2nd black box from plane that crashed in China found – Car Mod Pros Portal

The passenger plane crashed March 21 after taking off from Kunming, the capital of China’s Yunnan province, according to officials.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “2nd black box from plane that crashed in China found”
  1. Thank God. You found both! The best outcome. Following this, flying is safest travel. Major crashes are so rare. This particular flight was extremely unique ultimately devastating. Something happened. From what many say, the impossible been done in finding both boxes, in reasonably good condition. I'm hoping, betting, the needed answers will be there to give families the answer to just what happened and all involved, the answers as to what went a wry, and prevent it from happening again. I'm from St. Louis , Mcdonald Douglas /Boeing . The 737 max/faa problems were inexcusable. I pray China's is a rare singular event.,

  2. What’s up with real reporting, this text and music shat is pathetic. Just trying to make money without the cost of having someone reporting or speaking ffs.

  3. Those who weren't Onboard Know Exactly what Happened.
    WISH the Investigators could Read All these Comments – their Report be Finished by Lunchtime – Families can Enjoy Closure.

  4. Dear Chinese Communist Party 50 cent army shills (a.k.a. involuntary, organ donors of the future) or their traitorous cronies, called “white monkeys” by the CCP:

    As to the claims that the CCP never invaded Tibet or other countries and does not want to invade Taiwan, despite Xi's statements, are you on drugs? You want us to overlook the fact that the CCP's invasion of Taiwan would enable it to interdict the shipping lanes of Japan and South Korea and intimidate them into allowing its bullying hegemony. It would also allow the CCP to rob the wealthy Taiwanese people for its crooked CCP gangsters when the CCP's crooks already robbed the mainland Chinese people with tofu real estate projects. Remember the CCP’s Evergrande!

    Moreover, it is not the USA but China's CCP gang that is threatening its neighbors, who are our allies: e.g., Taiwan, (threatening to nuke) Japan, (threatening to nuke) Australia, the Philippines, India, etc. That backfired on you splendidly. LOL

    As to claims by the CCP that flus in the USA in 2019 were Covid, there is NO EVIDENCE that this was the Covid 19 coronavirus whose closest relative was only harvested in caves by the leader of the Wuhan lab, which has now refused to allow access to its databases of coronaviruses to see if they harvested other, closer relatives to Covid 19, which mutated in human tissue cultures after coming in the caged bats in their labs. Neither the US nor Italy nor Spain have the bats who are the carriers of these coronaviruses and have been for thousands or at least hundreds of years in caves in SOUTHERN China, over a thousand miles from the Wuhan lab that collected them, kept them in cages next to humanized mice, and leaked the virus (probably when they were moving, reportedly, when an infected mouse or bat escaped.)

    On the other hand, have you considered what will happen to you someday if you are unlucky enough to be a good organ tissue match for some CCP leader? If you are a tissue match, you will be disappeared, murdered, have your organs harvested so some CCP gangster can live longer, and the rest of your body will be disposed of as trash in some unmarked grave.

    You, Chinese Communist Party 50 cent army shills, better watch out, because to your evil, CCP gangster leaders, you are just like fat pigs or cattle. (To keep their Wuhan virus secret, they let thousands of Chinese get infected and die in banquets and trains during your New Year.) The “glorious,” evil leaders that you worship are getting old and will need more and more organ transplants to stay alive.

    If YOU or your wife or your children or your brothers or sisters are a tissue match for the evil Poo, Xi (Winnie’s evil, morbidly obese, ugly, CCP aunt, who looks like she survived being hit by a cement truck), your family will be disappeared, killed before or as your organs are harvested out of your body by CCP doctors to repair your CCP tyrants’ alcoholic livers, fatty hearts, or other organs. The CCP leaders will then live longer thanks to your "contributions."

    Can you be sure that some of your friends or family members somewhere in China have not already been murdered for their organs by some CCP leader? Hundreds of thousands of young Chinese children, young women, and men have “disappeared” in the last few years, according even to CCP reports, if they have not yet censored them!

    At the same time in dozens of Chinese hospitals, for tens of thousands of dollars, foreigners like Sheiks, or millionaires or powerful politicians (and their young children)are being offered and sold organs tissue matched to them, including children’s organs (which tissue matches are very, very, very hard do, because only one in a thousand or fewer persons is a tissue match for the other.) Coincidence? Think about it: could the hundreds of thousands of young Chinese children, women, and men have been murdered by the CCP (or their allies in the Triads) to make billions or trillions of dollars in profits by selling the foreigners their organs?

    Remember that you are enabling the murders that the CCP has perpetrated, so you are equally responsible for them: e.g., the Tiananmen Square Massacre or the genocides of Falun Gong or Uighurs or Tibetans, the murder of people for their organs, etc. Your BS, e.g., in youtube, enabled them to retain power and perpetrate more slaughters of innocents like the Tiananmen Square Massacre or the current, ongoing release of a virus to kill millions by keeping international borders open for months after they knew the virus was highly infectious and deadly. Thus, congratulate yourself on enabling your own, future murder or the future murders of your friends or relatives, who are tissue matches for some CCP gangster or rich foreigner if you are not!

    Imagine instead if there was a rebellion and the PLA generals executed or the Chinese people poisoned all the murderous, evil parasites: your CCP gangster leaders. What would China be like without corrupt, evil, CCP parasites ruling it?

