9/11 first responder and advocate Luis Alvarez died at age 53

9/11 first responder and advocate Luis Alvarez died at age 53

Alvarez fought to extend benefits for the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, and testified before Congress earlier this month.


20 thoughts on “9/11 first responder and advocate Luis Alvarez died at age 53

  1. What's so morbid is that the chemo, a treatment where you basically kill the body and hope the cancer dies first, has turned him godamn green- and bronze. That's a white man, turned sick by a sickness, and the government abandoning him.

  2. I feel sorry for people who’s fighting or fought for america

  3. I bet this brave man didn't know that ground zero was a toxic soup.. with tons of asbestos and dozens of other dangerous chemicals… because, you know.. the EPA declared it safe!
    RIP Mr. Alvarez.

  4. How horrific that anyone could watch this man literally dying in front of them. Yet……have to even think twice about what to do!! This is was CANCER looks like when a LOVED one dies!!

  5. Oh, my… he looks almost dead, like a mummy. Poor man… this is extremely sad and shocking. There is no word to describe it. This man was a hero, literally! — SALUTE

  6. I called the day my friend FRANK called that worked Ground Zero the day it happened, He told me the physical symptoms he was having, YES working the site looking for red spots in the flour like covering looking for human remains. I called and emailed (then on PeoplesPC.com) the authorities and ask them to check the air and the powder they were walking thru, that I believed it was not safe. They came out later saying the air was safe, the site was safe to work.

  7. RIP. In a better place now. Thanks to all the first responders, for your sacrifice for our country. Congress may not respect you, but never doubt that the country respects you immensely. Thank you for your service!

    Our government has a very long history of not respecting those who most serve the country. There are fully 100,000 combat vets coming back from the Mid-East with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And the vast majority will get only the most basic treatment, many times less than what they need.

    We saw this with Vietnam Vets injured by Agent Orange and Gulf War Vets injured when Saddam Hussein blew up the oil fields.

    It is just shameful that we don't treat our own better.

    But always plenty of money for the latest pork barrel project. I bet Congress is just a huge festival of bribes….walking out of office with buckets of cash, while the need of real Americans is not considered…

    Isaiah 1:23

    "Your rulers are rebels And companions of thieves; Everyone loves a bribe And chases after rewards. They do not defend the orphan, Nor does the widow's plea come before them."

  8. Our eternal thanks… "O Lord, glorify his station, shelter him under the pavilion of Thy supreme mercy, cause him to enter Thy glorious paradise, and perpetuate his existence in Thine exalted rose garden, that he may plunge into the sea of light in the world of mysteries." ~ Baha'i Prayer

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