Officials in California finalized a $5.2 billion deal that would entirely pay off rent for some tenants who were financially impacted by the pandemic. NBC News Correspondent Steve Patterson reports.
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#California #Rent #Pandemic
5.2 billion $…. so…. where is my portion to pay for MY rent ???
We may be biased but we love California too!
Meanwhile in the rest of country. . . State and the federal government are trying to pass "NOT Our Problem" renter laws and are working to restrict voting laws
Sooo…… how do we apply?
Yup, looks like Govn wants to have another surplus by saying nobody qualified or nobody applied for help.
Every business I see, has a Hiring sign out. We don't need more stimulus. We need these people to apply for jobs. This stupid woman could have written a screen play, or started a new sit-com, which she could now be selling to the studios. What did she do with her time?
Government passes inaccessible money due to government incompetence.
To stop economic disasters, stop voting Democrat.
Thats wonderful!
A lot of these funds will goto landlords that don't need it while those that need it won't receive anything SMH. Very unorganized .
I'm GLAD L.Lords r geTTing paid. BuTT tenanTs shouLd NOT geT their crediT cLeaned. NoT onLy cause they don'T deserve thaT, buTT this wiLL make them toe the Line wiTh their currenT L.Lord, them knowing thaT if theg r evicTed where they are, thaT they wonT be abLe to renT ELSEwhere. PLus the minor deTaiL of whaT they puTT their L.Lords thru. I hope many geT evicTed anyway. I've worked 19 monThs sTraiT, 7niTes a week no days of to pay my redicuLous San Diego renT, so good Luck trying to guiLT me. Yeah,….im jeaLous.
Why didnt she just buy a house instead of renting?
i feel like a sucker for paying rent the whole last year. What do I get for all that?
Jesus, lots of losers getting cut another check.
Biden, Pelosi, Schumer do not care otherwise they would have done this. How many times do they need to be told and ignore it like they have done for the elderly and student loans. Face it, they like repugs are rich and it is not a crisis for them.
Another $$$ Scam investigat before the money is doled out. She wants a white America.
What about businesses?
I'll never pay my bills again. The government is going to pick-up the tab.
Lmao this is why I pay a years worth of rent at tax time every year, I don’t have to worry about being kicked out and I can make $8k back over time
Homelessness is going to be the new thing now
Some of these tenants do not care if they are playing high risk games just for free monies versus those in needs. Think it should go first to private, non corporate landlords owing on their mortgages.
How much you want to bet they ain't bout to help no one but put em on the streets (homeless) like Michiganthe money will vanish
Mark 1:15
Romans 10:9-13
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Everyone please check out the channel gematria effect news 22, so you can find out the truth about the news and the pandemic. Im trying to save you … Have a blessed day!
Thank you that's why we need another stimulus to help us Because of the situation not just me but everybody in United States
This is a bailout for the landlords.
This is very fair, if you owned rentals you would agree, regardless of whether people renting can be criticized, at least a few hard working citizens will not be paying the bill.
Unfortunately we know how this works, the money will be funneled to the corporate owners (look it up) and many of those who need it the most will get nothing (smaller rental property owners).
In the old days we called them deadbeats…