4th grader Miah Cerrillo shared her story on how she survived the shooting at Robb Elementary – Car Mod Pros Portal

Miah testified before Congress that she covered herself in her friend’s blood to appear dead during the shooting.

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “4th grader Miah Cerrillo shared her story on how she survived the shooting at Robb Elementary”
  1. As a parent that lost a child I have to say that the loss is agonizing. But it’s worse for them because I had time to prepare and say goodbye. These parents sent their children off to school and will always replay their last moments: did the parent lose their patience in the morning because they were late, did they remember to say I love you or that they’re proud of them, did they keep their promises. Regret and what ifs will destroy these parents.

  2. I've lost two children in the last 8 years. Not by gunshot but in other ways, one was a work accident and one was cancer. It is the most devastating loss any parent can go through. I keep thinking about those officers that were there that day. No matter what anyone says, even if it was a command of the leading officer, if it had been THEIR CHILD in the classroom they would have went in to save their life. The bravery of this child, that she's willing to speak, what she has to remember in her life going forward. Are we asking ourselves if we are listening ? Are our elected officials listening?

  3. That girl was in a damn war zone/nightmare… she is absolutely scarred for life, and her father too for that matter. Both of them are gonna need therapy for a long time to try and cope with this. Gotta say though, she's a good quick thinker. Capable of making conscious and wise decisions during a time of terror and horror like that. Wipe your classmates blood all over yourself and stay quiet, ready to play dead , good call! As bone-chilling as that may be to do… she did it. Brave girl.

  4. Miah Cerrillo was and is courageous. She is smart and took every action she could take in this unbelievably horrifying scene. The people who stood in the hallway and outside ignoring her calls for help are unworthy fools. The innocence robbed by the murderer I imagine pales in comparison to the loss of the feeling of safety in a horrible situation when you know there are adults standing in the hallway and outside who will do NOTHING to get you out of the situation for more than an hour no matter what you do or how many times you call for help. I can't imagine what it would take to heal this kind of mistrust of adults.

  5. imagine pulling this child right back into the trauma just to have her tell this on tape after probs telling it to investigators over and over again…. just for a news story

  6. The kids stories have all been inconsistent. Im thinking it happened so fast their recollection is a blur. I hope they get the help they need

  7. Q. Why do Americans walk around imitating farm chickens saying "like, like, like"?

    A. So they can attract game animals and shoot them with AR15s.

    Q. Why does an American need an AR15 to hunt?


  8. 272 American mass shootings this year in the ONLY country on Earth that has school shootings .

    'Amend' means 'to change' or 'put right'. The US constitution has already been amended 27 times.

    Ban Americans from international travel to control the spread of stupidity and amend Amendment 2.

    American parents protest at school meetings about? A: School shootings B: Masks.

  9. At the same time as this "The Republican Legislators are being directed to vote against any gun safety legislation" and yet people will vote them in again….THIS IS AN ATROCITY

  10. Sad sad sad some got bullets in their backs…and made it and some kids in the face and the teachers in the head..just imagine that damage from a AR 15? Horribly

  11. I thought cops walk the path of morality not manipulation. The violence is a HUGE call to action spiritually FOR THE PUBLIC that we are in for a big treat if we do not pay attention to the red flags going on all around us and letting left politics and "cool" figures influence our daily choices as it all attempt for them to control this planet with fear and scarcity. I would love to make a video speaking on these topics but we all know what would happen. Politicians are slowly being successful at censoring our concious by making us believe that events happening in the world are for gain only for one leader…. When its all planned years before by groups we know as the UN and so forth. Good luck to everyone surving the dangerous social climate as the political storm rages on.

  12. Just pass the gun control laws and end that circus. There have been 23 school massacres in the US since I was born and 7 in the EU where I live. It's more than 3 times more massacres in the US with the population smaller by 100 mln compered to the EU.

  13. GOP depraved immoral monsters. Like I said we have data, gun regulation works and wouldn’t effect people to own certain guns at home and retain gun rights. Even if we wanted strong regulation like other countries that won’t happen due to past scotus rulings, wouldn’t you say it’s worth rather then your hypothetical tyranny bs. We currently live in decline of society due to weak gun regulation access laws. The founders and framers would be disgusted by our lawmakers inaction on gun regulation. We know they would say we built a constitution to last and not let a country to fall into stagnation. They would be shocked at why we don’t have license and registration for guns and bans on a lot of the guns that are allowed to civilians. They would be shocked at how we got the 2nd so wrong.

  14. GOP doesn’t care about you. They pretend we don’t know what can lessen these incidents. We have real world data, research, studies and science around the world. It’s the guns, stupid. There are plenty of regulations that don’t impose on gun rights but they say no. Gun rights and regulation go hand and hand.

  15. Weak, Weak America, to let’s something like this happen to kids on school grounds, America is doom if’s they keep all these old outdated politicians in office, they all have to be replaced if’s you want to save America, but’s, white Americans, if’s you want to keep them in office just because they are white, well, they’re going to bring the country down because of their backward thinking. Just wait, you will see….!!! Good luck America, because we need some luck, right-now!

  16. After such a traumatic experience I’m surprised she’s not bawling her eyes out.

  17. #1. If police have no obligation to do the jobs they are hired to do, then Why in the world do we have them?
    #2. Protect and Serve mean the exact opposite of Stand Still and Do Nothing
    #3. If police don't actually have to police, then why does the phrase "defund the police" make conservatives mad? Why are we paying people who do nothing?
    #4. "Standing around and looking pretty" isn't a good enough reason to keep you around for the majority of Americans.
    #5. If you serve no purpose, perform no necessary function, then you are just a waste of tax dollars. We can create an entirely NEW and USEFUL public security force and give all the money to That.

  18. This little girl should never have even known to wipe her classmate’s blood on herself. I am so happy she did, because it probably saved her life, but she shouldn’t have had to. She is so incredibly smart and brave, but she shouldn’t have to be. Not for this.

  19. Miah you are so brave and beautiful. I’m so sorry you had to deal with all this. 💗💗❤️

  20. Miah is so brave. God bless her. I want to give her father a big hug, so much of us put ourselves in your shoes and feel the pain yet can’t imagine the pain. I wish I knew how to help ease some of the families pain or a way to help and hope there is ongoing counseling

  21. She has been through the equivalent of being in a war. PTSD will be her next fight. Very smart how she handled everything, wise beyond her years. Prayers out for her healing process & RIP to her teachers & classmates. Unthinkable. God Bless.

  22. Well to say every school in the world is not safe is a bit much. Infact its only in the US where this happens. Im truly upset for this man and that little girl but come on, we all know the answer and it isnt more guns.

    But i think the problem now is so big it will never ever be stopable so maybe unfortunately these crazy ideas of more guns may have to happen.

  23. Wow she covered her self in warm blood 🩸 she is definitely street smart, she definitely has courage I hope she can get over this or try to the best she can and live a good life

  24. As a parent that lost a child I have to say that the loss is agonizing. But it’s worse for them because I had time to prepare and say goodbye. These parents sent their children off to school and will always replay their last moments: did the parent lose their patience in the morning because they were late, did they remember to say I love you or that they’re proud of them, did they keep their promises. Regret and what ifs will destroy these parents.

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