ABC News Prime: Clashes in Minnesota; unemployment reaches 40 million; Trump signs social media EO – Car Mod Pros Portal

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38 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Clashes in Minnesota; unemployment reaches 40 million; Trump signs social media EO”
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    IF THERE IS NO COVERAGE, there is a much bette chance of peaceful protests instead of violence that is just HURTING THE COMMUNITIES AND THE ACTUAL ISSUE AT HAND!!!!

  3. (Contd.) Whatever reasons these White policemen may have had for murdering Mr. Floyd, it is clear they harbored a certain amount of animosity, grudge, hatred and resentment for Blacks. They were also without doubt very cavalier and unreserved in their violence and went about murdering him as a team, which suggest-arguably-they must have had ample practice subduing prisoners before. Moreover, they appear to be a ‘rogue team’ that went about orchestrating their hatred with cold-blooded relish and malevolence.

    Unfortunately for them this time it went the distance; that is, Mr. Floyd died. One has to wonder how many near-misses they had, or in cases where the victim didn’t die; or for that matter whether anyone did and the matter was hushed up. It’s not an impossible scenario in light of their brutality. These are dangerous men. What strikes me as ironic is that some-certainly not all ( let me emphasize that) White cops have embedded themselves and are a cancerous part of the law enforcement system who, under the protection of the law and the badges they wear and guns they carry, have the profound unharnessed ability to go out and feast on violence against blacks every chance they get. And let me assure you, among themselves they brag about it. Nor is their bravado unknown to their families. Racism is cultivated and nurtured in the home.And I can’t imagine for a second the idea of their families being unaware of their racism.

    Whatever their grudges or misperceptions, it’s clear they are intent on penalizing and punishing Blacks. It’s an obsession with them.
    Now let me take it a step further. Is their aggressiveness, hostility, hatred and visceral repugnance for Blacks unknown within their department? I’ll bet you it isn’t. The odds are against it. Not that everyone-including other White cops-approve of their behavior. But certain ‘superior ranking elements’ within that very department must go along or embrace their racism or they these ‘rogues’ could not have lasted that long. Only one of the cops wasn’t disciplined before. The cop with his knee on the victim’s neck had 18 complaints against him. I’ll call that, in his particular case, given his unusual curse for violence, his police rap sheet. His superiors are complicit to some extent for not putting a leash on severely curtailing his behavior.

    It must be supremely exciting to exercise hatred on someone you couldn’t beat in a one-to-one combat but whose neck you could grind your knee into once he’s handcuffed and subdued and lying powerless on the ground. But from all perspectives the policeman is a coward. A brazen shameless sickening coward. That he wasn’t initially charged for his crime and that all the policemen involved were only summarily dismissed from their jobs, reeks of complicity from superiors within the department. This affair stinks to high heaven.

    The street protests, the riots, the ensuing publicity made America sit up straight. The common people in a democracy are very powerful. Granted,people started fires and looted stores, which shouldn’t be tolerated, and are only an excuse to go on a rampage, and shouldn’t be tolerated to the full extent of the law, the sudden pandemonium demonstrated what can result when cops exceed the limits prescribed n the execution of their duties. A Black man was murdered. Okay, so allegedly he was trying to pass a fake twenty dollar bill. Allegedly he was drunk. Is that an excuse to kill him? This cop and his arresting accomplices seemed to think so. But there was an instant backlash. Public outcry and demonstrations by people of all races protested vociferously. The cancerous elements within the police system must, where identified, be brought to justice. The policeman who ground his knee into the victim’s neck as he lay powerless, struggling and pleading for his life on the ground was arrested. His fellow cops who all conspired by aiding, abetting, and remaining silent whilst he committed his heinous act in public view
    In spite of pleas by spectators to let him go which went unheeded must now be arrested also.

    The wheels of justice turn slowly sometimes. Too slowly. But everything turns out right in the end. Right that is, to some extent. A man is dead. His life is over. Nothing will ever bring him back. A racist cowardly policeman has been arrested for a crime he thought he could get away with. Along the course of his trial he will have time to reflect on what he did. What he could have done better. And what he ought not to have done. Maybe he will change for the better; maybe not. Either way the memory of having killed someone can’t be a good one.
    I once met an older man, a heroin addict. We struck up a conversation. He confided that killing someone is never easy to deal with. He told me that he had once killed a younger man and never got over it. He said it haunts him in his sleep. He hates being alone in his room alone at night. I remember that man from time to time because his guilt was so real and he needed to confide in a stranger, to say something to someone who might care or at least listen to him admit he was sorry. And he was a fearsome looking. You could tell he’d had a hard life. Ironically enough the victim and the policeman, I understand, once worked for the same club. I wonder what transpired knowingly or unknowingly between them. I wonder if the policeman had the victim marked for vengeance of some sort. I guess I’ll never know now.

