A years-long ABC News investigation into the 2017 deadly ambush of four American Green Berets who were killed by ISIS in Niger, and the accusations of a Pentagon cover-up.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “‘3212 un-redacted’ probes deaths of green berets”
  1. Records were released stating that Hirohito Hirohito (1901-1989), just before Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II, showed his attitude to his aides to prepare for the start of the war. Attention is focusing on whether Hirohito's war responsibility issue or whether it will be a source of new understanding of the decision-making process of Japanese leaders at the time.
    Japan's Asahi Shimbun reported on the 5th that the diary of Saburo Hakutake (1872-1963), who was then the mayor of the city, contained such information. Sijongjang is a high-ranking official in charge of royal affairs. The record became known to the world after Hakutake's bereaved family deposited diaries, notebooks, and memos at the Modern Japanese Court Feed Center of the Graduate School of Law and Politics at the University of Tokyo.
    Meanwhile, the United States decided to hold Hirohito responsible for the war criminal and to make Japan more vigilant, saying it would remember the attack on Pearl Harbor forever.

  2. You mean the Pentagon lied and didn’t hold anyone accountable? Shocking….not

  3. Pissed me off wacthing them soldiers die it just didn't sit rite in my soul I was so fucking mad wacthing that video of there firefight😡

  4. Damn maybe people should stop selling their body to an imperial war machine that does not care about the death and destruction on either side of it

  5. A lot of talk about the military but zero questions about why we we are there and why we continue to be involved in these pointless interventions. This falls on the President and members of Congress. Period.

  6. I saw the video of their final moments a few years ago, it was horrible. They were literally exploded what it looked liked and lot of blood with the terrorists walking past them.

  7. Americans show their respect for their military personnel and veterans by electing chickenhawk warmongers. Politicians are bought with large campaign contributions from the upper class. They use America's most patriotic citizens to wage unnecessary wars to enrich corporations and their wealthy shareholders.

  8. Anyone ELSE……. find it really suspicious……. that when things GO WRONG……. like this……… our friggin GOVERNMENT…….. is at the CORE OF THE BS……….???????

  9. Look to me someone gave the oders got these guys captured or killed and now bringing up some lie to cover there mistakes. That does not make sense.

  10. The men who fight and die for this country are young and Honorable for the most part. The ones with chests full of ribbons and shiny gold and silver on their shoulders and collars are rarely men of Honor. The days of men like Richard Winters are in the past.

  11. There’s no questions. This is the media trying to make a story where there is none. This is family that can’t accept the situation because they’re constantly being told something is suspect. There are no questions. They were deployed. They were engaged. Four of them lost there lives.

  12. Who’s supposed to be held accountable? It’s combat. People die in combat. That’s how it is. They lost their lives because indigenous troops aren’t always that reliable. This is combat people. Looking for answers you’re not going to find what you’re looking for.

  13. Condolences to the families. The government has long been guilty of those conflicting reports. That said, when you put on the uniform you know that every day may be your last. These men died like the true warriors that they were, with honor and bravery.
    "GERONIMO!" from an old Marine who was born in 1964 on Ft. Campbell KY, home of the 101st Airborne.

  14. Trump should answer in hours of congressional hearings over this. Isn’t that what they said about Benghazi and Hillary?

  15. The Pentagon lied? NO WAY! Somewhere many years ago, military leadership started covering their asses like a politician. And the lies go very, very deep. Bless all of these brave men and the others that have been denied truth.

  16. If I were to join the sof, my family and I are to know that my missions are secret and I am willing to harm and get harm by evil people who like to harm innocents. I understand they want the truth of how their sons died to have a closure, but their missions are secrets by how evil they act for others may live and we might as well keep it that way. Thank you to all sof who are being deployed in between wars and to our soldiers who are on our US military base and embassy. Taking the fight to the enemy. God bless

  17. I'm not interested in looking like I'm defending the Pentagon but it seems like they're acting like the idea of special forces guys going on a rogue mission is impossible or something.

  18. Remember when magaloids made a big deal about their deaths like in Benghazi in 2012 or Afghanistan in 2021? Me neither, a republican was in office so the administration couldn't be at fault. And you wonder why the government sucks. You only care half the time when something goes wrong. Looking forward to accusations about how I am trivializing their lives and acknowledging your hypocrisy.

  19. It's a damn dangerous job…but there is such a thing as properly preparing for that kind of op. The brass is responsible for that one. Why no air support? Why send them that far out with Niger military who aren't worth spit?
    They fought like warriors to the end. RIP

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