ABC News Prime: Coronavirus, Italy Lockdown, Iraq – Car Mod Pros Portal

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44 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Coronavirus, Italy Lockdown, Iraq”
  1. ABC News Mrs. Vega, the “coronavirus” started in China in case you forgot that fact. So when President Trump or anyone calls it the Chinese flu it's time to get over it because that’s were it started all you Liberal News politically correct morons. Pray you or your loved ones don’t get the Chinese Flu – Aka "coronavirus" 🦠 or you will not be defending Communist China who are totally to blame for the Worldwide pandemic. Just the facts. By the way President Trump is doing an excellent job protecting you and Americans like me. So stop all your stupid questions at press conferences and attacks on our president. I’m sick of it and so are millions of other Americans.

  2. So many questions this lady asked were extremely leading and seemed like she was trying to get them to say to what she wanted them to say. Obvious liberal…
    and reporting that this virus has ultimately led to Asians to start buying guns??? That’s not news. That’s scaremongering. Nothing they showed proved nearly as much but were clips of normal people doing normal things that abc twisted to create fake news. Ridiculous.

  3. This woman needs to go bk to journalism school. What STUPID QUESTIONS!!! & the few questions that are RELEVANT were answered DAYS, if not *WEEKS AGO, on Fox News!! Get a CLUE woman!!

  4. You fools @ ABC, with TDS, cannot even frikkin PUT OUT A NEWSCAST ON A VIRUS that's KILLING HALF the frikkin WORLD without BLAMING IT ON PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! It's NOT *HIS FAULT THE DAM TEST KITS ARE NOT READY! This is WAY BEYOND ANY *ONE *MAN to deal with… or any one **WORLD* for THAT MATTER!!! Trump is doing ALL THAT HE POSSIBLY CAN! W.T.H have ANY of *YOU done!??
    MAYBE ALL OF YOU INFECTED WITH TDS will be taken on out first. THAT disease is EATING ALL OF YOU ALIVE!! You don't even have to WORRY ABOUT COVID-19 doing it!! You all are absolutely PATHETIC!! You SHOULD BE THANKFUL for all Trump has DONE! – IF *NOT for him shutting down the border when he did MANY of *YOU (fake news journalist & newscasters) would likely be feet 6 UNDER RIGHT NOW!! You NEED to learn to have some frikkin RESPECT & APPRECIATION!

  5. Probably best just not to watch the news. It's absurd. If you think Trump mishandled this crisis you are fucking idiot. He tried to prevent panic in the markets initially, and then unleashed the state governments and private sector on it last Thursday after getting the bureaucrats at the CDC and FDA out of the way so we didn't wind up like a lot of the countries in Europe. Thank God we don't have a Bernie Sanders in the white house trying to handle everything at the federal level. The best and brightest in the US never end up working for the federal government. This will probably piss a couple people I know off but …. I have frequently run into CDC Deputy Directors and officials at conferences and they are very smart people in the book smart sense. One of the guys I often talk to is EE from GT like myself. I would trust him to handle an obscure Math modeling, but I wouldn't trust him to coordinate or manage a large scale government effort. What Trump has done is allowed the people who can handle these efforts to do so. In essence, he has done his job better than I can imagine any administration in the past doing by getting out of the way and letting the states, people on the ground, and experts handle things.

  6. It’s time for ALL nations around the world to start paying serious attention to their “food sources” and stop eating crap! Every country needs to put strict measures in place to ensure the food, especially from animals, but also other food groups are disease free, chemical free, & free of anything harmful to human health. We need to make sure no wild animal, cats, dogs, mice or bugs are killed or/and consumed as food for humans or other pets!!! All these diseases are red flags for all of humanity around the world to clean up our foods & food sources!

  7. How much you want to bet. Trump hit us with a… Wall street was at is lowest and we this administration brought it back faster than ever, faster than all the president's combined. Faster than fastest

  8. God bless my beloved YouTube video from one fellow human being to another fellow human being I am the granddaughter to people who served in the military and ministry of God christ and my two grandchildren are in the military now enrich Lynn McKenzie's army and William Connors McKenzie's marines I have HD Huntington disease and PTSD and OCD and at one Point time diagnosed with schizophrenia and my deseasedg uncle died was navy and schizophrenia and ministry of God christ I will personally say a prayer for everyone I come across today every one

  9. TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT, S A T A N (Zechariah 3:1-3)– MAY the LORD WHO CHOSE JERUSALEM REBUKE YOU, SATAN –= isn't that thingb younbhave just like a BRAND youn plucked fro the FIRE OF HELL?

  10. A POX on all those who HOUND the poor and needy to his death–who SLAY THE BROKEN-IN HEART with a "secret scream of joy" (PSALM 109:16-18). May NOT ONE of them enter HEAVEN when he dies, but rather may his souls re-enter the ANIMAL KINGDOM and mourn there in "GOD'S PRISON" (read Psalm 49 carefully and you'll understand why furry mammals have ticks and fleas that BITE THEM 24/7–and never stop biting (as well as heart worms–and they eat "road kill" that GRINDS & GNASHES their teeth. Ya WANNA GO THERE DONALD? Well you can HAVE that "HELL BUSINESS", as Jesus said it's an "UNFORGIVABLE SIN" to equate God's HOLY SPIRIT with "HELL" (MARK 3:28-20, Luke 13:10, Deut.27:24

  11. Get the ANTI-CHRIST out of the U.S. Government. God Almighty knows no rock. NOT ONE-get it? ISAIAH 44:8 and PSALM 11. There IS NO DARKNESS IN GOD (but there is in Washington D.C.)- John 3:19-21 & 1st John 1:5 "no darkness in the REAL GOD"-whose eyes are TOO PURE to behold evil– see HABAKKUK 1:13*". These are the "days of VENGEANCE"–that all things written may be fulfilled (LUKE 21:22, Amos 5:12-15*). Amen.

  12. Testing!!!!! This President and his administration are the biggest Liars I have ever seen how can you trust anything this man says or his administration says and his Republican counterparts are equally culpable

  13. Do you know why no one watches you anymore? I clicked on this link to learn about the coronavirus and in the first 15 minutes I heard multiple attacks in your personal vendetta against our president. Get over yourselves. I want the news.

  14. "THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL" and old movie playing out in realtime… pray for our world, our president who has America in his heart… your families and all who matter… we can get through this with God's help… "GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

  15. Everyone wants to feel comfortable but this virus 😷 is spreading from parts of the world at alarming rates, that it makes people not trust in our government? I hope and pray that God 🙏 will bring us through these trying times. Stay safe people and God bless you and may we as country stick together.

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