4.4 million more people file for unemployment in coronavirus crisis

4.4 million more people file for unemployment in coronavirus crisis

Here is the latest on the COVID-19-induced financial crisis.

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33 thoughts on “4.4 million more people file for unemployment in coronavirus crisis

  1. Bill Ralaxation !!….dont chase people with a Debt collection such as Car Loan , Credit card loan, Morgage, school tuition etc for the certain period of time at least until life go back to normal and lets bring back life to normal again …diseases is come and go …Imune system is very important and most of all Phsycology aspect of each People on how to not so worry to much and last how Community will help each other .among the neighbour and Society !!

  2. America # 1 the greatest country with the greatest people! Number 1 in Covid 19 cases, deaths, and asymptomatic! Let us win in unemployment too! We are # 1 racist country and most number 1 Christian country!

  3. In case you wonder: COVID-TOES… what that means (to me) is with LESS OXYGEN, because of the way that Covid effects the Lungs, will NOT SEND ENOUGH OXYGEN to parts of your BODY that are weakest. When BLOOD is starved of Oxygen it COAGULATES & becomes a glob obstructing the VEINS. Usually you feel tired when it's GOOP until nothing works. U R DEAD!

    Once Upon a Time – Video:

    Once Americans had a Budget for a HOME – https://youtu.be/svMtp4PYA5k

    Early reports use to mention that things began to shut off after the Lung Attack, but what they never said was the connection between that and Blood so horribly starved of Oxygen that the blood starves off the weakest internal organs in the body of the victim.

  4. Welcome to trumps 🇺🇸 we're science and healthcare have no right in government while states beg china for ppe and test kits

  5. 0:07

    Why aren’t any of them wearing mask and gloves?

  6. Make America Great again 😁

  7. Lol no sound on the clips 😂

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