ABC News investigation finds dramatic racial disparities in arrests across US – Car Mod Pros Portal

Black Americans are arrested at five to ten times the rates of whites.


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “ABC News investigation finds dramatic racial disparities in arrests across US”
  1. William Wright, Here's my opinion why he got arrested for jaywalking when there's no sidewalk. He was black and the police are white and this been going on for awhile you should know that my friend. Be safe and stay out of trouble. S 'NINJA' Khamma

  2. We always knew this 🙄🙄🙄

  3. America wants to forward the human cause in the world without taking a look at themselves. Charity starts at home, Ameican is instutionally racist but they want the focus to be on Chinese Uighurs. Bring black from Africa so white can get rich on human expense and it was aided by American racist system. Those racist and their families are still in power but dont look at America but focus on other countries so racist system is protected

  4. Yeah and look at Chicago the last 3 weekends….i think alot of those stats are right and speak volumes about what's really the problem in these communitys. Tell me how racial profiling and racism makes gun crime and murder skyrocket?
    Dont sound like the police are doing enough arrests and shootings🤔

  5. America is not 👍 great. Nothing great anymore. America is on 🔥 fire.

  6. ABC continues to fuel hate and violence. Did they ever taught people not to talk to cops ever? Did they ever taught people not to resist arrest? Did they ever taught people not to grab the cops and their stuff? No! They don’t care about people.

  7. I'm shocked the question is still on the table instead of focused solutions. How long is this going to be discussed? Its all about individual and collective humanity. Also its about universal laws, man's laws and the laws of energy. What we have adhered to, acted upon,etc., will come full circle. We will be held accountable by universal laws.

  8. This is the America Trump wanted to get back too. Because in the eyes of those who refuse to condemn what is and has been happening in this country to black people, they are in no way trying to change anything. Because in their minds, this is America being great again.

  9. It appears that police have stepped up their arrest and brutality since the George Floyd murder, as if to get their licks in before the end.

  10. No more Bad Apple KKK POLICE🍎 🍎🍎 🍎🍎 🍎

  11. It wasn't Jay Walking, because THERE WASN'T ANY SIDEWALKS. So, There WASN'T ANY REASON TO STOP THEM LET ALONE PUT THEM IN HANDCUFFS. You Need to Change That Narrative about A Warning instead of a Ticket to Cuffs. That Was PLAIN OLD HARRASSMENT. POINT-BLANK AND SIMPLE. Stop trying to make it Sound better, so you won't offend your advertisers. If you're going to pull the Covers off, then Do It Right, and In Decency and in Order.

  12. All us black need to get together f protesting and sue America its self for PTSD , stressed in America and so much more been trying to find a lawyer that will take that case

  13. They need to fill up these jails they built. They get lots of money for every person behind bars. They are not about to put their family members in prison.

  14. America , be very very religious, obey the Almighty one God, who created us , obviously you will witness The God's hellfire. Don't differentiate among social groups.

