3 killed, at least 50 injured in Amtrak train derailment in Missouri l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Two train passengers and a truck driver were killed and dozens more injured after an Amtrak train derailed after hitting a dump truck in Mendon, Missouri.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/3ua0GaV

#ABCNews #Amtrak #Missouri


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “3 killed, at least 50 injured in Amtrak train derailment in Missouri l GMA”
  1. Is anybody looking at the resting position after the derailment or aware of derailment resting positions after a vehicle strike? Does anyone find that odd? Compared to the typical pattern trains (or Amtrak) rests after a vehicle strike this is very uncommon. There’s a first time for everything, but in the history of ‘my’ railroad career in train service and derailment response in management I’ve NEVER seen this resting position with slack or buffer action forces after a vehicle strike (exactly what kind of vehicle can even do this!? This is insane!). This is worth scrutinizing for all those physicists out there!

  2. I was around six or so when I first heard the words; stop, look and listen, brought up as a third generation railroader with a total 325 years of collective seniority in the family. That was 62 years ago. That tells me this mantra has been around for a very long time. And still this happens. Here is what these words actually mean:

    "Stop." Okay. Not usually an option without someone driving up your tail pipe, but if you can, do so. Of course one cannot prove a negative but this simple act may save your life. That is why the word is there to begin with. In this case the cross bucks (crossings not protected by mechanical means just the cross shape alert shown) had a stop sign on them.

    "Look." A real look. A glance can get you dead. Even if the gates are up, look. Automatic grade crossing protection is not fail safe, It has battery back up for a power failure but other conditions can render them inoperative. So don't rely on it. It is an electromechanical device, just like the toaster in your kitchen. Wanna bet your life your toaster won't fail at breakfast tomorrow morning? Me neither. And they do no good at all when an idiot goes around one when lowered.

    "Listen." This is the most crucial point. Listen means mute the music for a few seconds and roll the window down. There are a lot of blind curves on railroad right of way so you won't always see a headlight approaching. Listening is the plan "B" for that deficiency. This is especially true in inclement weather, and even more so with any significant snow on the ground. If there is snow around two feet or more, it acts like a sponge and sucks up the sound. Worse still, in very snowy conditions the throat of the horn on the locomotive can get plugged up. When it does work all you get is a pitiful little squeak. That brings us right back to look.

    Room. Any time you come across a train underway, you are in mortal danger, pedestrian or in a vehicle. 50 feet is a good minimum. More is better. A collision can cause a derailment as all now know. So it can be a an automobile rolling the dice. These tend to come apart when tagged so more room may keep a car motor out of your lap.

    Speed is rarely a factor in these totally preventable tragedies. A train can derail at any time, any where and at any speed. Even at 10 mph a 13,000 ton freight train takes a long way to stop. The bottom line here is if the engineer can see you, it is already too late to stop for you. Most injuries and fatalities occur when the train is travelling at 30 to 40 mph when taken as a statistical whole.

    Where speed is definitely a factor in these totally preventable tragedies, a train doesn't need to be moving at high speed for an accident to be fatal, because of the train's mass. If I throw a bullet at you it won't cause any harm, but you still wouldn't want to take one in the eye. But if f I fire that bullet at you it'll go right through you. This is low mass at high speed.

    Think of a train as a reverse bullet. It gets its wallop as high mass moving at slow speed. It will pop a person open like squeezing a grape between your thumb and index finger.

    I'm a retired locomotive engineer and can tell dozens of stories that wound up just like this one did. Trains don't hunt people down, but if you get in their way they will happily kill you. No qualms.

    In a typical 30 year career an engineer will kill three people, when taken statistically. I had none, but a co-worker hit a van conversion with eight teenagers in it on their graduation night in Red Bluff, California, around 1972. They went around the lowered crossing gates. It killed every one of them. So he got his three, my three and two of someone else's. He was a changed man after that horror.

    As for the impatient motorist, keep in mind stupidity is just nature's way of thinnin' the herd. And I hope someone called his boss to let him know he wouldn't be coming in that day. Bottom line treat trains as if they were a rattlesnake, And this matter should be addressed in school curriculum.

    There are some ways a pedestrian can use to avoid injury, but the best advise is stay off the right of way.

