5 states have yet to issue stay-at-home orders – Car Mod Pros Portal

The national COVID-19 death toll has topped 5,000 people, and President Donald Trump warns the nation’s stockpile of medical equipment is almost depleted. ABC News’ Ines de La Cuetara reports.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “5 states have yet to issue stay-at-home orders”
  1. NOW do you realize it's just a POLITICAL PROPAGANDA TOOL to CONTROL the "ignorant masses"… this is a full-blown SCAMDEMIC… a purposely released Lab-created Virus to KILL the "Elderly" with existing health issues and "A DRAIN ON SOCIAL SERVICES WORLD 🌎 WIDE" but especially as a political issue to "overthrow a duly elected President"… all and facts have been exaggerated and falsely claimed throughout this SCAMDEMIC… the TRUTH will be revealed… ITS BEEN UTILIZED TO CONTROL YOU… [They've] used this to Coverup [Their] crimes and corruption and seize control of EVERYONE via "FEAR".

  2. Yes let's protest stay at home order with mask on.. people are fucking retarded. Take the mask off if you serious about wanting the order lifted dumbasses

  3. evil is at work. non related deaths being labeled coronavirus deaths. all to support state funding for BULLSHIT we dont want either way.


  4. America's economy let alone all economies had not been designed to accommodate a stay at home order. Money is valued more than life. The health care system is evidence of that. A left field example about money is that if you live in a city where they are in control of their own municipality and periodically a gradual group of people move out of town for better opportunities, the city will drastically increase your utilities to make up for the lost. This stay in order thing will have a devistating effect. Its going to be 2007 all over again where gas prices will skyrocket. And I hate to be the one to suggest "whats next?" We are also in the middle of tornado season with hurricane season on approach. We just recovered from a vaping epidemic that was in the middle of a rediculous mass shooting fiasco. Healthcare was already driving people bankrupt and the cost of living rising to the point where we cant keep up with rent. I'll say it again. Money is valued more than life.

  5. I don't understand why Missouri is still open for business. I have driven through a few times now visiting family, it isn't exactly a rural state. This has to be spreading badly. Arkansas, too- my brother lives there, and it's not like they don't have cases. I kinda get Nebraska and the Dakotas- it's pretty sparse in those parts.

  6. Im from SD and our whole state population isn’t even 1 million people so don’t tell us how to behave in our state when it’s cities like NY that people should be focused on

  7. The last 11 states of which these 5 belong are all run by republican governors for some unknown reason were late or still have not issued Stay at Home orders. Do they not realize that the virus does not recognize state boarders? Like our president, they are selfish and only think about themselves and not the well being of the whole country. If Trump and the governors took decisive action and issued the order weeks ago, many who are suffering now would not be. Can they all be that ignorant not to follow the experts. When the dust settles, they should be held responsible for the additional pain and suffering by more people than it had to be.

  8. So people shouldn't be allowed to be working in the middle of a 1000 acre field?? Go on a solo walk in the wilderness?? Pull your heads out of your butts.

  9. It’s not even a shutdown yet in South Carolina everyone is outside and it’s like normal

  10. over 1000 dead in one day and he still won't close the state how many more will have to die. sad day. and more to come😞

  11. New governor me please🤦🏾‍♀️

  12. ABC you and the rest of the MSM are a bunch of liars. This is a real virus and it is deadly to some people, but you are lying in showing hospitals jammed packed and trying to cause a panic and everyone snitching on their neighbors! People have proven with video evidence that the hospitals are NOT packed and the one in NY that was shown was not a video from a NY hospital but was proven to be a video from a hospital in ITALY. You guys are trying to use this to panic the public and take away their constitutional rights. We see through your crap. I have a really hard time believing that Democratic governors that are taking undue powers unto themselves have our best interest at heart when they are also opening up their prisons and allowing dangerous murderers and child molesters out on the public "so they won't get sick" while denying people the right to protect their families, the right to go out and get fresh air, allow bars to stay open, but refuse to let churches meet, etc.

  13. Ummm… The South Carolina Governor (Henry McMasters) hasn't issued a state-wide Shelter in Place order. Some Mayors have done so for their cities but as a state we do not have one. State Leaders are still petitioning the Governor to do so. ABC News…this is the time to vet stories with FACTS.

  14. I went to the store yesterday
    I had a mask and gloves on !
    There were signs in the store saying stay 6ft apart and place mats in the floor.
    So dumbass decided to get close to me and say sure 6ft apart he had no mask on.
    I said YES NOW BACK UP!
    I think we should give tickets to people that aren’t taking it seriously and want to mess with strangers for their sick amusement! This guy doesn’t know I have a new born / elderly parents / and a brother with a weaken immune system from tumors on his LUNGS !

  15. Alternatively, if you're looking for the last bastion of freedom, you now know which state's are less likely to take away your rights.

  16. Ya n I live in one of them its restarted I have an 18 month old and a pregnant girlfriend who is due in 7 weeks and has a stay at home order from her doctor. We work at the same restaurant ? Why would I still be going to work n risk infecting her if she cant be there, would it not make sense for me to stay away as well? I dont wanna lose my girl or kids or my own life for an 11 dollar an hour job trump help us close down Arkansas this is bullcrap shouldn't have to choose to be evicted or keep my high risk family safe tf is up with these few states wake up. We may not have a problem today but if we dont shut stuff down I give it a week before were just as bad. If we arnt doing anything to prevent it….. c'mon use ya brain

  17. How completely ignorant can you be? It’s just the same as the ignoramuses taking cruises right now, and then crying about how they’re stuck on a cruise ship. People are just mind boggling stupid.

  18. This makes no sense? What are these governors thinking about? People, think about this! The country and much of the world is shut down, this has never happened outside of wartime and in most countries it has never happened. If we as a population can understand that alone to determine the seriousness of this virus then we are all fu#%ed!!!!!!

  19. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and their healthcare along with their jobs but Donald Trump refuses to open the enrollment to the Affordable Care Act so these Americans can acquire affordable health coverage and not become financially devasted if they get sick. This is a perfect example of why America needs a nationalized healthcare system such as Medicare for All!

  20. Funny that they are majority red states. Wondnt be surprised if drump has told them not to shut down to save his ass. Too bad it will cost lives.

  21. Well Arkansas has some government workers down with Coronavirus and they still don’t issue stay at home lol wow, if your going to sleep with your sisters use a rubber already

  22. All of sudden Trump believes in States right? The Federal government is the back up 😓

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