    It could become as wealthy and beautiful as Taiwan is now, with no innocents from any group or minority ever being murdered or imprisoned, which is why the CCP gangsters want to invade and destroy it. Since by enabling them, you are also guilty of the CCP leaders' murders, are you a sociopath or psychopath? Have you no conscience or shame? Jack the Ripper or Charles Manson or even Pol Pot never caused as many deaths as your CCP leaders have caused: e.g., Xi and Mao.

    Tens of thousands of innocent, young, Chinese people and students were murdered by the CCP during the Tiananmen Square massacre. Mao killed millions by starving them to death during his “cultural revolution” to make false claims of agricultural successes.

    Your old, evil, CCP gangster leaders stay healthy by murdering young Uighurs, Chinese Hong Kong students, dissidents, Falun Gong members, and others for their organs. They profit by selling the organs of young Chinese innocents whom they murder.

    A certain virus almost certainly escaped from the inept, corrupt CCP or they would not have acted for months like murderers trying to destroy all evidence and silence and kill all witnesses. Also, before the lockdowns, when it was discovered in 2019, it was still allowed to infect and kill tens of thousands of innocent Chinese travelers weeks later during your Chinese New Year in 2020 to keep it secret from the world.

    “Coincidentally” the CCP then kept international borders open and encouraged innocent Chinese persons infected with the virus to go out and infect the rest of the world with this virus, which now has returned in a different variant and is killing so many Chinese in 2022. The CCP long since lost the mandate of heaven!

    The evil CCP gangsters' guilt is shown by their own actions. The Three Gorges Dam will burst sooner or later due to the CCP’s corruption causing it to be built shoddily and with bad materials which will kill tens of millions. Those killed will be more CCP victims.

    Now you know these facts that they do not want you to know. Go to another web page. If you are even caught reading or repeating them, the CCP may disappear you and harvest your organs too.

    Also, your savings in Chinese companies are worthless because their CCP-gangster managers have more accounting scams than Enron like Luckin Coffee’s or Kingold Jewelry’s apparent frauds, and your overbuilt, over-valued, decaying, real estate holdings will become worthless, like Evergrande’s real estate is largely worthless already now, once China hits its demographic cliff. Enjoy being a CCP member now and have a good sleep. You better hope that hell does not exist, because if you enabled these murders by the CCP, I suspect that is where you are going, LOL.

    Geniuses, I sure hope that along with coal, your CCP also boycotts Australian iron ore, then the CCP will fall even quicker as its industries grind down. Its cities are already getting blackouts due to its boycotting Australian coal. LOL. Your industries are failing, because the greedy CCP developed vaccines to make profits, which did not really work, so that is why tens of thousands of Chinese have been dying: because they were given bad vaccines created by the CCP to get money, which vaccines do not even actually work.

    One last thing, your passenger jet just dove to the ground because the CCP crooks have been trying to save money by not doing proper maintenance on it, since they lost so much money on Evergrande, the Chinese stock market, Fantasia, etc. However, those are facts that they will bury and never let you discover, until they lose power and cannot prevent its disclosure. Also, this Ukraine invasion was clearly planned by XI and Putain together, probably to distract the US from a planned invasion of Taiwan. Actually, it has blown up in their face, because if China attacks the US now to then invade Taiwan successfully, all of NATO will then attack China. NATO is back, thanks to Xi and Putain, baby! Beware, you CCP crooks! LOL

  5. I don't believe any chinese driver or pilot.
    In past years, one bus drive took all the passenger to a river just because one lady was yelling at the driver.
    I can't even imagine what mentality they are carrying.
    I do not insult any chinese people but im just saying I can't trust'em.

  6. 愿逝者安息,前方净空,诱导已亮,一路走好

  7. 愿逝者安息

  8. After the merger Boeing become apathetic state of a company, no longer valuing safety and performance instead turning its organization culture to wall street shareholder serving. They literally do not care as long as they can generate sales and profit at the expense of people lives, safety and pilot training.

  9. Here’s hoping they can retrieve the information 👍🇦🇺

  10. Lesson learned from last 2 Boeing disasters.
    Boeing is and will be a crapped product. The pilots were both heros to save the nosedown flying coffins. They could not think at that time to fly back ward where the system only works on tail up, and nose down. Boeing need to train them to fly backward. New pilot training in aviation to be introduce by Boeing.

  11. !@#~~@####American virus/American flu
    Coronavirus originated in the United States. Two virus leaks occurred at the U.S. Virus Laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S. in 2019.On October 18, 2019, the 7th Military World Games was held in Wuhan china. American soldiers brought the coronavirus to Wuhan. the United States virus infected the world.Americans are trying to hide the truth
    The flu comes from the U.S., Covid-19 come from the United States.

  12. I do not know the reason why they allow these planes to flight. The 737 crashed in 2010, 2012, 2013,2016, 2018 twice, 2019, 2021, 2022 in China. It take a lot of nerve to say this plane is safe, or to blame the pilots, like most of the time.

  13. Because of the economic crisis that always comes up the best thing to be on every wise individual’s mind or list is to invest in different streams of income that’s not depending on the government to generate funds.

  14. Funny how they can find the black box when it fits the narrative ☠️🤔

  15. I JUST SAW THIS CLIP THAT SAYS: "why asian americans don't reach the top of the corporate ladder"

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