ABC News Live Update: House Democrats prepare to impeach President Trump for 2nd time – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, Trump is set to award Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, with the nation’s highest civilian honor and demand for the coronavirus vaccine is far outpacing supply.

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By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: House Democrats prepare to impeach President Trump for 2nd time”
  1. How about Impeach Trump each every two months, since they have not much good jobs to do except vicious attack persistently and constantly with Main Stream Media, Hollywood, Big Tech and Corrupted Supreme Court. Trump is only a small person, not God. You don't need to recruit everyone to Mission To Hate Trump, it is too obvious that it is evil wicked politics. The opponents are crooked and dirty evil.

  2. Things would have been peaceful if, Former President Donald Trump just accepted that the people of America has made their choice asides from his followers to elect his opponent President JB. From the insurrection incident on Capital Hill, I was shocked to see up to what extreme Former President Donald Trumps followers will go.
    If I had the opportunity to talk to Former President Donald Trump, I would say The United States of America 🇺🇸 should have never be run as if it was 1 of your Game Shows the Apprentice.
    F.P. D.T. you were good in telling your contestants, They are Fired!
    Now that the United States of America has chosen President elect JB.
    Mr. Donald Trump "You are Fired"!!!
    You're the only President in my entire life time that brought chaos and Division between American Patriots and American citizens.

  3. F every hater of president Trump!!!!!!! Not only do you hate America you hate everything it stands for. You are pathetic! But you know what you have a right to say whatever you want and I stand up for that right. But I don't stand up for is a straight violation our constitution. You don't have to like President Trump you don't have to like his supporters you do have to like the Constitution ,if you don't fu to the fullest!!!!! What happened to due process innocent until proven guilty I guarantee you every person I don't care what your political belief is I don't care what your belief was is on anything I guarantee you someone was accused of something they would want their day in court anyone who says otherwise is a straight-up hypocrite. So if you're not willing to give that to someone else especially the president of the United States I have a big announcement to make..F you and everything you stand for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. she and her 10 generations onwards will be cursed for her hate “God’s justice” goes around comes around

  5. @Marjorie Taylor Greene you brag about 600 rallies Trump hosted, excuse me but you forgot to mention the GOP and the name I WILL NOT SAY, has failed to pay the Cities for those rallies…damage? What damage bankrupting Cities caused? Forgot to mention that didn’t you?

  6. Amazing we can’t leave comments as we watch the impeachment discussions. What is truly galling is most Republicans are still spouting the same lies today that they have for four years in defense of the evil that is and has been prevalent in their party for just over 4 years! Beyond disgusted!

