ABC News Live Update: US hits another grim milestone in pandemic – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, a profile of an up-and-coming prospect who’s the product of the NBA’s global reach, and Christmas decorations across the country brighten up the holiday spirit.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: US hits another grim milestone in pandemic”
  1. Willkommen beim Zauberspezialisten Real Magic Of Love
    Wenn Sie von anderen Zauberwirkern und Heilern enttäuscht wurden, die Ihnen nicht die Ergebnisse geliefert haben, die sie Ihnen versprochen haben, und Sie keine Möglichkeit des Glücks haben, wenden Sie sich an einen begabten spirituellen Heiler und Zauberwirker, der Ihre Probleme lösen wird .
    Es ist nie zu spät, um Ihre Probleme zu lösen. Es ist Zeit, das Leben zum Besseren zu verändern. Lehnen Sie sich nicht einfach zurück und denken Sie, dass Ihre schlimmste Situation nicht zum Besseren verändert werden kann. Es ist an der Zeit, dass Sie Ihr Problem einem begabten Zauber präsentieren Caster prof: Baba Nana, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihr Lebensproblem und den Weg nach vorne zu lösen.
    Zu seinen Zaubersprüchen, die nicht aufgeführt sind, gehören unter anderem:

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  2. I will love to share my testimony here with you all and Please forward to your love ones as well. I was diagnosed with herpes 7 month ago the Doctor told me there was no cure to this infection, l was only given antiviral Herpevex Acyclovir 800mg for 5days, 5times daily, the doctor said it will not kill the virus ,only slowing it a bit from spreading to other part. l was on this for the past 4months no improvement. So there was a day l came across with a testimony from a friend, so l contacted this man on getting his herbal remedy for this infection, which l paid for and reaceived medicine after a week and some days with instruction on how to take medicine attacked. I take medicine for 2weeks before going to the hospital for test…l can show to you now that am herpes free! . I fully believed there is a herbal cure for herpes now. l am also using this means to inform you out there to get yours as well!. contact Dr. Bali via WHATSAPP +2348120933032 or Email:(

  3. Here you go with the "cases" and fear mongering again. When the Covid PCR test is up to 90% – 95% inaccurate, and gives many false positives. Why don't you report on the real information about these flawed "tests" and 'cases" that label healthy people as sick "super Spreaders"? Oh, wait, because you want to fear monger Americans into more useless economy crushing, soul destroying, lock downs…

  4. Friends in Europe and the United States, if you do not wear a mask may harm others, then you have no freedom not to wear a mask. You must wear a mask. Wearing a mask to protect yourself is secondary. Masks are mainly used to prevent asymptomatic infections from spreading the virus, because of the n COVID-19. There are too many asymptomatic moving people. These people are like spray paint or spray guns. The COVID-19 is easy to spray everywhere. The infection in public places grows proportionally. Wearing a mask is like covering a spray gun with a lid. It will be very effective. Do not seal it. Don’t stop economic activities in the city. Even if the city is closed, you still have to buy food and daily necessities. If you don’t wear masks, you will gather infections in supermarkets. People should be encouraged to exercise outdoors in the sun. , Dance halls, etc., restaurants only serve takeaways, and chefs must wear masks. If you know European and American friends, please pass this article to two friends.

    Please forward this article to two friends and let the seeds of good spread all over the world.

    Please refer to my Facebook: New world, plant a seed of good in everyone's mind.

    Please refer to my Facebook: The historical destiny of salvation.

  5. New Zealand has had NO Covid fatality in over 4 months. NZ took the WHO simple 3 point plan seriously.

    9 months after leaving WHO the US has a Covid death EVERY 27 seconds and is internationally ridiculed.

    Germans are still teased about Nazis today, 75 years later.

    It follows that Americans will still be teased about being simple-minded MAGATs in 2095!

  6. Trump HERD IMMUNITY = US Covid death EVERY 27 SECONDS!

    Trump WARP SPEED = 80% of US population waiting until late 2021.

    US 337,961 Mexico 121,172 UK 70,195 Canada 14,719 China 4,634.

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = New Zealand 25 and Taiwan 7.

  7. China, Russia and Germany are distributing vaccines to themselves and many other countries.

    The world teases the US as it promotes warp speed while buying vaccines created in other countries.

    US Warp speed may finally catch up with Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25 sometime in late 2021!

  8. Nobody is believing your FEAR PORN on a Corona/Common Cold virus anymore……
    Finally the Corrupt Media has lost control of the disinformation narrative once and for all……

  9. and this just in nobody is sick from anything else. All other viruses have taken a vacation. 250k+ dead from COVID 0 from the flu , the Flu has been eradicated by COVID. Quick run out and get your vaccine that wont cure, wont stop you from getting it, wont stop you from spreading it, u still need to wear a mask and social distance. So just so i'm clear the survival rate is 99.8% without a vaccine and we need to vaccinate why? so maybe i'll get a milder version of the virus if i do get it? lol Sorry folks u can take that snake oil and give it to the sheep.

  10. I’m shocked – in a interview Fauci finally admits he has been misleading Americans about covid treatment in order to push a vaccine. Well, at least he’s honest about being a liar.