  15. Minnesota Peace Officer License Revocations
    Have These People Been Charged With A Crime, Yet?
    While They're At It, Arrest These Pigs Too!
    Dennis Hemminger #12882 Prostitution
    Joshua Demmerly #22953 Criminal sexual conduct/Stalking
    Jeffrey Masek #17684 Criminal sexual conduct
    Richard Duncan #09235 Sexual Harrassment
    Mohamed Noor #23327 3rd Degree Murder
    Richard Bruns #14958 Assault
    Anthony Marr #24302 Assault
    Julio Baez #16987 Criminal sexual conduct
    Joel Klein #14702 Sexual Harrassment
    David Campbell #11259 Criminal sexual conduct
    Michael Zeug #18531 Misconduct of a public official
    Jason Carlson #17629 Criminal sexual conduct
    Thomas Tichich #18467 Insurance fraud
    Lafayette Temple #19371 Theft
    Travis Sebring #20472 Non-compliance with CE requirements, failed to respond to board action
    Herbert Kotek #06212 Assault
    Christopher Reiter #20484 Damage to property
    Joshua Olson #21498 Possession of child pornography
    Abraham Torrez #19490 Solicit prostitution
    Davis Jordan #19718 Federal Mail Fraud/Conspiracy to commit Theft
    Jason Mindrup #14016 Criminal sexual conduct
    Ruby Diaz #16261 Identity theft
    Aaron Heuer #19611 Criminal sexual conduct
    Bradley Schnickel #18116 Criminal sexual conduct
    Aaron Apitz #11506 Interfering with privacy of a minor
    David Clifford #12142 Assault
    Phillip Meemken #12175 Criminal sexual conduct
    Ryan Verdeck #15747 Motor vehicle tax evasion
    Joseph Hunt #06061 Criminal sexual conduct
    Kyle Kreun #20048 Child Neglect, Contributing to Delinquency
    William Jacobs #03573 Criminal sexual conduct
    Timothy Campbell #10274 Financial exploitation – Vulnerable adult, Income tax violation
    Travis Lindberg #19308 Assault
    Daniel Kahlow #10561 Possession of controlled substances
    Scott Urdahl #12983 Criminal vehicular homicide
    Timothy Carson #19375 Armed robbery
    Paul Kezar #16611 Receiving stolen property
    Anthony Miller #14161 Possession of child pornography
    Gregory Snyder #09463 Criminal sexual conduct
    Daniel Saba #13029 Burglary
    Michael Roberts #07505 Filing false tax return/unauthorized access to a protected computer
    Curtis Rude #08619 Possession of controlled substances
    Joseph Dahl #04421 Theft
    Clayton Van Wert #07459 Theft
    Alan Nielsen #15576 Possession of stolen property
    Timothy Rehak #09171 Theft
    Scott Mars #14171 Discharge Dangerous weapon
    William Thornbury #18126 Discharge Dangerous weapon
    Glen Knippenberg #14354 Assault
    Ryan Lettner #16441 Theft
    Nicholas Reitmeier #17635 Possession of child pornography
    Mark Forsberg #09687 Tax Delinquency
    Robert Nielsen #11766 Possession of controlled substances
    Daniel Timlin #08098 Possession of controlled substances
    Lori Kratzke #09519 Theft
    Scott Trautner #08946 Criminal sexual conduct
    Shawn Peters #15812 Theft
    Tim Weierke #12721 Criminal sexual conduct
    James Goss #15314 Tax delinquency
    Tou Cha #11751 Aid and abet terroristic threats
    Scott Mogler #14899 Criminal sexual conduct
    Jeremy Buss #17605 Criminal sexual conduct
    Jeffery Kane #11872 Concealing Stolen Property
    Roger Sprick #80652 Non-payment of support
    Larry Costello #00912 Misconduct of a public official
    Travis Koenig #14169 Solicitation of a minor
    Brent Griffith #12555 Theft
    John Tuchek #14762 Arson
    Luke McClellan #07203 Theft
    Davin Miller #10451 Theft
    Carl Kratzke #13685 Misconduct of a public official
    Kevin Kuschel #08222 Gross Misdemeanor DWI
    Harold Nielsen #14110 Terroristic Threats
    Dennis Korogi #06360 Indecent Exposure
    Todd Horner #06786 Insurance Fraud
    John Thurston #13445 Misconduct of a public official
    Alan Knowlton #13490 Misconduct of a public official
    Allan Kertscher #04630 Criminal sexual conduct
    David Larson #12010 Terroristic Threats
    Lee Williams #12865 Felony firearms violation
    Adan Casas-Uriostegui #13919 Criminal sexual conduct
    Joseph Poll #08131 Theft
    Brian Denny #13372 Theft
    National Decertification Index:

  16. The country of hate, the reason we never see white people arrested because they simply do gets a slap on the wrist. If they do get caught breaking the law. They mostly get a warning. Especially throughout America the majority of law enforcement is white.

  17. The problem is all these Video Gamers don’t know how to behave everything is about Grand Theft Auto world!👀

  18. Jaywalking if I remember is when you don't cross the street at the crosswalk. Now walking in the street where there's no sidewalk is no crime. If anything the officer could have "I know there's no sidewalk, so be careful ", and kept it moving.

  19. I am so very, very Pleased not to be American,, the thought alone of being subject to the
    Brutality of the police of that country, makes me sick to my stomach. God heip those who don't have any choice.

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