29 states in ‘ball game’ of opening ‘relatively soon’: Trump

29 states in ‘ball game’ of opening ‘relatively soon’: Trump

The president also said that some states could reopen “literally tomorrow.”

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41 thoughts on “29 states in ‘ball game’ of opening ‘relatively soon’: Trump

  1. I think Trump and Pence should personally tour these 'ball game' states. Wonder how that would work out? I also doubt you're seeing the state and local administration officials in those states going out and about. It's like a dictator having an official food "taster".

  2. yeah open up all the states up for the bored,whiney fucks..full unemployment is in effect+$600 a week CLEAR….chill out…..hoping for a treatment option?…..no….. a cure plz……fully funded($7 billion)?……………gonna get all your bills paid(PAITENCE?!!?!?!),IT WAS/IS APPROVED/NOT IF…WHEN…CHILL OUT) and make more $ then u were U while working……….bored fuks………….sad…get laid,drunk.high….stay inside and stfu………………..be grateful u aholes…SIK OF THIS RE-OPEN TALK……………RELAX!………..$ IS APPROVED AND COMING…..I KNOW MANY GOT IT NOW,FINALLLY…AND ITS GREAT TO SIT HOME W FAMILY AND CHILL…..GET A HOBBY…

  3. He wants it so bad ok and if it backfires then he needs to take all the blame but knowing him he will probably want to blame the governors 😒😒

  4. Ok guys not enough people died in the first round so we need to reset and GO AGIAN! This time really shake some hands and dont forget to kiss those babies, or if your from over there kiss some hands and shake some babies. Theres no wrong answers anymore so go have fun.

  5. Open up and whoever dare to come out catch the virus and going to be more death. And then Trump going to blame the dead not washing their hands and not doing social distancing.

  6. We are not able to fight COVID-19 or make it go away. We are not able to win this war against Corona virus otherwise there would be no death. We are not able to protect ourselves, or heal ourselves yet, it all has to do with the will of the Loving Creator if He bless us and takes this plague away from us, which we have brought down upon ourselves as the consequence of turning away from the Almighty Creator and being unappreciative of His blessings. That is why we have made up 4200 false, fake and man-made religions whom they only worship dead saints instead of the Almighty's only One Religion. The Almighty has created us from ejected semen, taught us how to walk, and talk and blessed us with provisions, jobs, roof over our heads, health, wealth and protections then He gave us respite. And if we do not appreciate His blessings we only bring unhappiness and disasters upon ourselves like COVID-19. Remember, "Nothing Bad happens to you if you follow His Laws." "No one has power but the Almighty Creator." Do Not let these so called religious leaders and media rape your hearts and souls and mislead you. All of these Judaism, Christianity and Islam are fake and man-made. We have the scientifically proven evidence based on mathematics, the exact science to prove this facts in the court of law.

  7. Grand Opening…😷 Grand Closing…. 💀👀 #StayTune👈

  8. If were going to let the Chinese or the virus bog us down we might as well just lie down and die, or start making noise and not let this virus run your life, I mean think about it many hospitals in these states are not full, so basically there is no virus going on, now for some reason the elderly like nursing homes for some reason is getting hit and many are dying, the thing is why so many at once that is massive, I don't believe this virus is a high risk like these doctor say, this is to put fear into people and its working I look around when I can get out and I just shake my head to see how they got these people scared. Not saying there is'nt a virus but its not that let say potent, so I'm thinking since they say it hits the lungs well who be the better candidates having those conditions thats right the elderly, I say a per centage have that underlying conditions. So were actually sitting around for no reason all because elections are coming up, so we have to suffer for it bc there so bent to get this president out, and they want the power they can taste it, so they can continue to keep us as slaves and take your money. The dems can't win squat with votes bc they never have any agenda to tell the people what they would do, bc they feel they don't have to bc they won't do what they say anyways like always.I remember when I was a teenager I had bad vibes going out to the world was scared, well now with this all happening I guess I was right, and why you would feel scared, bc these jokers all these decades were brainwashing you into fear, well now that I'm a senior I don't give a hoot any more I'm not afraid, I will fight whatever I have left bc of all the misery these asses have put all of us through. I hope to see some type of justice soon and I want to witness at least 1 joker arrested and gone to gitmo or where ever. Just keep in mind anything goes on moving forward its because of the elections and there throwing everything at us. There using this virus as a scare tactic bc people will believe its deadly, it could be but usually to elderly. Those vaccines actually causes the flu not help, its got a little mercury and other toxcins in it, don't worry I did do research and their is a doctor who explained it, what they inject goes into your cells. He said you should take some zinc and vitamin c might be another can't think it.

  9. The entire country needs at least another month, the whole patch work thing of opening some states and others not isn't going to work. Also the curves have only just started stabilizing, meaning we still get ten of thousand new infections everyday. I don't think we should be opening anything until it is actually going significantly downwards

  10. I can’t listen and believe what he’s saying as I’m sure he never thinks…as he has no brain!
    And why is his name on our relief checks? This comes from our hard earned money who paid taxes. He has no right to have his name on our checks since he has never paid taxes!
    This orange orangutan is a liar, unreliable and not normal! I don’t understand his fake news! I can’t stand him! I pray he will lose and be humbled!

  11. It’s too soon to reopen. Millions of people are walking around infected and unaware 🤦‍♀️

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