  7. I truly feel President Trump is innocent * I was born amd raised in this country 50 years * I cant believe that the supreme court is B laiming President Trump for the chaos of vigilantes * Each person is responsible for their own hands* It is up to a person to each person to decide their own actions * If someone pays for a party and certain people go crazy that is not the fault of a person who threw the party that person did not know that the party would be out of hand * there is evidence that people stole ballot votes * national television showed people stealing ballot votes * on the television a person can see people stealing voting ballots * when President Trump said if we dont fight like hell we wont have a country anymore * He did not mean for people to kill people or for people to behave the way they behaved * Alot of Americans say we have to fight like hell * many actors and actresses while protesting say we have to fight like hell * for womens rights or for some law to pass * it just means protesting sighns * trying to obtain certain signatures * & expressing oneself loudly * I truly believe President Trump meant that being from the 60s * Example heck no we wo t go * these are words that are used in protests * I truly believe it is not President Trumps intentions when he said if you dont fight like hell your not going to have a country anymore * Also President Trump was trying to have more of a protest to the stealing of the ballot votes* Not to kill people * The President would not ever support violence he always has made thousands of speeches to not not protest violently * it's a bunch of particular vigilantes being so rude & trouble makers & bullies * Doing what they want * Trying to be so cruel that noone can ever fix * by killing people to know that noone can ever fix that * Those people were vigilantes and each person should be responsible for their own actions and their own hands * We all know what we have to fight like hell to get our country back * protestestibg for hours * yes * protesting loudly and proudly ! getting signatures for hours on end about the ballots being stolen and many other things our country has been trying to obtain through signatures * Not those terrible crimes * President Trump is not responsible for those crimes * Also if someone says to me go hurt someone which the president never said that if someone says to me go hurt that person I'm not going to I dont want to go to jail il know there is cameras on me and I would know adcentually I will be caught and so did the vigilantes * No excuse just explaining most Americans have been out of work for over 2 years to these flues and let's not forget the other flues swine flu and many other flues before the covid and corona virus we Americans have been plagued with flues for centuries * constantly * lemon grass tea tree oil and cinnamon and holy basil with water sprayed around the United states can help with covid corona cruises and many more viruses they clean the air of airborne viruses too * thought I would mention that also *
    Hopefully the world will know President Trump never meant for anyone to be killed * I heard the supreme court say that President Trump on said fight like hell to get our country back* not about killing people * i know that President Trump meant signatures for hours protests with sighns for hours * expressing loudly * for hours * not for people to murder he always says no violence he made many speeches about no violence * I knew what he meant * just regular protests not killing * not burning down buildings * not destroying property * just good old fashioned protests signatures hours and hours and days weeks * protests days and weeks voicing opinions loudly * the others chose to destroy again others got out of control * certain people knew to not get out of control * people know that is their responsibility of their own actions not ours * voice loudly & signatures * hours and hours * days and weeks to a bad thing hapeni g to our country which is many things and being out of work for 2 years and constantly sick the diseases that plague us daily and for centuries constantly * Americans are exhausted * Those people who killed hated themselves their life & did something noone could fix * That is not President Trumps fault *

  8. I can't wait until all of this comes back to smack the Dems right in the face and it will. It may look like evil is winning but good will always overcome evil. The evil democratic party will set I'm their own doings.

  9. I wonder what the hurry? What are the trying to hide and avoiding it to come to the light? You know what? Everything will eventually will be revealed. Doesn't the impeachment applies to the ekected President participation in acts of corruption even years back or most important, the unfolding publicly treason acts of "foreigners" introducing or maybe altering the election results? We all heard of a couple of Military Generals that only was an act of treason….America for me is a "joke", mo respect, all there….hypocrits! The God you just prayed hates hypocricy and His rath will be seen and responsibles of people lying to the Nation including the mainstream media will be accountable!

  10. GOP is still not taking responsibility based on rejection of 25th amendment approach. There will be political reckoning for all of them because their lack the courage. Do you think Trump cares because they are still wearing kids's gloves for him? He's going to send white supremacists after every single Republican representatives/senators who did not vote to challenge the electoral votes certification. The sooner they give up on getting support from white supremacists the better it is for their own safety. It helps the nation mobilise against an increasingly serious domestic terrorism movement.

  11. Remove trump and make sure he will never hold office again ever, we make him pay for his crime on what’s happened at the capital, he is very dangerous

    Democrats want to impeach Trump because they know that he won the 2020 election. So they are afraid that he will make a comeback in 2024.
    If they are confident that Trump Lost, then it implies that the American people don't like Trump ,Therefore the Democrats need not fear Trump's re-election in 2024.
    No need to waste time and energy to impeach Trump , if Demonstrats are very confident

  13. How convenient no one wants to investigate who the culprits are, it is easier to blame what they want to destroy, these politicians divide the American people more every day and that is dangerous

  14. Cost Of Democrat Sanctioned Riots 2020

    🤔☑️👉🏼Black Lives Matter "injures 1000 police officers kills 36 people and does $8 billion in damage."
    Joe Biden Says “Antifa is an Idea” – After Antifa-BLM Rioters Cause a Billion Dollars in Damage in US Rioting-Looting Since May
    New York Times Finally Admits the Black Lives Matter Riots Left 'Long-Term Economic Damage'

  15. Donald Trump please stick by your delusions and paranoia. What you think say or do will not save your ass. When Mitch McConnell turns against Donald Trump and says that he committed impeachable offenses Don is finished. What Don is doing right now is digging his own hole with the shovel of his mouth. Keep it up don because you're going down down down politically and legally.

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