ABC News Live: Russian forces strike high-rise apartment tower in Kyiv

Plus, former U.S. Marine Trevor Reed is back home after nearly 3 years in a Russian prison, and the CDC has issued a nationwide alert about a global hepatitis outbreak.

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Author: avnblogfeed


33 thoughts on “ABC News Live: Russian forces strike high-rise apartment tower in Kyiv

  1. Ukraine War is to distract us from Biden’s failing polls, Hunter’s laptop & Hillary’s spy-hacking Trump scandal! Most of our US Politicians & NATO today are in the pockets of the “Military Industrial Complex” wanting WARS to make big $$$ like Sec. Defense Austin, Gen. Milley while our Politicians are corrupted by Corporate Lobbyists, i.e., Pelosi’s Wall Street insider trading & self serving interests- What a DISGRACE!

  2. There are different ways God can respond back. One is to blatantly bow down to other gods and He will respond by making his/her life worse. This is the one sin that makes God angry. Do this for a week or longer.

    To prove that God is against sin, sit still and listen for God and He will push your sins in your mind. This is what we describe as guilty conscious (this is uncomfortable), but it is God pushing the sins in the mind. He will even push the sins that are not based on morality such as cussing on one’s own, getting drunk, bowing down to other gods, or dealing with the occult. Confess every sin that is pushed in the mind and the guilty conscious will go away.

    If one blatantly continues in sin for a month, bad events NOT associated with your sins will increase.

    After you confess all your sins and stop continuing in sin, you can think about a sin in your mind. Before you even act on that sin, God will immediately push that guilty conscious of that sin in your mind.

    Don’t let the sin enter your mind. This is so you do not act or speak out that sin.

    Thus, this narrows God down to the One who is against sin. Either He is a generic God that is against sin, God of the Jews, God of the koran, God of Love Jesus, or He is the I Am (the One who sent Jesus Christ).

    To prove God’s name, just make fun of the God of the koran and the God of Love Jesus for a week, while not sinning, and nothing will happen.

    Make fun of the Trinity Gods (three Gods in one, Jesus is God) for a week, while not sinning, and nothing will happen.

    So, God is a generic God that is against sin, God of the Jews, or the I Am (the One who sent Jesus Christ).

    If one makes fun of the Son of God Jesus for a week, while not sinning, this will result in their life getting worse. Bad events NOT associated with this sin will increase. Don’t do this.

    If one makes fun of the I Am for a week, while not sinning, this will result in their life getting worse. Bad events NOT associated with this sin will increase. Don’t do this.

    Believe God is the I Am, the monotheistic God of the bible for two weeks, and your life will NOT get worse.

    Therefore, this shows that a monotheistic God can respond back.

  3. God want to rescue from the mark ✨of the beast one world 😭order system 🌾it's time to remember to Saturday🏠Sabbath👏

  4. Biden failure is crystal clear he need to take his foot off American. Engy. And it could supply Europe allies and put amercan to work please now

  5. 👢🩸रावण🩸ने पूरे जीवन का कुर्बानी देकर कौनसा मैसेज दिया है जिससे वो इंद्र से ऊपर हो गया विद्या बौद्धिक कार्मिक ज्ञान में 👢 प्रश्न केवल वैश्विक सेलिब्रिटी साहित्यकारों दर्शनशास्त्रियों से 👙🥃🙂?
    👢⚰️👉बेटा लकीर खींचने से कुच्छ ना होता क्योंकि लकीर ना तो सीता को उठाने से बचा सकता है और ना चोदने/बलात्कार से… that's it.
    Coz…get think…🌚?

  6. 👢🩸रावण🩸ने पूरे जीवन का कुर्बानी देकर कौनसा मैसेज दिया है जिससे वो इंद्र से ऊपर हो गया विद्या बौद्धिक कार्मिक ज्ञान में 👢 प्रश्न केवल वैश्विक सेलिब्रिटी साहित्यकारों दर्शनशास्त्रियों से 👙🥃🙂?
    👢⚰️👉बेटा लकीर खींचने से कुच्छ ना होता क्योंकि लकीर ना तो सीता को उठाने से बचा सकता है और ना चोदने/बलात्कार से… that's it.
    Coz…get think…🌚?

