#Biden #covid19 #vaccine #ABCNews

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By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: 3/25/2021”
  1. Omg! People please stop coming to the USA.US government cannot take care of everybody in the world.we have lots of problems to take care of our family too!
    Can we send them back to their country?

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    他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1616963706

  3. Tho my memory isnt the best, l clearly recall the MEDIA saying children didnt need the vaccine. That thus ID vax fidnt " affect them as it did adults" ALS there is such PRESSURE to push the agenda of antiAsian racusm. This is a classic PIVOT away from the ANTIBLACK racism. Poor blacks have provided Asians with genetational wealth. The initial subject was REPARATIONS.

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    說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1616830520

  5. It's weird how there's never any talk about our latin American policies that perpetuate the immigration crisis.

    Even Europe's migrant crisis can be traced back to disastrous US foreign policy.

  6. 🚫So liberal democrat bias press folks are you Just Going to Let Biden's Massive Brain Malfunction During His First Press meeting Slip Under the Radar? You never would do that if Trump perform in a like manner. This just proves how bias most of the press is by giving senile Joe Biden a free pass yet again.

  7. 🚫So liberal democrat bias press folks are you Just Going to Let Biden's Massive Brain Malfunction During His First Press meeting Slip Under the Radar? You never would do that if Trump perform in a like manner. This just proves how bias most of the press is by giving senile Joe Biden a free pass yet again.

  8. Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, Google, YouTube, Apple, Amazon and mainstream media have gone way over the line. Mainstream media has always misinformed, sensationalized and lied. Usually for profit. Now they do all that, plus censorship and hiding information. Social media has also jumped on board. Social media silences any information that they don’t agree with. Or is not the same politics as theirs. They don’t report news. They attempt to create news. Censorship is what is done in communist countries. Everyone should do themselves a favor, and boycott all of them. They aren’t really giving facts anyway! Wake up America!

  9. Border crisis? How dumb do you think MAGATs are? Oh yeah you've got a point.

    There is a difference between freedom of speech and lying for ratings.

    Americans died believing Fox TV who repeated Traitor Trump's pandemic hoax and voter fraud.

    Sidney Powell said the lawsuit against her should be thrown out because what she said was "Obviously untrue".

  10. Congratulations, 105 children have been reunited with their families under Biden.

    Traitor Trump's wall make Mexicans feel safer from US Covid, Cages and Forced Sterilisation..

    The Border detention centre is a holiday camp compared to LA's skid row.

    Covid deaths USA 559,744 vs Mexico 200,211. Open your eyes it's Americans who are giving Mexicans Covid.

  11. Why are the kids coming here? Why don’t we try to help the reason why they are running to our country? Can we help?

  12. Clearly this man knows nothing about the sex trade in Mexico you are talking about 16 and 17-year-old girls being released into the hands of cartels and gang members? How many of them will never be seen again but will live out horrific lives thanks to your policies

  13. wth? i have black and white flowing thru my veins!, about every black person b4 1900 was a slave. and many white ppl were slave owners. but come on! this was a long time ago b4 my time. we live for today and forward fir tomorrow that’s what’s important ! the racism going on now is what matters, that’s what we need to deal with. that’s what matters!i think what that lady said, is cheap! saying a start in atonement would be paying monies to the descendants of those that were once slaves????? seriously ! sounds to me like ppl lookin for a easy payday today ! the ppl that need to atone are no longer alive , the ones who need to atone are dead! they are not here to decide to atone! they are gone! as are those souls that they enslaved at the time !
    honestly, this was ridiculous! atoning thru payments? wasting time looking back like this will only cause future problems . don’t we all already have enough problems that need to be dealt with happening in the now? dealing with current problems , and those that have to do with with racism are what’s important now , this is were the fight should be! i’m sorry but if you don’t have , or cannot find a current problem happening today , that you need to fight for. then you definitely have no reason to go digging around looking for issues , that were b4 our time!
    this is just ppl who are sadly , adding more problems , to the more important problems of today!and saying the problems of the past can be atoned with a paycheck to the descendants . is just lame, it’s truly nuts. and thats not atonement!
    it’s ppl looking 4 a easy paycheck ! it’s a shame ! you want to learn your lineage , go for it , but these two women had no clue slavery was even a part of their lineage. until literally being told. to me that says it all !!!!!

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  16. Appointed by Donald Trump Andrew Saul (Republican) is now the

    Commissioner of the Social Security Administration.

    Appointed by Donald Trump Charles P. Rettig a friend who defends Donald Trump not having to reveal his taxes Rettig is now Commissioner of Internal Revenue service.

    When Donald Trump ran for president he made it clear that the government should not support Meals on Wheels but instead this money should go to Wall Street instead. These two people are in charge when it comes to the disbursement of stimulus checks. It is people on the bottom receiving government assistance who have yet to receive their $1400 stimulus check. What is even sadder is that there has been a lot of federal judges also appointed by Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Loving God the Republican Party apparently cannot stand Jesus who says the meek shall inherit the earth. People if you are not as perfect as Jesus Christ there seems little chance you will go to heaven as long as the Republicans own the copyright laws to God. There is a price you have to pay when ruling with Satan, not going to heaven could be one of them.

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