Over the last decade the report finds that new HIV infections have dropped among white gay and bisexual men but remained flat among Black and Latino gay and bisexual men.
A new CDC report highlights the racial disparities in HIV in the United States

my self and my lovely husband was able to eliminate our deadly virus hiv with the help of Dr ajakaja may God continue to protect you.
I got cured from HIV with Dr on YouTube. Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCNnBYgqYyLD5RvPvBzPudWA.
My deadly disease Hiv virus was eliminated with the help of dr ajakaja powerful natural herbal remedies nothing like natural.if you are interested search for him on YouTube you will find the YouTube channel.
The news sounds like they are saying now its us white peoples fault… that minorities skrew anything that walks or doesnt walk for that matter ,sounds like a personal issue.
If YOU have HIV, it needs to be registered on your COVID vaccination card so we know who these people are that are going into bars and clubs super spreading the HIV virus. ðŸŒËâ€ÂÂ
All thanks to Dr Abiola for curing me permanently from HIV #drabiolaâ£ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
All thanks to Dr Abiola for curing me permanently from HIV #drabiolaâ£ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
This is nothing new, the system is set up this way
Let's just blame it on the white man. Lol you do that a lot with everything else.
Dr. Fauci failed on the AIDS virus also
Maybe if the dad was around to teach the kid how to act like a civilized human being.
They're realy trying to start a race war so they can induce martial law.
They're realy trying to start a race war so they can induce martial law. Thus is crazy propaganda
They're realy trying to start a race war so they can induce martial law. Thus is crazy propaganda
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As a lib I am only concerned that their lavatories are LGBTQ friendly. Because that’s what’s important!
Shout out to George Floyd on 555 days of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕 .
AIDS should be spread equally among the races! Start putting aids in the vaccines in less represented groups so that way it will equal out. Equality for all!
If there is racial disparity, maybe tell them promiscuity is there demise. STOP indescriminate sexual contacts.
Covid 19 so deadly virus and in 10 months they have vaccine but yet aids and EBV are still killing people for years smh does this make since
I know a doctor who own a sexual diseases clinic who said, I announced recently to a very young adult that the test is positive for HIV. The question in return was, What is HIV ? Unbelievable
The day of the Lord is at hand, Repent of all of your sins everyone and be born again. It is not about religion, it is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. You have a relationship with Jesus Christ by praying, repenting of your sins and reading your bible everyday. Jesus Christ is coming back, do not be left behind, have a one on one personal relationship with your heavenly father today because tomorrow is not promised. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ NOT on celebrities and NOT on what is going on in this evil world. This world is passing away and will soon be destroyed. HEAVEN is PERMANENT, This WORLD is TEMPORARY..
How do you get aids?
An old foe hmmmm, u don't hear much about ol aids these days.
I'm so happy i have been earning $ 19,000 returns from my $ 6000 investment every 13 days
I haven't heard anything about HIV in years.
Sexual education in the US needs to be more elaborate. Why is it touched on miniminally when sex is a major part of most peoples lives? The same as taxes, learning how to mail stuff at the post office, you know. Neccessary things to learn.
i dont believe in aids, that a tree; thems
flowers hall witches, yall devils.
thats an acer sacchrum tree; its called a
They all have the opportunity to go back to their ancestral homelands to make a better life.
This it's great news
Democrats for TRUMP
Who here has AIDS/HIV?
So HIV is racist
Guess it's time to cancel HIV for being racist
Just because I'm blind don't mean I'm dumb, Lazy good for nothing tricksters"
Bad decisions are bad decisions….whatever the color of someone’s skin.💯
HIV is racist
The Racism never stops.