ABC News Live: McCain memorial service, McGahn leaving White House, Fla. governor race – Car Mod Pros Portal

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14 thoughts on “ABC News Live: McCain memorial service, McGahn leaving White House, Fla. governor race”
  1. Where’s your outrage over Hillary Clinton’s emails stolen by China 🇨🇳

  2. Earthians.

    01. Your are Earthian by birth. The Almighty of the Universe has not created any religion, community, or caste or religious rites to be performed or to be followed by Earthians. Why you need religion and religion based gods to live religious menaces..
    Accept One world one Almighty – one humanity concept.
    Mother is goddess and Father is god.
    Respect females.
    Religion is not the basic need to live on the Earth planet.
    Religion spoils your future, Religion divides the Earthians, Religion creates sense of revenge, Religion is an evil element, Religion develops enmity among Earthians,
    Religion is against the nature of reality. Do not be a religious slave. Entomb your religious sentiments and your religion.

    01. Selfish spiritual thinkers designed several gods and goddesses to cater the needs of religious hungers. They classified gods or goddesses as pain remover, goddess of wine, goddesses of Earth, god of sex, god of war, sun god, moon goddess, fire god, water goddesses, and forest goddess. These people are in wrong impression that praying the gods through the priest- clergyman will be cures their pain, give health and wealth. The devotees will some percentage of the earning every month to feed the priests or clergyman. Specialization of occupations led to professional clergyman or priest along with the temples and traditional styles of worship inherent in formal religions. The spiritual scripture developed by some religious thinkers or by the priests or by the clergyman created belief on human designed gods, among the religious hungers and such scriptures tendered to become codified in contrast to the fluid, evolving patterns of mythology. Spiritual scriptures had no power as all these scriptures were written human beings.
    Myths: Fundamental Beliefs
    01. Christianity is the religion of the followers of the teachings in Bible. Jesus was born as a Jew in Bethlehem in 0-4 to Virgin Mary. He was believed to have possessed supernatural powers. He began traveling widely and preaching to people in various towns. Alarmed by the growing popularity of Jesus Christ and his preaching, some Jewish priests conspired to kill him and succeeded in having him crucified. On the third day after his Crucifixion, Jesus was resurrected. He lived on earth for another 40 days and then ascended to heaven.
    02. Christians are monotheists and insist that the originator and preserver of creation is one but is represented in the Holy Trinity, as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christians see God as the Lord of Israel and the father of the divine and human figure of Jesus. Jesus was the eternal word of God who assumed human form to serve humanity and to rescue the human beings. Jesus suffered and died to redeem mankind from sin. Christians also believe that Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God as the final judge of the dead, and that He will return again as prophesied.
    Sects Catholic
    03. Christianity became the formal religion of the Roman Empire after Constantine, the Emperor of Rome, converted to Christianity in 016,433. The religion was known as Catholic or universal, with the Roman Pope as its head. By the end of the 017,000, a large part of the world had become Christian. Soon many differences arose and in 017,174, the Church formally split into the Eastern Orthodox and the western Roman Catholic schools. In the 017,120, a new school of philosophy began to question the supremacy of the Pope. The new church councils began to claim authority alongside that of the Pope.
    Sect Protestant
    04. In the 017,274 Martin Luther advocated many reforms in the Church, which led to yet another split in the Christian community and the formation of Protestant churches across Northeast Europe. The Protestants disapproved of the authority of the Pope and advanced the cause of the Bible as the sole authority. Later several divisions developed even within the Protestant movement and several branches of Protestant Christians emerged.
    01. Was Jesus crucified?: According to John (18:13-24), Jesus was brought after his arrest to Annas, the father-in-law of the high priest Caiaphas, for a preliminary examination. At the council meeting, Caiaphas asked Jesus to declare whether he was “the Jesus, the Son of God” (Matthew 26:63). Upon his affirmation (Mark 14:62), the council condemned Jesus to death for blasphemy.

    02. Only the Roman procurator was empowered to impose capital punishment, and so, on Friday morning, Jesus was taken before the procurator, Pontius Pilate, for sentencing. Before pronouncing judgment, Pilate asked him if he was the king of the Jews, and Jesus replied, “You have said so” (Mark 15:2). Thereafter, Pilate tried several expedients to save Jesus before ultimately leaving the decision to the crowd that gathered. When the crowd insisted on his death, Pilate ordered him executed (Matthew 27:24).
    03. After allowing the Jews to choose whether or not Jesus should die, Pontius Pilate condemned him to death. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross to Golgotha, where he was crucified. Jesus was taken to Golgotha and executed by crucifixion, the Roman punishment for political offenders and criminals. Two robbers were crucified also, one on each side of him. Late in the day, his body was taken down, and because of the approach of the Sabbath, when burial was not permitted; it was hastily laid in a nearby tomb by Joseph of Arimathea. (John 19:39-42 relates that Joseph was assisted by Nicodemus.)
    03. A part of Earthians accepts that Jesus was a Messenger of the Almighty, son of the Almighty and declared that Jesus as god. As such, logically, it is difficult and hard to diagnose, can a human being on the Earthial, awarded death punishment to Jesus, a Mystic Messenger of the Almighty – as declared by them as the son of the Almighty, and crucified Jesus by the Earthians’ made law. The Messenger of the Almighty is not permitted to act as god or Savior as such they will not act as god. As the Jesus was the Messenger of the Almighty Jesus is not permitted to act as god.
    01. Human beings have no power to punish or to kill the Mystic Messenger of the Almighty of the Universe. Therefore, it is clear that religious text and Christian Missions are misguiding and misleading the innocent Earthians having no self thinking and self confidence that the Messenger of the Almighty was crucified for the sins committed by Earthians Vivify your common sense to know the reality. The Messenger of the Almighty, Jesus, recalled by the Almighty on 10th Ertling (Sunday) Rignial, (April) 016157, Abijanga (Jesus) disappeared-he was called back by the Almighty and not crucified by the Earthians.
    Human Beings) have to ecstatically grateful to”AsOsA” the Almighty of the Universe, the most precious gift that human being is bestowed ‘Omera’ the knowledge and wisdom, conferred with the rare privilege to discriminate between the
    Right and wrong,
    Reality and myths,
    Real and unreal,
    Good and bad or evil,
    Just and unjust,
    to follow and not to follow,
    and to choose the nature of reality, to live peacefully.
    Entomb your religious sentiments and live happily and peacefully without religious menaces.
    Long live Earthian with good health and with needy wealth and without religious menace.
    Anjelana gansam

  3. My dad planned his funeral service before he passed away. It was so heartbreaking for me to watch him picking out his grave site and grave stone. He was like "oh I like to be bury here, its not too far from the main road….or I love this color stone"….. :"(

  4. It is a shame he didn't get his chance to be president. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time sadly. I wish he could of ran during Bush era's. We needed his during the 9/11 nightmare.

  5. And why has the government not got our consent to do this they do not even warn us of the possibility of side effects like they do on the prescriptions we get there should be a warning label for chemical trails

  6. Never again support Lucas films marvel Disney ABC networks anything linked to any of if it's all owned by the evil Rothschilds every dollar they get they are very powerful and are Depopulation based here in America and through out the world

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