24-year-old wins $768 million jackpot

24-year-old wins $768 million jackpot

Wisconsin resident Manuel Franco said he has been playing the lottery since he turned 18 and will receive just over $326 million after taxes, officials said.

#Lottery #Jackpot #ABCNews


43 thoughts on “24-year-old wins $768 million jackpot

  1. Is that his g/f in red sweater?😳

  2. I saw a comment on the Internet that said that there is a priest who helps win the lottery in Africa, it was hard to believe because it was ridiculous for me to let people know this secret. But I am a person who believes in spiritual powers because I saw it work when I visited India years ago. All I did was try and I really did win $ 25,000,000 jackpot and my life has changed since I became a winner. I promised the priest that I would tell the world about him because he got me out of bankruptcy … I can't give everyone money but I can give good advice to people to contact this good man to help me with the lottery. … his WhatsApp number his is +2349017716182 and his email address drgabbar95@gmail.com

  3. I saw the press conference. They didn't ask him two questions I'd like to know: quickpick or manual? If manual, did he choose the same numbers regularly? How did he seek out his lawyer and financial advisor/s?

  4. Thought they always advise those winners don’t show your faces or strangers may start knock on your doors.

  5. There is someone impersonating this man on Instagram. I live in Canada, and just this evening received a message from an account with Manuel's name and picture. I was asked to send my name, address, phone #, email and would I like a check (cheque in Canada;) or cash? I tried to report this account to Instagram, but couldn't seem to do it! There is such little accountability to social media platforms. I've looked everywhere for a phone or email contact to Facebook/Instagram and it is non existent. I blocked any further messages as I knew it was too good to be true. Who can I complain to? The next person "they" contact, might not be so smart…Christmas time is a very venerable time for people, especially where money is concerned!

  6. 🤨🤨🤨 fucking peoples

  7. Does anyone know the contact of Manoel Franco? I'm from Brazil and there's someone using his name to steal. This person says that Manoel Franco decided to draw 9 people to donate $ 5,000,000 dollars. Then several email contacts asking for information from the person you are directed to talk to another who claims to be a lawyer for Manoel. He congratulates you and says to deposit the money you have to pay $ 580 dollars which is rules. If anyone knows this Manoel Franco has to warn him of this scam in his name.

  8. 477 million at 24 geez! I’ll be happy if I won 4 million

  9. Омадддддд

  10. Don’t choose lazy girl ok?

  11. Dude yesterday I thought I won 20k and my heart dropped. Imagine winning this much cash. I probably would have needed EMS to come take me to the ER lol

  12. Feel bad for that dude showing his face that's puts him and risk of danger and A Marked Man I heard bad stories about lottery winners if that was me when did that kind of money I will not show my face on TV or speak I will just go about my business as typical and that's a fact

  13. I’m next 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  14. need to hide😁😁😁

  15. He’s hot, hey sweetie hit me up😉

  16. Why did you go public??? 😩😩

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