ABC News Live: President Biden meets with NATO allies in Brussels | ABCNL

ABC News Live: President Biden meets with NATO allies in Brussels | ABCNL

The war in Ukraine continues as social media video shows the destruction in Mariupol where Ukrainian forces have engaged in fierce fighting with the Russians.

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23 thoughts on “ABC News Live: President Biden meets with NATO allies in Brussels | ABCNL

  1. Vote to get rid of Biden, AOC and the Squad in the next election 🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙👍👍👍..Let's Go Brandon 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

  2. You have to laugh at ABC news trying to tug at your heart. Children, orphans must have said it 50 times during the news tonight. Then at the end asking for donations. Why don't you do this for the American people. Liberal media at it's best

  3. MedMen stock! The Dollar will continue to fall but Marijuana and Marijuana stocks will Rise because people will buy more Marijuana due to wartime stress. Help your family financially. Buy..stock…MMNFF

  4. Biden – What a Joke, yesterday said he had more experience then anyone else at the meetings handling world events – WHAT,,,Wake Up Sheep – if he had so much experience than why is a nation "Ukraine" being destroyed / 1000's of men / women and children killed, being killed each and every day – impact to the world environment with the destruction and pollution which they all are so worried about – Biden, what are you doing, putting the US in the basement, your asleep at the wheel….last time Russia took action against Ukraine was when Obama was President, that's right, and good old Joe was right there the VP…says a lot…and here we are again…We the USA, the World Super Power and we need a leader / someone that can lead with our power and energy….not the WOKE BS from Biden…
    Sheep you can look back / Biden comments, we are sanctioning Russia to deter them from further Invasion / now Biden says sanctions were not to stop or deter / his Administration is a joke, he lies over and over and over….
    Inflation not my fault – its Putin, we'll Inflation was up the highest ever last year, all of last year – and there was not a Ukrainian war – Biden lying again, his action day one to end fossil fuels – his comments during his campaign – "I will end fossil fuels" – we will work it out, then day one he cancelled pipelines and oil / natural gas leases – that day oil started its path up, which caused all goods to start to increase, Inflation – its Biden's fault., remember he said the buck stops here, hold him accountable..
    John K, AOC, and Biden's Green Bean – Climate Change Team, pushing still today to end fossil fuels and thanks to their direction, we have a war, and if you look closely at the events taking place in Ukraine, we have a global ecological event with all of the pollution being emitted into the atmosphere each day from the war, burning materials, and then when its over, the trillions of dollars it will take to rebuild and the pollution that will be emitted by the construction to rebuild – so much for the Green Beans solutions, they want you the US Citizen to pay $10.00 or more per gallon of gas, or switch to an electric car, but turn their eyes to a world event, pollution event – I do not see John K, worried about the Ukraine war, and the ecological impact to the world atmosphere….
    Its all Bull S.. – do not fall for the Left, Biden's BS, about Climate Change, and what you the US Citizen should be paying for gas, if he would just message, say, and then action the US Energy Capability to the world, increase produciton ASAP, increase pipelines and infrastructure to support production and supply ASAP – upgrade and get the US Energy Independence rolling ASAP – this will drive down world oil cost, pricing which will drive down cost for all other goods – EVERYTHING WE DO IS WITH ENERGY, we need todays energy (Oil / Natural Gas / Coal / Nuclear) and tomorrows energy and beyond which we can have a long term plan to work in Green Energy but storage and transmission capabilities need to be worked out over time….get a plan Biden, get the USA to the Front and LEAD…..LEAD WITH POWER, LEAD WITH EXAMPLES // ACTIONS NOT BS…..WAKE UP……

  5. Hello everybody, today I have one hard challenge for you that is answer this question: What Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made of good for US since january 6, 2021? At least one answer please. ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓

  6. The economic sanctions are taking too long to work and Putin is never going to acquiesce. He doesn’t care about his own people. He isn’t going to be homeless or starve.

  7. Гомила бедника и каријериста који нису свесни своје несвести и колико украјински тј словенски народ гурају у смрт као и смрт целе Европе. 🥴🇷🇺

  8. We sent our best Village Idiot to the NATO meeting…🤡

  9. Why are we waiting so long, including NATO countries. How are we going to live with so so much guilt for not intervening before with a mental challenging Leader of
    Russia. . Putin doesn't care ABOUT sanctions!! He is having fun of our naive actions. He WILL snap with the worse at the end. He has nothing to loose
    Please let's finish his game!!!
    Love you leaders of the world and NATO countries and Ukranian citizens.
    Gloria MPA, MAL

  10. I'm extremely disappointed in you Biden! I thought you and Harris would be good for the United States! Boy was I wrong. I'm schizophrenic with all the voices in my head.. I rather Trump anyday!! Mercy Lord!!!!!!!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  11. “Goats are like mushrooms, because if you shoot a duck, I’m scared of toasters.”
    Boe Jiden

  12. 1 BOUNTY, 1 PUTIN, 1 BUNKER, SEAL THE EXITS. Fight the Boss NOT the Employees .

    Poland is the land of Auschwitz Birkenau and Krakow Plaszow extermination camps but yet it helps Ukraine.

    End this boring pinky war! Europe's love of killing and racism displays a 'stupidity gene' within European DNA.

    American media are using Ketanji and Ukraine as a distraction from it's 1,001,536 Covid deaths pandemic mismanagement!

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