9/11 marked in NYC with moment of silence

9/11 marked in NYC with moment of silence

Relatives of 9/11 victims, survivors and rescuers gathered where the World Trade Center towers once stood.


23 thoughts on “9/11 marked in NYC with moment of silence

  1. I was only 8 years old when the tragedy happened 🥺😭😥😢😪💔

  2. I’m wondering why they didn’t do the bell

  3. May we never forget the selfless sacrifice of our brave first responders and the heroes of Flight 93 who risked and lost their lives to save as many as they could. This was a beautiful, emotional tribute to their memory as well as to the memory of all of the fallen (even George seemed to be holding back tears). Shame on those continuing to spread false and offensive conspiracy theories as it is a disgrace to those who were lost and to the families and friends they left behind. May those grieving continue to find peace and hold on, even when it seems hardest, and may we as a species continue to rise above these cowardly acts

  4. God bless the USA!!!!!Never forget our fallen heroes!!!!!🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽💗💗💗💗

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