3 middle schoolers allegedly plotted school attack: Police

3 middle schoolers allegedly plotted school attack: Police

The alleged plan included explosives and firearms to kill and injure students and staff, authorities said.



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43 thoughts on “3 middle schoolers allegedly plotted school attack: Police

  1. I'm just going to say…. it's not always the parent's fault.

    Sometimes they don't know the correct questions and behaviors to ask a teen and fail to connect with them, giving up. They still say "I love you" and such but don't know how to go further than that. My mom is the same way with me and I don't plan to go shooting up a school.


    Think about it, the child wants to hurt the school, not the parents. They may be getting bullied, abused (by boyfriends or girlfriends), ignored (that's a big one), or even raped by a teacher or classmate. You don't know the backstory of what happened, and that's what some news stories fail to explain (maybe because the shooter is in jail….but whatever).

    Teachers, be hard on the studies, not the self esteem

    Principals, tell your staff to be more aware and ACTUALLY report things instead of gossiping about it

    School resource officers, try your best to examine the behaviors of the students and if you see anyone crying, don't ignore them. (I have respect for you guys)

    And students like myself….

    "If you see something say something" is real, this prevented a bomb threat happening at own homecoming.

    Theater or drama club had a WHOLE play stating facts about gun control and school shootings in America. I thank them for that but many took it as a joke. Which is fair as long as they got the idea in their head.

    I can't speak for everyone but….

    Just be careful guys…

    Oh and sorry for any errors

  2. At least they’re starting to catch these fuckers before they commit their crimes tho. Bout time.

  3. Damn they had explosive😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  4. Good work to the parents and the police officers, this is fantastic knowing so many lives were saved and another tragedy was avoided. Its a shame we couldn't have done the same for Columbine, Sandy Hook and so many other schools.

  5. Wtf are middle schoolers getting explosives from? They just need a good old fashioned ass whooping! I'm available🙋🏾‍♀️

  6. What a world! I grew up in 60's and 70's when the worst we worried about in school was the dress code: boys hair had to be fertain length; our dresses had to be a certain length; we werent even allowed to wear jeans. Yeah, I know the dark ages☺ However, we didn't have to worry about being shot or attacked in schools or abducted at bus stops or worry about playing outside after dark. My God what kids and teachers have to worry about these days. Is this truly "progress", people? Way too many parents today are too busy on the internet and phones, doing drugs, plotting hatred and evil themselves to pay attention to or give attention to their kids. As someone else here posted, Congrats Modern parents! You arw doing a stellar job! Aren't you proud of your psycho brats?

  7. Bullied kids reacting and wanting revenge again?
    Well done to stopping any shooting before it started….if it was a real threat and not angst.
    There needs to be solutions….
    End bullying in classrooms and workplaces.
    Change the 2nd Amendment so only military and Police have weapons.

  8. A huge thank you to the ones who spoke up!
    Where the hell are their parents?? I know we all get busy but you should know what your middle schooler is involved in. Something as serious as this someone in one of those kids families should of seen or heard something that wasn't right.
    That's scary, their middle School kids for Pete's sake!!!!

  9. My son was harassed by a bully vice-principle in a school in Nebraska. My son was repeatedly suspended for trivial things; carrying a 1.5” Swiss army knife his grandfather gave him (this was classified as a weapon even tho school policy defines a weapon as at least 4” knife). The principle just empowered the vice. One mother reported to me that her son was also provoked by this vice-principle; the boy had anger mgt issues and she repeatedly told the vice to not touch her son, which he continued to do to provoke her son. Schools have ways of hiding what they’re doing. Like when a child is suspended and NOT telling the patents who were all involved. Then one day I found out. The other parents and I wrote a petition to the School District. I even had my son take a polygraph from a security company which is he passed. In the end the vice-principle was remove because he grabbled a girl by the throat (middle school age). We all thought its about time that principle got fired but the school put him in Administration. They just moved him. There should be ZERO tolerance of staff abusers.

    Parents should be demanding investigations of school staff. Some of this staff are no better then child molesting priests using their office to prey on others. . Finally having grown up in Chicago I will also mention the brother (1 yr younger) of a kid I grew up with. That boy was shot dead by our school’s earth science teacher; shot 5 times as they met at a phone booth. Don’t presume all the school district staff are good.

  10. Great job from the police and the kid who reported it💓💓💓

  11. That should be automatic expulsion from the school! Anyone who’s dumb enough to talk like that shouldn’t be there!

  12. This is more than a crime diverted, and thank God it was, this is an unnatural thirst for killing.

  13. So you can run a story about an alleged plot by middle schoolers but you can’t run an alleged story on the most prolific child molester in human history? Can the public possibly get what ABCs definition of corroborate is?

  14. If you can’t be bothered to exert any effort into being parents, please stop having children. No it is not violent video games that are at fault. It is not e-cigarettes. It is not spongebob square pants. It is you.

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