3 US servicemen injured at Kabul airport explosion

3 US servicemen injured at Kabul airport explosion

ABC News’ Pentagon reporter Luis Martinez gives the latest updates on the situation in Afghanistan.

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30 thoughts on “3 US servicemen injured at Kabul airport explosion

  1. Wonder what those 80 million who voted for Biden are saying now? C’mon man!

  2. If Biden don’t wake up in the morning- it should be declared a National Effn HOLIDAY!!

  3. The US, Brits and allies were all warned about the ISIS attacks.

    We in New Zealand half way around the world knew there were specific threats near Kabul airport.

    So what is with US media saying they had no intelligence of the ISIS attacks. No intelligence is right.

  4. – Team Biden is unfit to lead even a child daycare!
    Biden said al-qaeda is gone just last week!
    – Now Taliban’s Afghanistan is a Global Terror Base competing with Iran Islamic regime to export more terrorists to all over the world!

    – Is somebody investigating the secret agreement between Qatar and Biden and the Taliban to find out what's the rush of Biden to quit Afghanistan when southern borders are widely open even for terrorists released from Afghanistan prisons?!.

  5. This demented resident calls his failure in leadership a "tough day." Unbelievable !!! Is that what he's going to tell the families of our military dead and wounded? It was a tough day? The entire Biden administration and the top generals are incompetent and should resign.

  6. The Pentagon just reported 12 US soldiers dead. Why is no one in the media talking about this?! Media blackout. These ppl aren't journalists but propagandists for the WH. They wonder why no 1 under 50 trusts the msm.

    ABC News silenced Trump when he wanted serious answers
    from Biden during the campaign …The Media must bear
    responsibility for the mess in Afghanistan because all they 
    wanted to know what flavour of ice cream does Joe like.
    Trump was 100% correct the Media and Big Tech are the

  8. It’s 10 servicemen killed, not 3! The Harris-Biden Administration catastrophic Failure. “ failure to plan is planning to fail!” So sad a disgusting. Cant believe this is what America has become. Can’t even plan an exit strategy.

  9. Fake news and for those who voted for Biden because you didn’t like him, this was all predictable!

  10. They aren’t afraid of Biden . They were of Trump . Just like Russia and China….couldn’t wait for Biden to be President:/

  11. First, my condolences to the family members of the troops killed today in Kabul. I would hope that WE would bomb the airport after the last plane of American and Alitroops leave. As well as any infrastructure we left behind that may fall into ISIS k hands. Bridges, pipelines, communication towers. The Afghanistan people lost control of all of those when their President left the country and Afghanistan fighting forces surrender to the Taliban.

  12. THIRTEEN!! Do you get!!! 13!! My MARINE HAS FRIENDS THERE. His MEU was changed a while ago otherwise He could be there!!💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 For Each of my MARINE BOYS!!😭 WHO IS RESPONSIBLE NOW?!!!😡

  13. Every person in uniform plus friends is a priceless gem, but I can't help saying, 643000 COVID dead can't equate? Come on, I wore a uniform in harms way but perspective people.
    Feel angry about this but what about the Trump Taliban.?

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