ABC News Live Update: Remembering iconic actress Dawn Wells

ABC News Live Update: Remembering iconic actress Dawn Wells

Plus, 2 million Americans have been vaccinated for COVID-19 as cases continue to rise in the United States, and Ratatouille: The TikTok Musical is raising money for the Actors Fund.


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44 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: Remembering iconic actress Dawn Wells

  1. That's sad and she wasn't that all she could have been much older than 70 beautiful girl she ages very well I didn't know she died Marianne I know she had some Finance issues before and she said she was overwhelmed maybe with stress 72 years old that's that's kind of young to die especially somebody that beautiful

  2. Did you know that her Manager filed legal papers on December 16, 2020,
    only 8 days before he is heard in the background of her Christmas Eve
    video message, stating he had Covid?

  3. 🔆 The teaching that everyone either goes to heaven or hellfire when they die… Is FALSE

    🔆 Did you know? — The Bible Says..
    People & Animals.. Both Go To The Same Place When They Die. —

    Ecclesiastes 3:18-20 “I thought to myself, "God is going to test humans in order to show them that they are [like] animals." 19 Humans and animals have the same destiny. One dies just like the other. All of them have the same breath [of life]. Humans have no advantage over animals. All [of life] is pointless. 20 All [life] goes to the same place. All [life] comes from the ground, and all of it goes back to the ground.”
    (GOD'S WORD Translation)

    Ecclesiastes 3:19,20 “For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. 20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” (Divine Name King James Bible)

    🔆(** So, How could the Hellfire Doctrine.. possibly be true?)

    🔆 This perfectly coincides with what God told Adam & Eve after they rebelled against him…

    — Genesis 3:19 “You will have to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything, until you go back to the soil from which you were formed. You were made from soil, and you will become soil again."
    (Good News Translation)

    — Psalms 90:3 “You tell us to return to what we were; you change us back to dust.”

    — Job 10:9 “Remember that you made me from clay, and you will return me to dust.”

    — James 4:14 “whereas you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears”
    ( Notice.. It says.. DISAPPEARS )

    🔹Jesus NEVER taught that humans have an immortal soul. —However, he often did teach about the resurrection of the dead. (Luke 14:13, 14; John 5:25-29; 11:25)

    **Luke 14: 13, 14 says.. But when you spread a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; … For you will be repaid in the resurrection of the righteous ones.”

    🔹If people go to heaven or hellfire when they die, how will this scripture be fulfilled?

    **Psalm 37:29 The righteous will possess the EARTH, And they will LIVE FOREVER on it.

    🔹Hope For The Dead Is The Resurrection—

    **John 5:28, 29 Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the MEMORIAL TOMBS will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

    🔺 Satan is the one who lied when he told Eve:

    “You certainly will not die.” [the first lie ever told]

    ( Satan’s lie is still being spread to this day. )

    🔆 The Hellfire Doctrine Is False. — Your preacher has been lying to you!

    🔺 Greek Archaeological find from 1 A.D. … proves that gods name is JEHOVAH. Amazing!

    ( See the short video below )

    🔆 Use the following links… To get your free copy of the book… ( “What Does The Bible Really Teach?” )

    And the brochure… ( “Good News From God” )

  4. I think about 40 years ago that would be cute but in 2020 no because there's too much rat rodents and everything else in our food today that's why half the American people and half the United States half the other countries and third world countries are also sick it's called I mean boys and you and you poison me

  5. If you were given a free ticket to Paradise, would you go? Ask yourself, “Where is Paradise and what would you find there?” Beaches, palms, and surf? Mountains and snow-capped peaks? Is Paradise the unity of mankind and peace on earth?

    Paradise is actually the place where God dwells. Most people think they will go to Paradise when they die, but let’s see if that’s true. Have you ever lied or stolen? Liars and thieves won’t be in Paradise. Have you lusted after others, or dishonored your parents? Have you cursed the God who created Paradise? If any of these are true, you’ve offended Him and broken His Law. Instead of entering Paradise, the penalty for your crimes will be eternal death in Hell. However, God offers Paradise to those who bring Him a sinless payment for their sins. Your goodness and good deeds are not that sinless payment. God will only accept the sacrifice of His sinless Son, Jesus Christ. Anyone who repents and believes in Him will be cleansed of their sins and given that free ticket to Paradise! Jesus promised the thief on the cross who trusted in Him: “…Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

    Don’t live in a “fool’s” Paradise thinking this life is all there is. God is inviting you to the “real” Paradise through faith in Jesus Christ. When you breathe your last breath and life on earth is over, will it be Paradise “lost” or Paradise “found” for you?

  6. New Zealand has had NO Covid fatality in over 4 months. NZ took the WHO simple 3 point plan seriously.

    9 months after leaving WHO the US has a Covid death EVERY 27 seconds and is internationally ridiculed.

    Germans are still teased about Nazis today, 75 years later.

    It follows that Americans will be teased about being simple-minded MAGATs in 2095 ! ! !

  7. Trump HERD IMMUNITY = US Covid death EVERY 27 SECONDS!

    Trump WARP SPEED = 80% of US population waiting until late 2021.