  7. A Ukrainian lead a small country (22) to fight against (PK ) world no. 2nd

    A russian over excited over small land destroyed what was built 50 yrs invasion of Ukraine war damage any things above ground

    A chinese oversees but over excited over COVID zero destroyed a country built 30 years with covid zero reset every things he oversees to base zero

    A Germany chicken oops was so selfish but excited to send old weapons to Ukraine to reduce ammo stock kept many years back that to stingy to scrap

    A French like to talk to Nazi russian only one w/o Intel in the world

    A US man old but wise giving weapons each week to Ukraine to fight the Ukraine invasion

    A hk was banned using the youtube @johnlee2022 banned after China's central government imposed a sweeping security law aimed at snuffing out dissent.

    A taiwan who excited track extreme closely with impressive press con. showing the world how good they were lost control of omicron spread wasting resources forget to buy children vaccines

    A UN (united nei) visited ukraine was show with heavy bombing next to him, for him he like it no action after visit—-nothing just talk

  8. America shouldnt be in ukraine. Deport the bidens, nuland, 99% of congress to the ukraine. I have no reason to support a regime which outlawed russian language, arrests journalists, and murders people. Denazify, and then seperate the eastern republics. If the minsk agreement had been respected we wouldnt be here. Im an American, regardless of what my government says, i dont need, like, or want ukraine. They need to make nice with their own population and their neighbors.

  9. Vote to get rid of Biden, AOC and the Squad in the next election 🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙👍👍👍..Let's Go Brandon!!!🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  10. US and NATO sending more weapons to Ukraine. Russia sending more missiles and bombs to destroying 🇺🇦💣💥💣💥 Ukraine.🤣🤣🤣

  11. I'm hoping it's not just obvious to me, but I ardently believe that Ukraine's coast is even more important to Putin than eastern Ukraine is.
    God, I pray Ukraine's getting STAT (!)
    EXTREME help to pre-emptively position ubiquitous defensive (+/- offensive)
    personnel, munitions, supply logistics, medical support, protective gear, trenches, non- centralized storage depots, bomb-shelters, civilian- evacuation strategies, and all related plans + contingency pivoting (Etc) for the
    INTENSE attack via
    Land, &
    Thus via
    boats, subs, planes, distant missile launches, land-based, various unmanned vehicle routes, plus weaponizing various "wave forms" such as transmitting sound, percussion, nuclear, Etc., &/or blocking (+/- hacking to reprogram) drone & other unmanned vehicle controls, gps input & output, various other communications (radio, cell towers, WiFi, satellite, Etc..), Etc., Etc..
    ….Just ex "off the top of my head" as a civilian, so experts should factor in SO much more.
    >Focus on the coast!
    Please. Thank you.

  12. CNN communist news network ABC Americans broadcast communism NBC nationals broadcast communism CBS communist broadcast service npr national Pravda radio New yuck times naacp national association for the advancement of communist people and..

  13. If you look other videos from the place you can clearly see 5 floor buildings behind the metal fence with barbed wires and STOP sign.
    Since when a military factory behind the fence is an apartment building?

  14. r NATO UN EUROPE USA no primitive barbaric savage beast terrorist aggressive fascist nazi mafia tatar mogol uzbek cossack turk f…… russia no problems drop THE BOMB sink f………….ing mother russia now

  15. I guess this US foreign mercenaries secondary mission set was the wife and child. Everyone has different priorities aside from altruism.

  16. It's coming to the lower 48!
    Biden will soon be drafting 18 year old men AND women to fight Russia. Poor folks and minorities about to be screwed again!

  17. Hashish oil is NOT what she had… she had CBD oil.. one gets you high one does not. Your supposed to be world class journalists. Get the facts right.

  18. Black women impacted by the pandemic? You got to be kidding. Black women most of them in free Section 8 Houses and other free City housing all on welfare, manufacturing illegitimate children non stop and getting fatter and all doing nothing and the other few who hold jobs all given to them by pandering Whites are impacted by the pandemic?

  19. 🔥🔥🔥If the West stops supplying arms to Ukraine today, the war will definitely end tomorrow. Does anyone have any doubts about this?
    🔥🔥🔥 If so, the United States and Europe are to blame for the continuing war.
    It is an ignorant act to think that Russia is reducing its power and causing more hardship to the livelihoods of the people of the world.

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