ABC News Prime: COVID-19 in babies; President Trump resumes WH briefings; Reparations debate

ABC News Prime: COVID-19 in babies; President Trump resumes WH briefings; Reparations debate

#covid19 #trump #reparations

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31 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: COVID-19 in babies; President Trump resumes WH briefings; Reparations debate

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  2. There are many immigrants who came to the USA with nothing on hands. Many were wronged by where they came. They are the first generations and yet they become successful communitiesnfor themselves and their 2nd generations.

    Slavery is many many generations ago. Segregation is 2,3 generations ago. Have to move on. Financial reparation will not fix the victimhood mentality.

  3. Doesn't it seem strange that the states that are under attack are run by Democrats cause they are the ones that are trying to defund the Police so rioters can destroy whatever they please

  4. He’s lying. This admin makes up stuff as they go along. I’ve never heard of the USA using secret police in my 68 yrs.

  5. The Democrats Nazis and Media has to keep The Covid-19 hyped up, it is the entire excuse for the UN Agenda 2021 and The GreatReset, which promises to take your a Freedom,and takes all homes/property away from the Citizens. No private party ownership. The Democrats Nazi Leaders are destroying American communities. Of course Federal Agents have to do something.. Kick these violent Protestors out of my Country. It is ridiculous that your local Officials allow this.

  6. Trump set COVID-19 free. Covitrump19 he did a great job. Nobody in the world can do it better than Trump.
    He did a increadible good job. Can he make it worse ? It will magically go away. When you die ,!!!

  7. Trump is worse!,,,more worse ain’t possible. Good luck to get rid of him.
    The world will thank you.

  8. The Repulsive way the Republicans ignored the onslaught of this virus's effects are that repulsive. Are we the public supposed to forget that it's been -a mere page in time since they were calling clearly for a reduction of the Population by Sixty Percent to become "sustainable"? Then look at who the virus affects you FAIL to mention the dire affects it is having on Indigenous people here. So Black ,Brown, Red and Yellow people are affected three to one to Whites and is there any doubt about the lack of response? The Callous Response Shows the nature of the Politician and the Voter that Supports them. I am a Muskogee Creek and still possess the original land deed's for Oklahoma. I would like all the pail face Bigots to please go back to the country of their Families Origin. YOU GO THE FRIG HOME! BEFORE YOU KILL MORE PEOPLE OF COLOR!

  9. As a black person in regards to reparations… I'm not really thinking about it.. or how it might work.. but it seems a lot easier to give some degree of tax exemption to blacks rather than. Trying to find and then throw money at people in inconsequential amounts… I guess I'm just ball parking at a feasible method… or plot some kind of incentive as we become less Browner or blacker and more Unified it's a species on this planet.

  10. If we misunderstand the body's fight-or-flight response the anomalous read out we're getting should not be circumvented should not be mitigated or medicated necessarily but assisted.. with understanding… and communication.. Possibly a new paradigm peeking around the corner.. because physical intervention sometimes just throws a monkey wrench in the works escalating the situation. With more negative sensory reactions… things can snowball seemingly correlating into critical situation respiratory and ultimately futility ensues… clear …..and then there's a thumping electronic intervention…. how did we get here?

  11. One small aspect of the situation. Women who discovered her infant had covid-19 .. So nervous she was that she….. couldn't breathe…. also while laying in the hospital with covid-19… to some degree people can't breathe… for the same reason.. standing in front of someone or something who is about to fight you……. there are very real very powerful reactions… The shaking.. The heart pounding… The breathing… Now what the body is actually doing is gearing up for the fight.. are we misunderstanding some aspect of the fight or flight syndrome???

  12. I hate you Donald Trump. You have blood on your hands due to covid virus 19 and for your love of chaos that you keep causing. Trump you think this makes you out to be the hero we need, well you're wrong. Trump you are no hero nor are you intelligent in any way, shape or form. You're a CON MAN. You're nothing but an idiot. If you think you can force our schools to open and make our children and teachers attend school therefore expose our children and families to this horrible virus which will cause more deaths. I hope you Trump and Pence get this virus and be here on earth no more. This is my first amendment right so if anyone has a problem with what I just stated you can go to hell. I'm sure all you idiots will be more then welcome. Trump, Pence and Republicans are killing the people of the United States of America.

  13. What creepy people. They drag each other into the mud in front of the country. HEY KANYE, THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU NOR YOUR CREEPY FAMILY. Please keep it to yourself.

  14. Worrying about the safety of our children in school is not a Democrat or Republican issue. Trump has made it so. He states Democrats want to keep schools closed. What? Republicans are willing to sacrifice their children to prove Trump right? Good parents care about their children, and they should —- more so, than for a man who only cares about himself, his pocketbook, and his re-election.

  15. People can't go back to work BECAUSE the country minimized the severity of the pandemic.
    "There is no problem. It will go away" philosophy did not work and now the "Let's ignore it and get back to work" is not going to work either. A coordinated plan needs to be developed–the pandemic is not going to go away; it will be here for at least one more year. The fire extinguisher method to put out the forest fire is not going to work.

  16. Remember when he closed down the country, his tone was somber and he acted presidential: somber and serious. . Within a few days he changed calling and doing exactly the OPPOSITE of the message he read before. He is doing the same thing now. He read the message.. In a few days, he will go back to his ways– listening to no one. The only reason he is trying this is in hopes of bolstering poll numbers. The only thing he said that is true—It is going to get worse before it gets better.

  17. STAGED FAKE The Fed is clearly swinging at thin air not that civilian Navy guy, then civilian Navy guy goes on TV and says the Fed broke his arm…pathetic attempt to fool public as usual. WAKE UP PEOPLE to the scam-demic, the orchestrated attempt to take down our country.

  18. This acknowledgment of Coronavirus from Trump is a Political Stunt, along with deployment of Federal Agents into cities. Trump is DESPERATE & DESPICABLE / WE MUST VOTE HIM OUT.

  19. In Houston, Texas, Testing takes 14 days to get results back making the results useless. By that time the whole community could all been exposed! Unless privately paid, testing will takes 14 days to get results back. We are worst than third world countries and under developed countries in handling this pandemic…We have a hoax Trump President. What happened to South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan…shame on our federal leaderless leaders…

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