    Wear boots with ankle support. Lots of uneven ground, chuck holes, etc. This can help avoid a sprained ankle. It may save you a run in with "flash." Thin strips of steel found on the inside ball of the worn rails. It is very thin carbon steel and as sharp as a surgeon's scalpel. It will lay your ankle open to the bone.

    If with two people or more, walk in single file and check behind frequently. Locomotives pull cars but they shove them around as well, and from a mile away in some instances. You won't hear it and a car can sneak up on you in near silence.

    Never step on top of the rail. There is grease, crater, oil and other slippery stuff all over the place. Step on the rail, slip, fall and bash your head on something.

    Now that you know this, tell someone you love. It may save their life.

  3. Thank you Eli's Dad for being so Respectful to the
    truck drivers Family, Thank You to Eli at 15 yrs old
    to give comfort and aid to the driver and
    those other Boy Scouts Troop 73 & Troop 12 in
    Appleton and others that helped people
    involved in that accident where people
    lost their lives and others injured in one
    way or another..Condolences to the Families
    of those lost and prayers for the injured
    and their Families and to those also that
    just experienced this tragic accident.

  4. I’m very glad that the Boy Scout Troop took action. Real story, I was a Boy Scout for 8 years from 2009 as a Cub Scout to a life Scout. I’ve learned a lot of training during my time with my Troop and it was a lot fun. They offer me to come to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico but I refused because I was aging out and retiring from scouts.

  5. I am very proud of the two groups of boy scouts that helped out and this time of this accident they probably helped save some lives. We got to make public transportation more safer and people's got to pay more attention to what they're doing I don't know if it's asking could have been preventable or not don't know why this dump truck was on the railroad tracks but we need to stop things like this all lives matter

  6. I am very proud of the two groups of boy scouts that helped out and this time of this accident they probably helped save some lives. We got to make public transportation more safer and people's got to pay more attention to what they're doing I don't know if it's asking could have been preventable or not don't know why this dump truck was on the railroad tracks but we need to stop things like this all lives matter

  7. STOP SIGN. 01:31 does the exact same thing as the arms would. Idiots run the gate arms all the time because their schedule is way to important. You have to stop by law and look and people just always do what they want. If the driver would have obeyed the law and stopped, looked and listened none of this would have happened.

  8. So many deaths and injuries could be prevented if only trains and school buses would install seat belts. What’s so hard about that.

  9. 51 illegal immigrants died in a hot truck trailor! Why don’t y’all talk about that story? O right don’t fit the narrative!

  10. Thank you Eli's Dad for being so Respectful to the
    truck drivers Family, Thank You to Eli at 15 yrs old
    to give comfort and aid to the driver and
    those other Boy Scouts Troop 73 & Troop 12 in
    Appleton and others that helped people
    involved in that accident where people
    lost their lives and others injured in one
    way or another..Condolences to the Families
    of those lost and prayers for the injured
    and their Families and to those also that
    just experienced this tragic accident.

    People have no idea how many rural railroad crossings there are in America. They don’t all need crossing arms. We need people to use common sense.

  12. ABC News, give up on trying to blame this on the lack of crossing arms, there are other concerns that need to be looked into. Every one knows the nature of rural area and trains, every one knows the train will win in a fight. Bedsides the crossing zone negligence for this area there is the driver to consider and seriously look into. Why was the driver was there precisely? An autopsy needs to be done to check for any substance use. Maybe the driver had a heart attack or stroke, and was already dead or severely impaired. Maybe this was a deliberate act to end his time, or others. Who was this guy? Until we get those answers, the real cause of this is not going to be known. Up date: Besides the crossing zone having no arms nor adequate lighting, there are other hazards making this crossing one to dread. The train crosses that section of road at an angle. The road runs north and south, the track runs southwest and northeast There is overgrowth of brush that also obscures the view.

  13. One witness to the crash told authorities that the innocent truck driver was patiently
    waiting at the street crossing when the engineer intentionally swerved to hit the truck.

  14. Keep it up hahahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Good for you fucking america

  15. Trump the Racist
    Trump's Racism Wall Is the Cause of Death
    Trump, you're a murderer
    Trump should be held accountable for the tragic death

  16. Sounds like an Insurance scam.Of all things a dumptruck,why wasnt the train alerted? Sounds like someone sat there and waited for a crash to happen.

