ABC News Live: Powerful explosions reportedly heard in Russia near Ukraine border

ABC News Live: Powerful explosions reportedly heard in Russia near Ukraine border

Plus, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows a majority of voters dont approve of the job President Joe Biden is doing.

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30 thoughts on “ABC News Live: Powerful explosions reportedly heard in Russia near Ukraine border

  1. All the Job vacancies! He was left with a mess from the 45th Con-Man. Has to face Covid which is NEVER going to disappear. The Ukraine War, China trying to use this time by go after Tawain. Our Country is in great hands. Let's pray for him, we could be in WWIII. Bringing back HUGE companies by relocating to USA. Having to deal with the Flip Flop lying Republicans that can't recall or remember what their statements were the day before.

  2. Stop provoking the Russian to your puppeteer USA for the everydrop of Ukrainian blood for USA greedy hands relise they are the Evil not Russia history has proved this. USA are the biggest grubs they proved this in Kosovo Libya Syria Iraq Afghanistan Yemen Palestine and toppled many governments to benefit their greedy agendas at the hands of civilians WAKE up people USA are evil globalist

  3. Well done to the separatists and Russia for taking action. 🇷🇺🇺🇦
    Puppetlenskyy and the obiden-soros Kiev coup thugs are heading for the sewers of history…

  4. 1:20 ´´ 4 2 ´´ ! ! ?!!

  5. imagine hundreds thousands more frömm 9.5? ??
    imagin every grändmäh bing ´´fit´´ in plösiffce xD
    1:20 ´´ 4 2 ´´ ! ! ?!!

  6. The Second Horse"men" of the Apocalype is already started after the head that many crowns(Corona Virus) is also already done!…it's a "Men"…not a 4 horseAngel riding in a Unicorn (on the "fantasy" of the morons people)

  7. 🇺🇸💩💩💩💩💩

  8. Why aren’t some of these soldiers having helmets on wouldn’t you be worried about getting your fucking head one tapped by a lucky or strategic round. Russia is huge. This is very unsettling and we are living in a historic time.

  9. Incrível como a OTAN tem dado tanta segurança para os moradores das áreas em conflitos que eles nem saem de suas casas em busca de áreas mais seguras, vc deviam ter mais compromisso com a verdade pois milhões de cidadãos do planeta que vos assistem são de regimes democráticos e estão em situação de ameaças por regimes neonazistas como este de Zelenski que não se importa com os concidadãos, mas apenas em expô-los na ponta da baioneta inimiga. este politico que não sei a quem serve deveria saber que "quem não tem bundas não senta em barranco."

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