6 counties in Florida have run out of gas ahead of Hurricane Dorian

6 counties in Florida have run out of gas ahead of Hurricane Dorian

The Florida Highway Patrol has been escorting tankers with fuel into these communities to meet the high demand ahead of the storm.


29 thoughts on “6 counties in Florida have run out of gas ahead of Hurricane Dorian

  1. I live in fort Myers and we got tons of gas and we’re not even leaving lol

  2. I remember sandy around my way people takeing advantage of situation selling gas in cans 1gallon for 20$ a jug and 24 case water bottles for 20$ and people buying no choice when nobody else got .

  3. Trump’s “best & brightest” over at FEMA are obviously “on top of things”.

  4. How long have they had to prepare, time to take down leadership. This has happened too many times. Why are people waiting until the last minute to shop, why are people believing the path is what the weatherman say it is, if it don’t go up the coast thousands will die on a direct hit. It all starts with leadership which is poor. A possible Cat 4 or 5 should be 100% evacuation, no rescue for those who stay, enough gas should have been ordered a week ago. WTH? Its called leadership people!

  5. Just like the preppers on you tube say,,,prep for a disaster, ano no matter what type it is, whether, weather
    Or some other kind, like electricity grids being nuked…and you will be in a lot better shape than the ones who havent, those will be the ones to GO somewhere else, CAMPS…do everything you can to avoid this….

  6. If I lived in a Hurricane zone I’d have a room or space specifically for hurricane prep. Water food everything . They wait too long to stock up !

  7. It's almost like these people want a devastating hurricane. Or the news is making it sound like there's going to be a devastating hurricane. For the people in Florida I hope it's a mild one. God bless🌟🙏🙏🌟

  8. 6 bags of SAND??? That’ll definitely keep the water out!

    But seriously all jokes aside, praying for everyone in Dorian’s path.

  9. Thx the Lord I use E85 😃

  10. My mom was running around orlando trying to find gas on friday. She hauls a diesel and has horses. In just praying everyone is going to be okay.

  11. I’m glad that where I live there is never any of those except earthquakes and forest fire.I live in California

  12. This is why I ride a bike and drive a Tesla. 🚴

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