  17. 😭😭😭

  18. I’m very glad that the Boy Scout Troop took action. Real story, I was a Boy Scout for 8 years from 2009 as a Cub Scout to a life Scout. I’ve learned a lot of training during my time with my Troop and it was a lot fun. They offer me to come to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico but I refused because I was aging out and retiring from scouts.

  19. Bislillahirahmanırahim..Doğru ha , bi size bişey söylim. Alimler niye islamda verilmesi gereken hükümleri verip insanların mücade etmelerini sağlamıyor. Eski Geçmişteki âlimler İslam'ın sorunlarını çözecek hükümler vermiyormuydular? Geçmişte bile bukadar yeni hüküm getirilebileyorken, teknoloji çağında niye getirilmiyor. Müslümanlar hep dinden çıkıyor. İslam'ın ilerlemesi için gereken hükümler yokmu? İslam'ın daha iyi anlaşılması ve ilerlemesi için gereken hükümler yokmu. İslam'ın ilerlemesi için gereken hükümleri getirenler varmı bakıyormusunuz, ve bu hükümleri getirenleri engelliyenler varmı bakıyormusunuz? Hangi Alimler bu hükümleri getirenlerin hükümlerini yok sayıyormu diye hiç bakıyormusunuz. Müslümanlık bumu? her müslümanın mücadele etmesi gerekmiyormu? Böylemi cennete girecez . Sıcak havalarda gölgede bile duramıyorken cehennemde ne yapacaz. Eskiden teknoloji yokken bile gereken hükümler vardı ve bunlar getirilirek İslam hızla ilerlerlerlerken şimdi niye ilerliyeceğine İslam geriliyor . Allah bunun hesabını herkesten soracak. Gün gelecek doğru söyleyenler yalanlanacak yalan söyleyenler doğrulanacak diye bir hadis yokmu? Hangi hükümler nereye kadar doğru anlamıyormusunuz.Alimleri müslümanlar korurken ,âlimler müslümanları kandırıyor , âlimler gereken hükümleri getirilmiyor. , müslümanlar İslam'ı yayamıyor, İslam düşmanları müslümanlara saldırılıyor , müslümanlardanda dinden çıkanlar oluyor. İslam yok edilmek üzere. Bu mesajı bildiğin her dilde insanlara söyle. ..

  20. Recall for Life reforms for any mass produced thangs… of any sort (examples one shouldn't die of car accidents).. this is a lil(small) example of how the creator is beyond on taking back freedom(powers=love) giving to we, So nd so Forthcoming powers must be Earned through Planet memory thangs ok. ☮💯🆙️

  21. I think the truck hit the train. Why are the no rocks and debris on the track the train was on? Lets see the front of the train…lets see the loco. Why did the driver die with the truck? Would you not get out and run if you were stuck? This doesn't add up to what we're being told so far.

  22. No crossing arms or lights in most of rural America? Then this collisions between cars and trains are bound to happen sooner or later.

  23. AMTRAK CREW 2022 !!

    We're just a Amtrak crew

    Racing down the track

    Far from our families

    Who will miss us till we're back.

    We're running by the river

    As it flows muddy brown

    Everywhere at nighty

    Someone hears our sound.

    As we glide across a silver bridge

    Above the Mighty Mo.

    What we'll see when we look down

    We never really know.

    Behind us on those rolling wheels

    Are cars with souls inside

    If we should jump the rail

    History shall judge our ride.

    When we reach the station

    We’ll head for the hotel

    Crawl in bed all by ourselves

    And dream until the bell.

    By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart

    Google = Most Published Poet

    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!

    Google = George Bush Tom Zart

    Google = Most Published Poet YouTube

    Google = Love War & More

  24. Not to be mean but what if the dumb truck was set deliberately. Knowing what kind of a world we live today this stuff happens just about everyday. I truly hope this was an accident. 🙏

  25. My friend and I were on that train a few weeks ago when we went from san diego to Denver.
    Our train stopped because there was a crossing that had a defective arm to stop traffic. The conductor got out and made sure this guy in the pick up didn't get hit.
    If you go on YouTube you can find countless videos of trucks stopped on the tracks. So many people just flat out disregard the crossings, or are in such a hurry to get somewhere that they put lots of lives in jeopardy.
    A train is going to win. Its not worth it.

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