A 10-year-old became the youngest person to climb the El Capitan in Yosemite Park

A 10-year-old became the youngest person to climb the El Capitan in Yosemite Park

Selah Schneiter climbed the 3,000-foot wall of granite with her father Mike, who is a climbing instructor.


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41 thoughts on “A 10-year-old became the youngest person to climb the El Capitan in Yosemite Park

  1. Amazing feat!!.. for any adult.. let alone a 10yr old. 👏👏👏👏

  2. Great accomplishment…. BUT it doesn't make sense that parents are charged with child endangerment for having their kids walk a few blocks to school by themselves but we praise this father?? It is over 3000 ft, no net possible of course, and even though he was there "guiding" her, anything cold have happened.

  3. THE El Capitan? The The Captain? The name is "El Capitan", there's no need to put the definite article in front of it because it already contains the definite article.

  4. Uh, no. Just no. You don't do that with a 10 year old. Teach her everything she needs to know in a safe environment, then when she's old enough to consent to putting her life on the line, she can kick ass and scale vertical rock faces. No admiration or respect for these parents whatsoever.

  5. I love her …😊😊lil cutie pie has heart…💪❤

  6. Why is Trump thrown into the comments? This is a little girl with her father enjoying this tremendous climb and than I read comments with Trump being put into the equation

  7. I'd like to see Trump scale El Capitán! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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