A preview of ABC News’ exclusive one-on-one interview with Trump

A preview of ABC News’ exclusive one-on-one interview with Trump

President Trump spent two days with ABC News’ very own George Stephanopoulos to discuss a variety of political topics and current events affecting the country today.



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41 thoughts on “A preview of ABC News’ exclusive one-on-one interview with Trump

  1. Abraham Lincoln ended slavery in his first term. But, yeah sure you’ve done the most🤦‍♂️

  2. 😑👎Low 🤖 Q abc network 🤥

  3. Trump handled this very well considering ABC sent the Clinton lap dog George. Notice how George evaded anything to do with the Clinton’s and Obama. 🤔

  4. Trump Rules! He just got the Democrats to push for a bill that closes a loophole that was used against him with Democrats 8 years in charge It was going on then. He just got a campaign reform bill pushed by the very party that was guilty of using those practices. He is playing them like a guitar. WE'RE NOT WORTHY! , WE'RE NOT WORTHY!

  5. I’m gonna say it right now…… Trump is the greatest comedian of all time. Intentional and unintentional

  6. Wooly Bear~ When the dust has settled,,,and the storm has passed…there won't be any major credible News Sources left….they've totally destroyed the trust with American people..That they don't get it, 63 million people decided who they wanted in the white house…not the media…not special interest, not the cabal , deep state or elite….but we the people did…last time I checked…we own that house and everything around it…anyone else that says different is the enemy…and they're all about to get their asses handed to them….only when the dust settles will they try to blend back in the shadows like cockroaches…that's not happening…you broke that sacred trust.WWG1WGA…minus the riff raff…you know who you are….and so do we…..because you never took time to shut up …never took time to listen…your allegiance was and has been made clear you fought us all the way…You are the enemy forevermore….never again will we let you put this nation a risk….we're nailing that door shut…and sealing your tomb of doom. The devil's deeds are dead and the sun is about to shine bright.Dark to light !

  7. I was Demorat all my life but woke to all their criminal insane global bullshit. I will never vote for another one of those pieces of human excrement detestable mentally insane deranged lunatics!!!!!! EVER!!!! And if you all really care about this country you'll do the same. Demorats want to give our country away and bring in a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with communism and socialism. Which then you'd be nothing more that a slave, with them as masters taking all of your stuff to hand out to everyone else. They don't care about you, your kids etc. except themselves!!!!!

  8. Lmao! What a joke. True business man for sure. Always on his ugly sales pitch with his foot in his mouth. Very disrespectful too. And will he ever answer any questions? Cuts off Lil man George when he's about to get caught for not doing his homework.
    "What a joke your president is"

  9. What is it that makes you liberals believe trump won’t win 2016 is just the beginning No one but liberals believe the lying
    Media Either your mental gullible or just a asshole to believe cnn or all these anti Americans lying about trump No Normal person believes the bull shit It’s comical Trump 2020 is a done deal Maybe if you pin a murder on him he might have trouble but even that won’t stop the trump train he is a winner He wins it’s what he does

  10. In my opinion
    A spell huh
    A spell
    Ya cant make this up
    A spell
    Lol, lol, lol
    No, no spell
    The fact is plain and simple
    Media is trying to not have him elected

    TRUMP 2020

  11. the democrats are going to slip over the line and start a war they will regret. I watch these delusional idiots talk about impeachment and prison time for a duly elected President. Go ahead democrats and try to destroy the most powerful country in the world, we are just waiting for you to cross the line, go for it!!! LMAO we are waiting..

  12. Good job cutting up the tape to change Trump words ABC I saw the live interview and seriously your reporting and journalism and especially investigation skills are elementary style work. Pathetic excuse for editing our President words and being a one sided news organization that couldn’t report the truth about anything. Thank God for President Trump 🙏🏻I pray every day for his safety and thank home everyday that Hillary Clinton isn’t our President she said we all be in adults camps republicans on one side and democrats on the other. Hitler also controlled the media and press and won a Novak Prize, coincidences?

  13. I watched the full interview but there were so many clips taking out. I was a little upset that the interviewer kept interrupting as Trump was answering his questions.
    I was really hoping to hear Trumps full answers to the questions. Ugh 😑

  14. Pelosi has to go! Fuck dividing the country, it's already divided, I'm so sick of her spineless excuses, bitch if you're not going to do your job, jump off the fuckin roof! And get the fuck out of office!

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