3 suspects steal $4M worth of jewelry from NYC store l ABC News

3 suspects steal $4M worth of jewelry from NYC store l ABC News

Workers buzzed in the alleged thieves who pretended to be customers, police said; the store is known as a jeweler to the stars, including Nicki Minaj. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2Phombr

#ABCNews #News #Jewelry #Robbery #NYC


25 thoughts on “3 suspects steal $4M worth of jewelry from NYC store l ABC News

  1. them boys outchea thiggin😂💯

  2. Gurl you know it’s true …

  3. I get the feeling they wore dreads instead of ski masks because there’s no way they’d get into the jewelry store since you have to be buzzed in to get inside of jewelry stores unlike banks.

  4. Don’t let black people in expensive stores

  5. Anyone got there info I’m trying to buy some helpers pretty sure they got 50% deals going on

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