ABC News Live Update: AstraZeneca announces COVID-19 vaccine – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, tips to help kids cope with the pandemic during the holidays, and with no stimulus relief, how more people are turning to crowdsourcing to help others.


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: AstraZeneca announces COVID-19 vaccine”
  1. Is Your Ex With a Woman? Don’t lose your Ex boyfriend! Dr Godfather has helped thousands of women get their Ex husband/boyfriends back using his real effective love Spell”
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  2. Vaccines fail for treating the flu, HIV and the corona virus for one simple reason: Broad antigenic shift! That is to say, the genetic structure changes too rapidly for any Ab stimulating vaccine to make a difference.

    One significant problem with many vaccines: they are made using mouse brains and human tissue together with live attenuated virues – Which can and has resulted in infecting humans with animal RNA viruses!

    Why not simply use inexpensive antivirals like ribavirin? There are several fabulous INEXPENSIVE antivirals with great stats per the shootouts with covid-19 [Remdesivir, Galidesivir , Lopinavir/ritonavir , darunavir/cobicistat, oseltamivir, zanamivir, etc….]

    Here is a great combo using one of my favorite antivirals, Ribavirin:

    Triple combination of interferon beta-1b, lopinavir–ritonavir, and ribavirin in the treatment of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19:

    Meanwhile – 'Taking Taxpayers for a Ride': Moderna to Charge $32-$37/Dose for Covid-19 Vaccine Developed Entirely With Public Funds


    Me know the ⚖️ the tactics used to get a product OUT before it is really functional, outweigh the human life’s… With that being said, you decide what is best for you & love one’s. Mind you sometimes this choice is taken away from you by the “big$”

  4. I Never believed i was ever going to be HIV Negative again,Dr OSABA has given me reasons to be happy, i was HIV positive for 2years and all the means i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about Dr OSABA on how he was able to cure someone from HIV, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that Dr OSABA can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he days,and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by Dr OSABA i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HIV Negative, friends you
    can reach Dr OSABA on any treatment for any Disease he is the one only i can show you all up just massage him on WhatsApp +2348132322488 or email

  5. Please hear me out. I am pro vaccine. I’ve taken vaccines all my life. I am excited for this vaccine to protect myself and protect others, but of course not everyone feels this way because of some unfortunate results in the past.
    My best friend and her family have had some bad experience because of some medical problems they have.

    Would it be possible that we would not force Americans to take the eventually made public vaccine? Offer it to the public and whomever wants it takes it, if they don’t, they get tested for COVID. If they don’t have COVID, then they don’t need the vaccine. 😊

    My best friend said that is they were forced to take the vaccine, they would move. I hope this is one solution for the anti vaccine people in the US when the public vaccine is eventually released.

  6. Is Your Ex With a Woman? Don’t lose your Ex boyfriend! Dr Godfather has helped thousands of women get their Ex husband/boyfriends back using his real effective love Spell”
    Thank you Dr Godfather for saving my broken Marriage and brought my husband back to me!”.
    Me and my husband are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Godfather If you have any problem contact Dr.Godfather now and i guarantee you that he will help you.Email him at: you can also call him or add him on whats-app: +2347062606817

  7. In the devils dark lab they have now prepared the great jab, for the blinded children of wrath upon the crooked destructive path, and Hitler they said was dead, but he now lives in their mad head.

  8. Just a thought: Without challenge studies, how do we know these new vaccines are really ~90% effective? With social distancing and masks very common these days, how do we know the groups which had the real vaccines in clinical trials really resisted infection instead of simply avoiding it? What if the control groups simply weren't so fortunate in avoiding infection?

  9. x…. . End  COVID-19 … Now.  
    Directory of  Doctors curing   thousands  of  outpatients … fast.

  10. Corrupt Traitor Biden will NEVER be President. where it the investigation into Hunter's laptop?

  11. The AP is guilty of propaganda and lies. It is not media.. It is Government propaganda. Covid is a big fraud. Data proves this is a FLU.

  12. European Union and all organizations ive burdened by my akward behavior I truly apologize. I do realize that I have an illness/addiction that is not the norm of society. I am fully aware of the ring thats upon me and Windows that we meet face 2 face. I just know without Everyone coming together on an unbelievable scale I would have never felt that I needed therapy. Treatment. Thanks for your service gentlemen and ladies for the intervention. I love my COUNTRY and my kids and family and i am in a transition wearing the post event anxiousness and President trump you will get credit sir.

  13. They want to instill so much fear about this fake branded virus so that
    they can inject you with the so called Bill Gates vaccine (it's not a
    vaccine at all) that is actually nanotech and nanobot hydrogel developed
    in part by DARPA. It's insane how advanced this stuff is. It's a
    bioelectric interface part of the mRNA vaccine system. They will have
    full control over you. You will be essentially be a borg. It will be
    used to monitor every aspect of your life. Right now they want to
    mentally torture you as much as possible so when they have it ready they
    will sell at like you can have your life back you just have to take the
    "vaccine". If you don't get it you will not be able to go to work or go
    to the store or anything. The masks are merely a test run to see how
    the public will react to their control systems. Look up Implantable
    Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System or Luciferase Quantun Dot Vaxx.
    Beyond frightening! I think there is a good video on Bitchute. Patent WO
    2020/060606 A1.

  14. To better understand the Truth about COVID-19, read “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD in Pharmacology, who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  15. Yeah, sure, I'll take your inaccurate false-positive tests and indemnified vaccines

    Go F yourself

  16. Thinking of taking a vaccine?
    While the reasons for a desire to bring a Covid-19 vaccine to market as quickly as possible are all too clear, great care must be taken to ensure that the vaccines are safe (Report, August 31).

    It is 65 years since a “wonder drug” as a palliative to morning sickness in pregnant women was brought to the market, first in Germany where Grünenthal manufactured Contergan, and then in the UK where it was known principally as Thalidomide. The drug was not properly tested in Germany, and was not tested at all in the UK. Just look at the horrendous results — many thousands of teratogenic foetuses and live births. Lives and families were destroyed.

    Only the insistence of the late Dr Frances Kelsey at the US Food and Drug Administration that there had to be evidence of the safety of Thalidomide before approving it for sale prevented a catastrophe in that country. A disaster must not be born out of a mad rush for a Covid vaccine.

    JML Stone
    Honorary Advisor (retired) to the National Advisory Council of the Thalidomide Trust
    London W1, UK

  17. it's irresponsible, as an earth-sharing adult, to lack an understanding of the world's true power such that you actually believe this bullshit. all politicians work for the same satanic globalists. it's sad to see folks pander to those who consider them sub-human scum.

  18. No vaccine needed.
    Today's figures show over 11 million cases so far of covid-19. It also states that maybe there have been 255,000 deaths. If you do the math that comes out to a 2.3% death rate. That means that 97.7% of people who get covid, SURVIVE! It is probably more because we will never really know how many people actually got infected. 97.7% chance of survival! And that is if you get the virus! I will take those odds any day of the week!

  19. 🖐🖐the miraculous human body is capable of creating ITS OWN VACCINE FOR ANY VIRUS. 🙏utube Andrew Norton webber miracle of distilled water,,go to 40 minutes of video for info on how TO AID THE BODY to cure ANY VIRUS. ✌❤

  20. I am not getting no vaccine. The government all across the world are victorious for lying and killing purposely for their own agenda. This right here is just icing on the cake

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