ABC News Live: Trump visits NC, Kavanaugh accuser, Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapper released, Koreas meet

ABC News Live: Trump visits NC, Kavanaugh accuser, Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapper released, Koreas meet

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34 thoughts on “ABC News Live: Trump visits NC, Kavanaugh accuser, Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapper released, Koreas meet

  1. 🤥 Lying trickster Adam Schiff is trying to conjure up guilt out of thin air. Time for the do nothing democrats to end the 3 year impeachment nonsense and do something for we the people who elected you.
    “For those who find the hearings far from riveting but watch out of obligation or amusement, here’s a modest suggestion to pass the hours productively: Count the important things your representatives could and should be doing otherwise,” Michael Goodwin writes. Fix immigration, pass USMCA, rebuild infrastructure—take your pick. I agree with Michael Goodwin and so do 64 Million Americans who elected President Trump. Democrats will pay for wasting taxpayer $money$ the past three years and getting zero accomplished come the 2020 election. I predict President Trump will win re-election by a large number than he did in 2016. Face it the democrats have nobody that can beat President Trump. Maybe that’s why democrats spent the past 3 years trying to impeach him. Shame on all you angry sore loser democrats and bias liberal fake news morons.

  2. Here's something to chew on. Charlettsville car killer got life. What if a SJW was there in a car surrounded by threatening Fascists rocking the car. Fearing death, the Lefty panicked, backed up killing a student. Would they get life. HELL NO!!!

  3. Hey everyone. The world needs to realize that Trump needs not to be president anymore! I mean for real, for God's sake, somebody needs to impeach the bastard!!!! Anybody in their right mind hentel that Trump hydlide cheated scammed and so many other things, us Americans are still saying oh well he's a president Hillary get away with it! We as Americans, as a union, as a people, need to stand up and say we are done Trump! Who else agrees with me?

  4. What the … Since when Sesame needs to officially announce and clear the pure friendship between Ernie and Burnie are sole mates that I still recon so instead of the GAY. Who speads this wicked Sesame icons? Pathetic ………STF……..

  5. Why did Ford wait until now to report any misconduct on Kavanaugh. It’s time for her fifteen minutes of fame. How can you not know what house you were sexually assault at. Something stinks.

  6. High School? Really? How FRIGGIN Frivolous can u get?

    I now understand just how DESPERATE THE LEFT has become!!

    While in the real world CURRENT & ESTABLISHED FACTS like the Clinton's. Along with all their EVIL "SWAMP THINGS" GO on…

    Many other animals tied for #1

  7. I can’t believe that kidnapper was released. I hope where ever she lives that the officials make it known for public safety. She still could be a very dangerous person

  8. I wonder what the real death toll is. Will the truth be told? Or will the news falsify how many actually died like how they underestimated the deaths in New Orleans I hope that the death toll is low cause of the mandatory evacuation

  9. This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK. Are they wasting all this time & Money for, this Bitch is LYING!!!!! Even if it did happen, you stupid fucks, it was almost 40 yrs Ago, they were kids, WHY DIDNT SHE SAY ANYTHING THEN, GIVE ME A FUCKEN BRAKE, & She wasn’t touched, YOUR DEMOCATIC PARTY IS REACHING FOR SHIT that is So Far Out, it might as well take it to MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go. The Hell to Bed as Terrence would say👎😱🤢😡

  10. Anyone in their right state of mind can see all of this caring mess is fake. For Pete’s sake the midterm elections are coming up. Shucks! He took $10 MILLION from FEMA just a few weeks ago — during Hurricane season ! What a fake he is and the ones who believe him are fools,

  11. why didn't i get into the live stream chatting 😭😭😭😭😭

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