4 dead after pro-Trump mob breaches Capitol building l GMA

4 dead after pro-Trump mob breaches Capitol building l GMA

Hordes of Trump supporters stormed the building, overtook the halls, offices and the dais as members of Congress sheltered and a state of emergency was declared to activate the National Guard.

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Missed warning signs and failure to fortify US Capitol bewilder experts: https://abcn.ws/3buwQ8P

#ABCNews #CapitolRiots #WashingtonDC #ProudBoys #Congress


31 thoughts on “4 dead after pro-Trump mob breaches Capitol building l GMA

  1. After weeks of planting the idea, dozens of extremists used social media to promote an idea with no basis in reality – that the people besieging the Capitol were actually far-left agitators disguised as Trump support

  2. This will not be the only time this will happen. If the Biden Administration does not work with the other side of the aisle, it will happen again. He must bring the Country together instead of promoting the Hatred of Trump.

  3. I can’t wait till all these rioters die of COVID but at least thanks to their ignorance they won’t go to the hospital 🙃

  4. united🤣🤣🤣, gooses

  5. Golly gee. When President Trump supporters breach a building, led by antifa, blm and assorted leftists lead really dumb people into the capitol building, they are a "mob". antifa, blm and assorted demo crats are a "largely peacful group of protestors". Yup, media hates We The People. Gonna be awful in America wid china joe and commie kamala. DRS / RVN Vet.

  6. The fever hasn't broken enough to awaken the Republicans, to the volatile and undemocratic mayhem at Capitol caused by their commander-in-chief. They are either too stupid to let the penny drop or they're deliberately in denial, because IN THEIR EYES 'the election was really stolen'. SO BY DEFINITION, THEY TOO, SHOULD ALSO FACE THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES for supporting or turning a deaf ear to the Trump mega phone and echo chamber that resulted in unnecessary deaths and fear among elected member of congress.

  7. Irish people sitting over here 👁👄👁

  8. The election was definitely stolen from Trump. Just like Trump bought & traded for his election. That’s why he knows how corrupt the election really is. 🤷‍♂️

  9. Once again DC police 👮 not Prepared to do their Jobs !!

  10. LIARS. ONE WOMAN DIED THAT HAD TO DO WITH THIS. THE REST WERE MEDICAL! Stop trying to act like something happened other than what happened. ONE unarmed white woman was shot by someone's private security! The other people (due to just numbers and statistics) had medical such as a few people had heart problems and so on. You are the biggest liars that ever existed. You are participating in a crime by twisting all of this around.

  11. Democratic process is mob rule. “Democracy is two wolves and one lamb discussing what to eat for dinner.” ~Benjamin Franklin

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