58% of new COVID cases from delta variant, CDC says l GMA

58% of new COVID cases from delta variant, CDC says l GMA

COVID cases are again surging in parts of the U.S. as 47 states and the District of Columbia have reported an increase and Chicago reinstated travel rules for unvaccinated visitors.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/3ejz2QP

#ABCNews #COVID19 #DeltaVariant #Chicago


25 thoughts on “58% of new COVID cases from delta variant, CDC says l GMA

    company cannot mandate an employee to take an experimental drug, they
    would have to do the following to justify their decision, which then can
    be challenged:1. A risk
    assessment under the Management of Health and Safety at Works Act 1999,
    as to why they want to make it mandatory for employee to take an
    experimental vaccine that is on trial until 2023.2.
    A letter from the company confirming they accept liability for any
    medical condition you get because they have insisted you have the
    experimental vaccine, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Section 23.
    A letter from the manager implementing the policy confirming they
    accept liability for any medical condition you get because they have
    insisted you have the experimental vaccine, Health and Safety at Work
    Act 1974 Section 74. A
    copy of the companies liability insurance showing cover for employee
    taking the experimental vaccine are covered for any adverse medical
    effects.5. You confirm
    that you are not averse to vaccines, however you will wait until the
    trials of this drug are over after 2023 when you will be in a better
    position to make an informed decision…

  2. If government, cdc, etc was that concerned about the Delta variant, they would not allow international travellers to bring it into the county. Right! They would close the southern border like the northern border. Right. Far more Canadians are vaccinated but it’s border is closed. Either protect people or stop talking about it.

  3. Why aren’t they reporting the influx into hospitals of those vaccinated with blood clots & strokes? We are only hearing that on a small scale

  4. Last week there was more deaths from the stab then the virus itself…… 💉=☠️🐑

  5. Isn' it incredible how it is reported from every area as "92% unvaccinated"! Must be the magic percentage agreed upon by the vaccine prooganda experts to "scare the living daylights" out of all these smarter, wiser unvaccinated folks!

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