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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: COVID cases surge in US; Travel mess amid staffing, weather; 5 killed in CO shooting”
  1. Once you Test Positive for COVID-19 of Any kind,
    You should Not be Able to Come Out of quarantine Until you Get a Negative Test Result.

    Sending People back into Work and,
    The Public Population Without having to test Negative Before you Return to Work
    is the Cause of the Rise & High Spikes of the COVID-19 Around all of the USA.

  2. People can take a test then run into a contagious person and get covid immediately after test. And if people won't wear mask or get vaccinated a test won't help. You can get covid immediatly after test and it won't show up for 3 to 5 days. Not much help

  3. A new study published on the preprint server bioRxiv assesses the antiviral activity of stenoparib against four severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants of concern (VOCs). This study also focuses on the inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant by a combination of stenoparib and remdesivir.

    The researchers of the current study also evaluated the inhibitory action of a combination of stenoparib and remdesivir against the Alpha variant. When combined, the drugs acted synergistically and plaque inhibition increased to over 90%

    Since stenoparib inhibits a host protein, the antiviral activity of stenoparib should inhibit all variant strains. The current study explored the activity of stenoparib against four SARS-CoV-2 strains including the SARS-CoV-2 67 Germany/BavPat1/2020 wild-type strain (wt), as well as the Alpha, Beta, Gamma SARS-CoV-2 VOCs.

  4. Listen people Omicron is passing through us really fast and thank God it isn't so deadly but, this is a warning . the next may be beyond our help with a vaccine. just think if we didn't have vaccines ,then what? the outcome would be horrifying.. please get vaccinated and wear a mask. worry about politics later. stay safe. with love take care of each other…

  5. Unfortunately where I live they don't have tests for omicron all the testing is only for COVID my son got tested twice but they said it was just the flu i think it was omicron

  6. who gave the right to Bidon to donate to Africa 500 million doses of phaser vaccines that cost $ 20 one dose, they need two doses and the temperature must be kept low in Africa ?? what an idiot is doing this ?? Johnson and Johnson costs only 10 dollars a dose, you need one dose of vaccine, and you can keep it in the refrigerator, you don't need super low temperatures, who gave an idiot to do stupid things ?? for bribes ?? Yes, he must be brought to justice for this … how much money will he receive from pharmaceutical companies ?? how much can you keep us for fools?

  7. Nearly 2/3 of voters feel america is headed in the wrong direction, nearly 60% disapprove of Biden's performance as president. 71% of independent voters disapprove of how Biden has handled inflation. 73% of voters disapprove the job congress is doing. New cases. US 381k, 66% of the population has had 2 shots, hospitalized 66k, in icu 16k, ☠ 2.5k. Total US ☠ under #46, 458,929.

  8. I've worked in the restaurant industry at a couple of different chain restaurants and was threatened with termination because I put aside a couple of meals I was going to give to a homeless friend.

  9. I have a question if it's proven through further investigation that real cause for this tragic accident which lead in so many deaths my heart goes out to the families of all those that have perished but if it's proven that his brakes have failed is it still his fault or should the company he works for be held responsible should the company have done regular maintenance on the vehicles these guys drive will it still be on the driver?

  10. I understand the frustrations on both sides, but if you remove the emotional element from this case the fact remains this truck driver killed 4 people. So who pays for that lose of life. Did the truck driver understand the rules and regulations of operating a semi tractor and trailer that included checking tires air brakes and other safety equipment before you start up your rig. Did he speak English or understand English. It is worth mentioning that a lot of states have multi language drivers lisc. tests that can be taken. All these factor should be considered. But I do agree a lesser sentence is required in this case also if he got say 30 years in prison when he gets out he should not be allowed to operate a tractor trailer ever.

  11. Who's Kim Kardashian,, am I suppose too know her? Was she a lawyer, singer actress? Keep hearing that name. I am a U.S. Born in California 65 year old. Who is she?

  12. Young girl died in effort too protect thee innocent. My heart goes out too the parents. And too ALL the Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraqi, Iranian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and United States Orphaned, widowed survivors in ANY CONFLICT!
    It's collateral damage as defined by the Pentagon. See ANY DIFFERENCE?

  13. "Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths (when there were 220K under Trump) should not remain President of the United States.", said joe biden in Oct. 2020.


    So far, there have been 350K deaths under biden.

  14. The truck driver
    100 something years?! That’s ridiculous. No justice at all. They made it sounds like he’s a cold murder. Sad 😔

  15. Corporate America is recommending this 5 Day isolation. Don't believe it, they just want you back to work and don't give a damn about any Covid. They don't care about anything but the bottom dollar. It's all about Money, money, money. No concern for employees, Your sick? Call in and you had better be back in 5 days otherwise we can't make any money.

  16. So I haven't been vaccinated for the past 2 years…neither has my family. I don't see us ever taking the poison. At what point are we suppose to catch Covid and die? I have young children as well…I just want to make sure my will is in place.

  17. The person who made the report clearly lieing because she simply wanted to inspire a quick response should be held partially responsible. She knew the potential danger in embellishing the reality of the situation but lied anyway because she felt it was in her best interest to do so

  18. Wow that man didn't mean to kill those people with that truck he's definitely innocent they need to sue and fight the owners of the company that gave him the truck to work with 🤦🏾‍♀️ smh I think this has something to do with racist people that don't care about some citizens rights!

  19. Wow, the news really has become the enemy of the people. C'mon man. Read the room. You all are beating this Covid Horse to death. Nobody believes you anymore, and certainly don't care. I'm so very sick of this b.s. . When the media works with the government, we now are living under authoritarian rule. The media is no longer a watchdog for The People, as it was before the WTC Attack. Yet all the media attacked Trump, and you all claimed he was an authoritarian. Here is Biden turning into a dictator, using the news for his own agenda, as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Mao Zedong has done.

  20. looks like a grown up episode of.sesame street omicrad.omg wear.a mask lmao the mask didn't stop anything up till now fucking let it run its coarse already.and things will be back to normal

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