7-year-old dog found after 57 heartbreaking days

7-year-old dog found after 57 heartbreaking days

Carole King quit her job and Verne King grabbed a night-vision goggles to desperately search the wilderness near Montanas Glacier National Park for their lost collie, Katie.

#Heartbreaking #Katie #Collie #Dog #MissingDog #Found #Montana #Wilderness #Nightvision #Search #Rescue #ABCNews #WorldNews




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50 thoughts on “7-year-old dog found after 57 heartbreaking days

  1. We once lost our border collie for almost 24 hours while on a night walk before going to bed. She heard a loud noise and somehow got out of her collar and bolted. We looked everywhere that night and even called off work the next day. I told my boss I was not returning to work until I found her. Luckily we were able to find her under a car a few blocks away. Ever since then we have microchipped our dogs and attached GPS trackers to their collars. Expensive but worth it!

  2. My dog ran away at 6:00 and we have never found him. But this is not going to happen😭 He just had heart worm surgery and if he is excited the heart worms will wake up. So I hope we find him.

  3. It is a great story and a happy ending however there are some holes in this story one report says a window was open and the dog escaped from the window another story says there was a storm if there's a storm why is the window open Andrew why would a dog not return to where it came from. I had a border collie mix so this story was especially close to me knowing how close I was to my dog and I do not want to put undue accusations on the owners but where did a dog go for 57 days? Unsure the logistics of the spot in Montana where the dog I was lost but I do know where Spokane Washington is located in relation to the border of Montana as there is just a strip of land of Idaho between the two. In fairness I remember my border collie being horrified of storms lightning and thunder I do not know if it's something associated with the breed or if it's just something associated with certain dogs anyway I will steer you on this speculate and just let the ending be happy as it is maybe the dog just went out for a booty call

  4. All that effort for a domestic animal, while their wild ancestors get shot like criminals for just behaving naturally. Mustn't touch any precious "native" livestock as their old lands are taken over by same.

  5. Pets are like children. Dogs, in particular, have empathy. They do miss you and they cry. Essentially, it's like losing your toddler. I'd stay to find my dog too. Love this story. Happy she's home. 😭😭😭💙💙

  6. I’m glad they found her. I’m literally in tears right now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  7. 😭😭😭😭

  8. Ellen get them on your show 😀😀 🐕

  9. Don’t forget to kiss it in the mouth, slob and all. You know how you all do. Nasty 🤢

  10. I know that love for a dog. A love I can’t even explain. I just lost my boy to a drunk driver 2 months ago. This video made me cry… I miss my boy so much. He can’t ever come back.

    So glad they found their Katie!💜

  11. Omg yes. I love border collies. I’m so happy 😭

  12. So happpppyyyyy 😍😍😭😭😭

  13. ABC NEWS PLS do a story in the women who was dumped in the parking lot by security GUARDS.

    AND LEFT in the parking lot OF A HOSPITAL HAVING SEIZURES. after been caught for doing this by 2 good Samaritans , public men. These men fought for her to get help and the guards still just stood THERE not caring PROB FOR 57 MINS


  14. 😁👍🏿

  15. thank you for the wonderful story👍👍😢😢

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