Ava Lewis has been selling lemonade made with her grandmother’s recipe and using the money to buy supplies like diapers.
I love this. Such a sweet and special little girl.
does she have a permit?
(im obv playing btw)
Awwwwww that is so sweetðŸÂ¶👧💞💞💅👣ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
nice going
such love
A little girl with a BIG heart!
Shame on all those older people who has thousand and million of dollars who can not share.
Permit Patty would like to know your location
Better to love than to hate
Did she have a permit?
But does she have a permit
If child labour is necessary for mothers to have access to basic childcare supplies your system is broken
Ava….we love you!! Thank you for your service!! ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
Way to go pretty little business woman.
Bad idea someone out there will try take the cash why show em where it at beautiful video tho
Very good
soo cute
Sweetest little girl. Great job to the family that raised such a thoughtful princess. ðŸ˜ÅÂÂÂ
Using plastic straw!
What an adorable blessing she is ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¾💕….
What a beautiful heart of love.
This extraordinary little girl has.
She is taking action for other children.
Loving and giving an important gift to those tiny, precious babies.
So they will be dry and comfortable.
She is showing us all two important lessons.
How to to love your neighbor as yourself. And
To do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Plus selling some delicious lemonade.
Bless her heart! She's adorable and
May God bless her and keep her!
Good job young lady.
I remember when a boy was doing this and everyone was saying if she was black shed get a ticket. And look that didnt happen
What a cutie and what a big heart.
This is awesome! Praise Abba
Nuh uh..you ain't getting no tears from me sniffles SHUT UP
Sure she is.. Parents like cashing
God bless your heart baby girl ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂâ¤😘 we need more love like this in world!!! ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÅÂÂÂ
I bet her lemonade is so good
Everything in the media portrays poc as innocent little angels uplifting society, while covering up crime by them and magnifying every bad white person. America is dead ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Diabetes 1; public 0
Nice to see something good on the news once in a while
Hope the cops don’t show up and try to pull some bullshit or some asshole that 0.001 ruin this for her.
Beautiful story and a beautiful girl Ava showing compassion for others at such a young age!
You take diapers to the babies?
Cops will be called 2maro
I'm shocked ain't nobody asked her if she had a permit?