    US 354,215 Mexico 125,807 UK 73,512 Canada 15,606 China 4,634.

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = New Zealand 25 and Taiwan 7.

  8. China, Russia and Germany distribute their vaccines to themselves and many other countries.

    The world teases the US as it promotes warp speed while buying vaccines created in other countries.

    US Warp speed may finally catch up with Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25 sometime in late 2021!!!

  9. Rip jack welch
    Rip regis philbin
    Rip Katherine Johnson
    Rip joseph e. Lowery
    Rip brent Scowcroft
    Rip jim lehrer
    Rip david dinkins
    Rip linda tripp
    Rip chadwick boseman
    Rip irene inouye
    Rip john Thompson
    Rip herman cain
    Rip Phyllis George
    Rip chuck yeager
    Rip larry kramer
    Rip jean kennedy smith
    Rip alex trebek
    Rip john Lewis
    Rip ruth bader Ginsburg
    Rip kobe & gigi bryant
    Rip bob Armstrong
    Rip kenny rogers
    Rip little Richard
    Rip Diego maradona
    Rip eddie van halen
    Rip kamala
    Rip john xavier
    Rip pampero firpo
    Rip rocky Johnson
    Rip bobby kay
    Rip justice pain
    Rip rip oliver
    Rip teijo khan
    Rip winona littleheart
    Rip shad gaspard
    Rip hana kimura
    Rip naya rivera
    Rip danny havoc
    Rip mr wrestling II
    Rip tim Brooks
    Rip mark rocco
    Rip ric drasin
    Rip road warrior animal
    Rip tracy smother
    Rip landon Clifford
    Rip breonna taylor
    Rip George Floyd
    And rip dawn wells!😔😭

  10. Family IDs man shot, killed during traffic stop in Minneapolis

    KSTPDecember 31st 2020, 1:12 pm



    The man who was shot and killed by Minneapolis police officers during a traffic stop has been identified by a man who says he is the victim's father as 23-year-old Dolal Bayle Idd.

  11. Amazing Testimony of God completely Curing
    Pancreatic Cancer!!!
    My name is Dae Gyung Kim. I am the head pastor
    of Sarang Jeil Church in Ban Weul Dong,
    Hwaseong city, Gyeongi province.
    Our church is part of The General Assembly
    of Presbyterian Church in Korea.
    I was diagnosed with the deadly pancreatic cancer.
    One morning I collapsed suddenly and was rushed
    to the S Hospital in Seoul.
    Doctors told me I should begin to make
    my funeral arrangements.
    The cancer cells had already spread
    throughout my lymph nodes,
    stomach and intestines,
    and brain so there was no chance for me to survive.
    I received a death sentence.
    But God healed me miraculously.
    Through earnest request I once again received
    a CT scan, an MRI, a spinal examination,
    a radiation examination, a blood test, etc.
    These detailed tests revealed
    that all the cancer cells
    had completely disappeared from my body.
    Doctors said that this was impossible
    and that it was a miracle.
    I did not even go through
    with the 36 chemotherapy treatments
    that doctors ordered me to have.
    But a medically impossible healing did happen to me.
    Only by God’s grace did I receive healing from cancer.
    I was given the gift to heal diseases through intercessory prayer.
    I want to upload my testimony to YouTube
    to be a witness to the living God’s power
    I recorded a short, two minute testimony in both Korean
    and English so that this truth could be proclaimed
    over the whole world.
    I’m so filled with thanks
    that I am using the comment section
    to let everyone know what I have experienced.
    Surely God the creator is alive
    and is in control of all things.
    Please watch this video
    and share it with people close to you
    and let them know that there is a way to live.
    For those who desire their illness to be healed,
    If you leave your prayer requests
    in the YouTube comment section of
    <Reverend Dae Kyung Kim healing prayer>.
    We will pray on your behalf every Sunday at 4PM.
    For English speakers,
    you may upload your prayer requests in English as well.
    I hope you live a long and healthy life
    and afterwards, we are able to meet in heaven.

    (Youtube search : Pancreatic Cancer Healing Testimony)

    If you request a healing prayer by comment,
    I will pray in order within 30 minutes.
    Please write your name along with the prayer topic.
    I call each and every one to pray.
    Please watch the healing testimony
    and YouTube video posted at the beginning
    of the comment and pray with faith.
    The healing prayer time starts at 4pm every week.
    It proceeds once a week at the same time in order.
    I will continue to pray for those who requested prayer even during the morning prayer time every day.
    Please pray with Amen as you listen to the healing prayer video every day.
    If you pray for not only yourself, but for other patients, you will be healed.
    My wife, Kim Myung-sook, was also cured of diabetes while praying with tears for curing the diseases of the saints.
    I believe that God will hear you
    if you repent of all sins and pray
    with a pure heart.
    Please recover your health and devote your life to the church
    you attend and live a blessed life.
    Healing is done by God..

  12. Oh yeah. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  13. Oh yeah. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  14. Very happy 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

  15. 13:43 I love that. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  16. I'm single 😥😥😥😥😥

  17. The Chinese New Year isn’t until February 12, year of the Ox. Why are they celebrating?

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