

  5. Rayshard Brooks had been serving a sentence for beating his own kids. He was released early on parole due to the mayor’s COVID-19 response. He served only months of a 5 year sentence. The man got a second chance. What did he do? He passed out drunk in his car in a drive thru. He knew if he was arrested that this would be a parole violation and he would go back to prison. He made his choice to drink and drive, which could’ve killed innocent people itself. He chose to resist arrest. He chose to attack the officers. He chose to run from the scene. He chose to use a weapon against the arresting officers. Seems to me that this man made a lot of choices that resulted in this outcome. You can thank the mayor of Atlanta for allowing this man back in to society. It’s also ironic to hear the Fulton County DA refer to the police using tasers against “peaceful protesters” a couple of weeks ago as deadly force. But when a policeman is attacked with a taser, all of a sudden deadly force against a taser is unjustified. The democrats own the education system, the media, Hollywood, Big Tech and administrative government. If there is systematic racism or oppression, it’s at the feet of democrats. Lifelong democrat politicians who never did anything to improve the lives of their constituents, only to pander with the race card every time election season rolls around should be a wake up call for all to see the true hypocrisy that exists within the democrat party. Don’t get me starting on the Political Action Committee of BLM, a Shell Company for Act Blue, who’s sole objective is to raise money for and to help get democrats elected. It’s all an attempted partisan power grab.

  6. So media going ignore Officer David Dorn’s murder? Forgetting Brooks’ prison record, and stealing a taser? Too busy burning down Wendy’s?

  7. It doesn’t matter everting seemed Sooo CORDIALLY Like everything was gonna be ok Until they bring the breathalyzer test out lastly Not Needed he failed everything else you smelled alcohol he was sleep at the wheel that should’ve been the first test? Why play game with a someone’s who’s clearly drunk can’t find their I’d on cue but owe here it is I knew I had it sir.. here You go man….sorry! BUT YOU WERE GONNA LET HIM SLEEP IT OFF!!!! LETS NOT FOR GET THAT! But field sobriety test Come on!!!! He was sleep in the drive they lock him up!!! No field test needed lock him up would have prevented all of the games

  8. before we know it, thanksgiving and the 4th of july wont even cant as a holiday anymore cause they wanna get rid of “bad” history.

  9. They sidn't tell him why he was being arrested?
    Nope. He told Brooks, "You've had too much to drink to be driving, put your hands behind your back."

    One of the reasons he probably fought them was because they were trying to put him in a chokehold. Nope, they had his hands almost behind his back to arrest him and he tried to bolt.

    Please inform yourself before you take any hear-say as fact.

  10. Another criminal and another criminals family taking advantage of a situation for money!!! GOD BLESS OUR POLICE OFFICERS 🇺🇸

  11. seriously, anyone that is looking for a career in ABC news, think twice! There's clear fact that Mr. Brook had been serving 7 years behind the bar for CHILD ABUSE. Tell me if this is correct or not. Yet fake news like ABC deliberately skipped that because it doesn't fit their narrative. what a fucking joke!

  12. The police didn't articulate why he was being arrested, he had a right to resist a unjust arrest. Stun gun empty so no threat to officers. Kick dying man on the ground!! Wonderful officers doing their jobs right? Seems to me that they shot him to save face and to prevent having to run.

  13. How many times have we seen 2 or more weak cops unable to subdue ONE person? Real police reform should start with hiring cops who are physically capable of detaining someone.

  14. RIP Mr Brooks.

    Everyone thought the world was going to end in 2000.
    Well the World ended in 2020
    The World we knew.

    Should this Officer be Charged for Murder??

  15. Joke. I hope the family is watching. Reading the comments. You all should be ashamed. The situation was turned violent and deadly by the defendant. He caused the problem. He was the problem. The problem is fixed. Have a good day.

  16. His family is crying on film in hopes of getting that gofundme money, they don’t miss the man that held them prisoner and beat on them.

  17. His family has blinders on and they're either being disingenuous or just completely oblivious to his past actions and everything he did the night he caused his own death by violently assaulting police officers after being caught driving drunk and then stealing a taser and trying to shoot them with it. He was in the wrong and he made a bad situation much worse and he is the cause of his own death. Just really, really stupid and completely justified actions by the police.

  18. Let's ask White America the hard questions

    Do white people think they're better than black people?

    Do white people believe in racial equality?

    Do white people have integrity for all human beings?

    Do white people feel their privilege and better than other ethnic groups and nationality?

    Do white people study and know the ancestral history of the forefathers and how they came and conquered America?

    Do white people feel their privilege?

    Dear white people what would you do if someone killed your brother or sister?

    dear white people how long do you think Black America is going to let you kill their children brothers and sisters?

    Dear white people how come you don't police your own community?

    Dear white people why are you so ignorant and uneducated about the racial issues in our society today?

    Is White America afraid of the black man?

    Do white people feel justice for all?

  19. If Brookes had not comitted the violent actions he took, he would be able to see her again.

    You are a political propaganda group. Where is the objective reporting? Kinda sad that y'all don't even rise to the level of half assed reporters.

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