Aaron Rodgers discusses his COVID-19 diagnosis l WNT

Aaron Rodgers discusses his COVID-19 diagnosis  l WNT

The star NFL quarterback, who tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this week, confirmed on Friday that he was not vaccinated, insisting that he wasnt lying in August when he said he was immunized.”




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #AaronRodgers #NFL


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33 thoughts on “Aaron Rodgers discusses his COVID-19 diagnosis l WNT

  1. If I were the GM from Green bay I would kick him out for good because he may have had contact with other NFL players and infected them and some of them got infected with COVID-19 and may have died from it because of Aaron. If I were you guy's kick him out.

  2. Aaron Rodgers Did The Right Thing , Rodgers is a Leader On and Off the Football Field. Rodgers is not a Follower of Experimental Vaccines and Foolish NFL Rules. I would think We still have control over our OWN Body. It is against Rodgers Belief and God Free Will and Choice to put Something(Foreign Object Damage) into Aaron Body/Soul. That, Rodgers knows will place him at RISK and upset his Heath or cause complications down the line in his career(s). Would You Jeopardize Your Life over Unproven Shots . . . Rodgers Teammates Concur, God Bless Aaron !

    Furthermore, The NFL require Players to be Tested for Drugs and CoronaViruses before playing any football games. . . The NFL is not addressing this Issue For Testing . . .

    Furthermore, Rodgers is The MVP through The YearsXXX(s). I would Not RISK that Status as an Athlete Football Player. Because, Covid-19 Vaccines XYZ are NOT absolutely safe in many cases. Death and Paralysis to Humans have been Reported since the COVID-19 started in 2020 . . .

    And, finally, Guys,
    God gave You Free Will and choice to decide what Foreign Object Damage goes into your Body/Soul .

  3. Aaron Rodgers did the right thing. He stood up against the un-American tyranny of the current United States Socialist Republic. The entire NFL should be cancelled after the players gave in to woke marxist ideology and became the BLMFL.

  4. Mr. Aaron Rodgers I'm A Retired SNCO Army. My Command Sergeant Major Used To Tell Us "Troops The Hardest Thing You Well Ever Do Is The The Right Thing Weather People See It Or Not For The Rest Of Your Day's"

  5. We Support You Aaron Rogers “It’s Your Body, Your Choice” to not take the Poison Vaccine that was rush through without enough test trials. EVERY Single Animal They Tested These Vaccines On, DIED! Did Media Report That, No. Hey did You Guys Miss The Latest News? Italy just Admitted that ONLY 4,000 Citizens DIED of Covid All This Time Instead of The Reported Over 130,000. WAKE UP People They Lying To You!

    Your Free Speech and Opinions Aaron Rogers. Don’t let the left’s fear mongering and their Non Scientific Propaganda keep you from doing what you need to do for you. It’s not suppose to be a career ending thing to exercise Your Free Speech and Exercise Your Body, Your Choice. Americans are Sick of Cancel Culture and NFL might continue to die a slow death. We No Longer Watch those idiots because we are adults.

  6. Aaron would have a hard time over the definition and use of the word 'is'. But behind all of this, a commenter brought to light the reality that in the NFL this is really about highly paid, highly talented young men who's career can literally end with the next play. Done. All over. So it is very critical that they get the opportunity to survive every snap of the ball as long as they can. And under these circumstances I can see myself 'claiming the Rodgers Rate' if it means I and others get to continue to play.

  7. I had a very bad cold in the winter of 2017/2018, and I will bet everything I own, and my life, that my natural immune system is stronger than anybody in the world who has been "vaccinated" with this new "medicine." I am sure "real science" (with no political agenda) can prove I am right too.

  8. then don't freaking lie, why doesn't ROGERS take his privileged BUTT to hospital see covid patient on vent. I hate stupid jocks that think they are special because they can play a game. The hero's are RN, DR's and Techs that fight this covid-19 . NOT this Moron jock who this he is special and with all his smarts taking worming medication. I hope Rogers bowls never are same after this.

  9. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996  national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.

  10. Haha hell yeah! I like Rodgers even better now. Hey this entire election was a lie! Vaccine status is nobody's business. The damn thing doesn't work. You can shove that vaccine right up your arse.

  11. Not everyone wants this experimental vaccine. They should not be mandated. Now he has natural immunity‘s that are stronger than any vaccine immunity. Thank you Aaron for standing strong against tyranny

  12. He was asked "Are you vaccinated ?" he said "Yeah, I've been IMMUNIZED" He knows the difference and said "Yeah" to the question. What a lying scum bag. Suspend him or the NFL loses all credibility with COVID protocols.

  13. I’ve played with nfl players and I can tell you for certain. These dudes don’t owe anything to anybody when people say “he owes it to his fans and teammates” it makes me sick. Everybody acting like he’s endangering all these players. Do y’all realize every snap of the ball these guys lively hood and way of taking care of their family can be over in a second. These players don’t care about covid no matter what they say. They are there for a check and deposit in their bank account that’s it. Y’all are forgetting how to be a human and it’s scary. Y’all acting like this was some elaborate secret he was keeping. Bullshit. These are all high performance athletes there to be paid that’s it.

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