  11. I don't believe anything ABC reports. However, if it is true, hopefully the virus will attach itself to Pelosi, Newsome, Schiff, Waters and ALL DEMOCRAT ASSHOLES IN CALIFORNIA AND KILL THEM ALL!

  12. believing in Jesuchrist you are saved read in the holy bible Romans 10 : 9 and 10 , st Jhon 3 : 16 …

    believe in the place where you are the salvation is a gift by grace …

    blessing for yours

  13. Sometime it makes feeling in place research people try to make more fearing features of Corona.
    1. When Corona 2.0 researches underway and 3.0 just found how one can say it is more dangerous than 2.0
    2. 3.0 and 4.0 if series keeps going means Virus has ability to move infinite mutation.
    3. If so then only option is destroy forever rather keep research so that no virus no scare of spread in society
    4. In place of doing research on virus best option should be how to either completely vanish it or how to destroy by use of Medicine.
    5. If no options then it should have been researched like common cold cough sneezing and treated so.

  14. The people of Arizona deserve to know the truth about the 2020 election
    ARIZONA! Contact Governor Ducey and your legislators today.
    Demand they hear the evidence!
    CALL: (602) 542-4331

    The people of Michigan deserve to know the truth about the 2020 election
    MICHIGAN! Contact Governor Whitmer and your legislators today.
    Demand they hear the evidence!
    CALL: (517) 373-0135

    The people of Wisconsin deserve to know the truth about the 2020 election
    WISCONSIN! Contact Governor Evers and your legislators today.
    Demand they hear the evidence!
    CALL: (608) 266-9960

    The people of Georgia deserve to know the truth about the 2020 election
    GEORGIA! Contact Governor Kemp and your legislators today.
    Demand they hear the evidence!
    CALL: (404) 656-1776


    America deserved an honest election. Democrats made sure we didn't get one.
    Text FRAUD to 88022

    The media won't admit it. But it is on video.
    Text FRAUD to 88022

    CAUGHT: Surveillance footage shows GA poll worker scanning the same batch of ballots MULTIPLE times!
    CAUGHT: Surveillance footage shows #Georgia poll worker scanning the same batch of ballots MULTIPLE times!

    Special Message from President Trump
    Special Message from President Trump
    Text TRUMP to 88022


    "Big demonstration in DC (National Mall) on January 6th. Be there, it will be wild!" @realDonaldTrump.
    Ride sharing info @

    Donald J Trump

    MERRY CHRISTMAS:President Trump: "God sent His Son to Redeem Us" 2020




  15. Too bad people don’t get this enthusiastic about real professions. Imagine what a draft would be like if it were doctors?

  16. t's 2020 yo move over Sump`n Claus, dis year belongs to Trump`o Claus and he's handing out the pardons, like candy dis year. But only too family or part of his criminal circles. How do I know this well he just pardoned murderers, who killed innocent people in Iraq and too put the cherry and icing on top of the cake. He pardons his son-in-law's father Charles Kushner, who was convicted of tax evasion and tries to extort a witness who happened to be his own wife's brother yes. Mr. Charles Kushner pays a prostitute and videotapes his brother having sex with a prostitute and then try to Blackmail not to testify against him with the tape by sending it to his own wife. So if you committed a murder and you're part of the Trump bandwagon. Trump`o clause has something for you😇😇😇😇😇😇💯

  17. The fact the bogus numbers come from the " Covid Tracking Project " run by Atlantic Media , whose majority ownership is held by Biden & Harris biggest donor , multi-billionaire Laurene Jobs , who also owns 7.5 % of ABC's parent company Disney , and belongs to the Council of Foreign Relations along with Nick Rockefeller , whose Rockefeller Foundation 2010 document " Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development – Lockstep " lays out a complete plan for a pandemic , from animal to human virus , to masks at airports , is just a coincidence . Yeah, sure it is .

  18. This is just aother fancy way to delay funding on purpose. He really doesnt want to give morein past hed said "more than 600 encourages them not to work" why hasnt this been mentioned in the broadcast? Even if hed never said this…som is better than nothing and he knows zero help will get him the barbaric acheivment he wants fast enough

  19. 9 months now and still haven’t invested in building more ICU beds. I’d ask why but I know truthful answers are hard to come by these days so nvm

  20. DON"T BELIEVE MSM!!! #OpenYourBusiness The MSM is using COVID to frighten Americans into compliance…this is pure BS and we all need to fight back!!! Small business is the backbone of America and it is their aim to destroy our country. The MSM platforms have all been bought and paid for. Mayors and governors who defund police, let criminals out of jail, lock down businesses…These are all Democrats and they are in bed with the Deep State who in turn is quite coordinated with the China Communist Party. The reason they are acting out of character and imposing such illogical measures is in a coordinated effort to destroy small businesses. They are trying to get people to a point where they feel like they have no choice but to surrender and let the government take over. DONT LET THEM!!! All business owners need to coordinate and open their businesses. We are at war and YES there will be casualties…Everyone needs to STAND UP and SAVE our nation! RESIST at all cost! FIGHT!!!

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