8,500 US troops could be deployed as tensions rise between Ukraine and Russia

8,500 US troops could be deployed as tensions rise between Ukraine and Russia

ABCs political director Rick Klein discusses what it would look like if troops were deployed to Eastern Europe.

#ABCNews #Troops #Ukraine #Russia


44 thoughts on “8,500 US troops could be deployed as tensions rise between Ukraine and Russia

  1. Every family in US, EU, Canada & Australia must send their family members to Ukraine war, to defend the western democracy there, to sacrifice their life for freedom, to die in foreign land war, to be killed in battle field as war heroes. Be a man, fight for the democracy in Ukraine. Millions of you shall go and be a brave soldiers there, die as a man.

  2. America 🇺🇸 abandon its own boarders to run & protect Ukraine’s boarder. Make that make sense. It just shows that THE USA IS DONE 🔥

  3. America has a Strong military but right now a Very weak economy,
    Best to Stay out of this War, as it will come with Great Cost ! 🇺🇸…

  4. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
          – Psalm  50 :15

  5. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
          – Psalm  50 :15

  6. The European Union needs to be addressing the Ukraine invasion by Russia, not the US.
    This news coverage about Ukraine is taking attention away from the fact that our American birders are not secure.I think that’s the plan

  7. The last thing I want to witness is a war between the US and Russia! God Have Mercy on Us✝️🙏🏻

  8. Send out national guards to fights against criminals in our own cities who are robbing our houses, busineses etc… We're not feeling safe right now!!! Lock all criminals first in our neighborhood!!!

  9. If I were a tyrannical leader of a country with troll factories directed toward another country, I would have those troll factories for the purpose of studying and experimenting on the most effective way to sew division in that country. Then, I would allow the tactic to work its magic for six years, create a diversion to divert defense and other resources away from that country, and then strike. That might be just me though, so thank goodness I'm not a tyrannical leader of a country.

  10. Before deploying our troops overseas…Deploy them on the Mexican border

  11. Jesus Christ is way, the truth, the life. John 14:6. Jesus is coming back soon. Repent, believe, and accept Jesus into our hearts as Lord and Saviour of our lives. He Loves us so much. John 3:16

  12. Absolutely it’s they way to blame others for own evil actions??? Did use invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea… why would you people worry what that creature said if nothing besides lies comes from there

  13. Biden white house protecting this country from Russia more than protecting his own country from these treasonous white supremacists. Make me think what trump was saying about Biden son have some truthy. I will vote for anyone not Biden and I'm a demacrat

  14. Why doesn’t America’s corrupt media tell the real reason there’s tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine moved military from an area that borders Ukraine and russia and left russia vulnerable in that area so russia moved there military into the area. Russia wasn’t doing anything threatening and if the US president wasn’t a puppet that’s on Ukraine’s payroll, maybe the truth would be told and America would keep there nose out of something that doesn’t concern them

  15. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
          – Psalm  50 :15

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