    My own experience with a counterfeit ten-dollar bill took place in Florida. I bought oranges from a roadside stall on Highway 27 in Florida. A young lady of about 14 years of age, gave me change. She gave me change for a twenty.i went somewhere else to buy something and lo and behold! You could say I tried to pass a counterfeit bill. Maybe I could’ve. Been arrested. Imagine my surprise. The victim was accused of being drunk and trying to pass a fake twenty. What if he didn’t know and assumed they were just giving him a hard time. What if, when the cops were called, the policeman recognized the black man from the club, remembered some incident or other and decided to make the victim pay. This might have been the case. Sometimes Black men get screwed over just because of the color of their skin. Just for being Black. Just for being the lightest shade of Black. Just for being almost very, very White, which is almost not being Black at all.

    For all those non-righteous racists, for all those righteous Bible-toting, Bible-thumping, fairly salivating, up-in-your-face, frothing at the news racists, I’ll have you know…just as a gentle reminder…that the first man ever created was a black man. That’s science. Not me. For you, Christians-bear I’m mind Jesus was Semitic. The blue-eyed, blonde-haired rendering of him is a fantasy. For those light-skinned, high-browned Arabs who look down on other people as lesser objects of humanity, please bear in mind that the Koran states that, “man was created from the essence of black clay.” So every human being carries a trace of blackness in him. rage all you want. Deny! Deny! Howl at the moon. It is what it is.

    Let’s not sugar-coat nuthin’.

    This is a long article. Thank you for your patience. My sympathy and thoughts go out to the victim’s family and everyone everywhere else who mourns his loss.
    Mr. George Floyd paid the supreme price for no other reason than being a Black man. I live by the simple ethic that men are my brothers, regardless of their color. I think that has enriched my existence. The only penalty I wish for these men that murdered Mr. Floyd is that they come to grips with the realization of what they have done, that they live long lives and that it haunts them every second, every minute, and ever hour every day.
    God grace and mercy on you,

  4. Watch the Democrat Party and it's lap dog Main Stream Media take and support the Communist Chinese governments side on these issues.

  5. All the officers had to do with him in handcuffs is lift him up and put him in squad not show off there suppiority by 2 holding him down at feet and waist and the other kneeing him down in his neck My God there was 4 Police officers and 1 man face down on ground in Handcuffs. you tell me not 1 of those Police officers witnessed what was happening Shame on all 4

  6. An uprising is on its way. I'm white and see the injustice throughout America. If this is not understood to be murder then I feel sorry for America. Justice must be served.

  7. Why was that racist police officer; who publicly MURDERED George Floyd not immediately arrested? A police BADGE AND GUN are not license for "MURDER". What threat could George Floyd possibly pose to FOUR RACIST-WHITE POLICE OFFICERS; when he [GEORGE FLOYD] was already in "HAND CUFFS"? Absolutely none. That racist police officer; who took pleasures in publicly murdering George Floyd, should be in JAIL; this moment-awaiting his fate. May he ROT in PRISON.

  8. I think the cop should be arrested and charged with murder and the people that's causing all the violence burning places shooting people beating up people whatever all should be arrested and charged right along with a cop my condolences to the family of the young men some of these f**** cops get out of hand and they shouldn't be cops to start with

  9. All these idiots going to get arrested. Smashing and burning and stealing and all this other stuff one thing to protest it's another thing to commit crimes that's all these protesters are doing is committing crimes they all should be arrested they act like a bunch of goddamn wild animals

  10. US police tortured and killed an ethnic minority in broad day light for the entire world to see. And US President use Twitter to threaten to kill the protestors, its own citizens

  11. 18 complaints? where there is 1, there are 12 more that were unreported……..that's over 200. any EDUCATED supervisor would know this………LOCK HIM UP.

  12. COPS: you will never have control until you support mutual respect……….you murderous cops only make it bad for your fellow officers….shame on you……

  13. We have over a hundred thousand deaths from the virus , unemployment high, people getting evicted ,and he's worried about tweeting. What an evil monster .

  14. These people are going to burn that City to the ground. Why don't y'all just charge the fucking criminals who murdered this man right in front of people's faces? Y'all want the city to burn that's what I think.

  15. A Call For Justice And Accountability , "IAMV" Uniting A People To The Nation

    The faces of those in power, that have no power against the shift upon this world, God's Shift that is upon mankind, for the evil acts against humanity for hundreds of years, for those killed and illegally incarcerated.

    While the world leaders sympathize with no genuine action to change, those that transgress against the same laws they govern others to. Know this, the first will be last and the last will be first. IAMV

  16. Wearing a mask..staying 6ft apart..washing hands NOT about politics…it's a Health issue..Period!! 😷🇺🇸

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